The book of First Timothy is the fifteenth book of the New Testament. This epistle to First Timothy was written by Paul during the last few years of his life. Timothy was considerable younger than the apostle and he was the son of a Greek Gentile father and had a devout Jewish mother named Eunice. He joined Paul on the second missionary journey and was with him in Corinth, Macedonia, Ephesus, and Jerusalem. This Epistle can be divided into seven parts: The warning about Heresy in doctrine and life. 2) Paul’s personal witness and charge to Timothy. 3) The instructions about prayer and the place of women in the church. 4) The qualifications of Bishops, elders, and deacons. 5) The walk of the good minister of Jesus Christ. 6) The work of good minister. 7) Warnings to a good minister. The author of this book is Paul. Listed below are questions on the book of First Timothy. These questions can be used freely for Sunday school or bible study to help all young Christians study the scriptures. My prayers are with you always and may God bless you in your studies.
I Timothy Chapter 1
1) Who does Paul say is our hope in verse one? (I Timothy 1:1)
2) How does Paul describe Timothy in verse two? (I Timothy 1:2)
3) Why did Paul leave Timothy at Ephesua? (I Timothy 1:3)
4) What characteristics does the gospel of grace bring forth? (I Timothy 1:5)
5) What did Paul say about some of those that turned aside from the simple gospel and were trying to be teachers of the law? (I Timothy 1:6-7)
6) Who did Paul say that the law was made for in these verses? (I Timothy 1:9-10)
7) Why called Paul into the gospel ministry? (I Timothy 1:12)
8) Can you describe Paul’s character before he was saved? (I Timothy 1:13)
9) Can you tell how Paul was saved in these verses? (I Timothy 1:14-15)
10) How did Paul compare himself with other sinners? (I Timothy 1:15)
11) Can you state one reason why Paul obtained mercy? (I Timothy 1:16)
12) What will be one of the rewards for those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? (I Timothy 1:16)
13) What does Paul compare the Christian life to? (I Timothy 1:18)
14) What must be maintained in order to hold the faith in sincerity and truth? (I Timothy 1:19)
15) What discipline did Paul exercise against certain erring brethren? (I Timothy 1:20)
I Timothy Chapter 2
1) Who are Christians to pray for, according to Paul? (I Timothy 2:1-2)
2) Why are Christians to pray for all that, is mentioned in verses one and two? (I Timothy 2:2)
3) What better reason do we have for praying for all men? (I Timothy 2:3)
4) Can you state one motive that should drive us to prayer? (I Timothy 2:4)
5) Who is the Mediator that reveals God’s truth? (I Timothy 2:5)
6) In what ways did Paul serve, after having been redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ? (I Timothy 2:7)
7) Can you list two conditions of prayer in this verse? (I Timothy 2:8)
8) What does Paul say about how women are to dress? (I Timothy 2:9)
9) What does Paul say about women having to teach and the use of authority over the man? (I Timothy 2:12)
10) Can you state one area of life in which God offers protection to the women? (I Timothy 2:15)
I Timothy Chapter 3
1) What is Paul’s evaluation of the ministry of the bishop? (I Timothy 3:1)
2) What is the bishop’s responsibility toward believers regarding Christ? (I Timothy 3:2)
3) Can you list the good moral characteristics of a bishop? (I Timothy 3:2-3)
4) What will be a bishop’s attitude toward money? (I Timothy 3:3)
5) How did Paul describe a bishop’s relationship with his family? (I Timothy 3:2-4)
6) How is a bishop’s relationship with his family related to his serving the church? (I Timothy 3:5)
7) Why should a bishop be a mature Christian man? (I Timothy 3:6)
8) What kind of a reputation must a bishop have? (I Timothy 3:7)
9) What are some personal habits that would disqualify a man as a deacon? (I Timothy 3:8)
10) What other qualifications besides experience must a deacon have? (I Timothy 3:10)
11) What kind of requirements must a deacon’s wife have? (I Timothy 3:11)
12) How must the deacon get along with his own family? (I Timothy 3:12)
13) What is the responsibility of the church of the living God? (I Timothy 3:15)
14) In whom is the “mystery of godliness” revealed inverse sixteen? (I Timothy 3:16)
I Timothy Chapter 4
1) What is the source of inspiration for those who depart from the faith? (I Timothy 4:1)
2) What are they speaking instead of the truth? (I Timothy 4:2)
3) Can you name two false doctrines often proclaimed by these deceivers? (I Timothy 4:3)
4) What reassurance does Paul give concerning meat in these verses? (I Timothy 4:4-5)
5) How was Timothy supposed to combat this apostasy? (I Timothy 4:6)
6) What type of stories are the Christian workers to avoid? (I Timothy 4:7)
7) What aspect of a Christian’s life is more profitable than bodily exercise? (I Timothy 4:8)
8) If a believer lives a life of godliness, what might he expect? (I Timothy 4:10)
9) How may a Christian be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ? (I Timothy 4:12)
10) Can you list the ministries that every good Christian worker should carry on? (I Timothy 4:13)
11) Against what is the Christian warned concerning these spiritual gifts? (I Timothy 4:14)
12) Can you name two areas of life that all Christians must watch? (I Timothy 4:16)
I Timothy Chapter 5
1) How is the Christian worker to treat an elder or bishop? (I Timothy 5:1)
2) What moral quality must characterize a pastor’s dealings with the women of the congregation? (I Timothy 5:2)
3) What respect should be given the widows of the church? (I Timothy 5:3)
4) Can you describe the type of conduct that should be found in a widow’s home? (I Timothy 5:4)
5) What resources does the widow have to help her in times of trouble? (I Timothy 5:5)
6) Why are some living widows in a sense “dead”? (I Timothy 5:6)
7) What is Paul’s opinion of a man who deserts his family? (I Timothy 5:8)
8) How old should a widow be before receiving relief from the church? (I Timothy 5:9)
9) What good deeds would qualify a widow for relief? (I Timothy 5:10)
10) Why should younger widows be omitted from relief rolls? (I Timothy 5:12-13)
11) What kind of future would be better for a younger widow? (I Timothy 5:14)
12) Who should care for the widows in place of the church? (I Timothy 5:16)
13) How are we to care for full-time Christian workers? (I Timothy 5:18)
14) How did Paul say that those who sin must be handled? (I Timothy 5:20)
15) What warning is given here about pressing people hastily into the ministry of the church? (I Timothy 5:22)
16) Who knows about our secret sins? (I Timothy 5:24)
I Timothy Chapter 6
1) How were the slaves, to treat their masters in verse one? (I Timothy 6:1)
2) Whose words are considered wholesome for the Christian? (I Timothy 6:3)
3) What type of conversation comes from the false teacher? (I Timothy 6:4-5)
4) What characteristic along with godliness will profit a Christian? (I Timothy 6:6)
5) Can you describe the perils of riches? (I Timothy 6:9)
6) What one thing is the root of all evil, according to verse ten of this book? (I Timothy 6:10)
7) What happens to those who covet riches, according to verse ten? (I Timothy 6:10)
8) What is the ministry compared to in verse twelve? (I Timothy 6:12)
9) When will the Lord Jesus Christ be revealed in all His power? (I Timothy 6:15)
10) Who is the source of immortality, according to these verses of this book? (I Timothy 6:15-16)
11) Against what temptation are the rich warned? I Timothy 6:17)
12) What way should all Christians be rich in, according to verse eighteen? (I Timothy 6:18)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and under standing of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose