Ezra is the fifteenth book of the bible. The book of Ezra gives an account of the return of some of the Jews from their captivity in Babylon and the rebuilding of their ruined temple. This work was carried out with great difficulty because of the enmity of some of their neighbors and the lack of a spiritual religion among many of the Jews. The book of Ezra can be divided into two parts: 1) The first return under Zerubbabel, and the building of the Second Temple, 2) The Ministry of Ezra. The author of this book is Ezra. Listed below are questions on the book of Ezra. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Ezra Chapter 1
1) Who was Cyrus in verse one of this book? (Ezra 1:1)
2) Why did Cyrus make his proclamation in verse one of this book? (Ezra 1:1)
3) Whose prophecy did Cyrus’s decree fulfill in verse one of this book? (Ezra 1:1)
4) What motivated Cyrus to make his announcement in verse one of this book? (Ezra 1:1)
5) What did Cyrus believe he was appointed to do in verse two of this book? (Ezra 1:2)
6) Who gave Cyrus the authority to build the temple in verse two of this book? (Ezra 1:2)
7) What specific instructions did Cyrus give to the people in these verses? (Ezra 1:3-4)
8) Who was to provide the materials to build the temple in verse four? (Ezra 1:4)
9) Who went to Jerusalem to build the temple in verse five of this book? (Ezra 1:5)
10) What motivated the people of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi to go to Jerusalem? (Ezra 1:5)
11) What specific materials were provided to build the temple in Jerusalem? (Ezra 1:6)
12) Where did King Cyrus get the articles that he provided for the temple? (Ezra 1:7)
13) Who took all of the temple articles from Persia to Jerusalem in these verses? (Ezra 1:8-11)
14) What had been stolen from the temple by Nebuchadnezzar in these verses of this book? (Ezra 1:9-11)
Ezra Chapter 2
1) Why were the Israelites in exile, according to verse one of this chapter? (Ezra 2:1)
2) Where were the Jews held in captivity in verse one of this book? (Ezra 2:1)
3) What did the Israelites do when they were released from captivity? (Ezra 2:1)
4. How did the Jews keep the memories of their homes while in exile? (Ezra 2:1-2)
5) Which families were unable to prove their Jewish heritage in these verses? (Ezra 2:59-60)
6) Why were some of the Israelites excluded from the priesthood in verse sixty-two? (Ezra 2:62)
7) Why were freewill offerings given to the house of the Lord in verse sixty-eight? (Ezra 2:68)
8) What did the Jews do when they reached Jerusalem in these verses of this book? (Ezra 2:68-69)
9) How was the size of each, family’s offering determined by in this verse? (Ezra 2:69)
Ezra Chapter 3
1) What point in Israel’s history did these events take place at in verse one? (Ezra 3:1)
2) Where did the Israelites assemble themselves at, according to verse one? (Ezra 3:1)
3) Who began to build the altar in Jerusalem in verse two of this book? (Ezra 3:2)
4) Why did the Israelites build the altar in verse two of this book? (Ezra 3:2)
5) What were the Israelites obeying by building the altar in verse two? (Ezra 3:2)
6) What did the Israelites have to overcome to build the altar? (Ezra 3:3)
7) Why were the Israelites afraid in verse three? (Ezra 3:3)
8) What were the Israelites afraid of in verse three of this book? (Ezra 3:3)
9) What did the Israelites do when they had completed their building project? (Ezra 3:3)
10) Why did the Israelites celebrate in verse four? (Ezra 3:4)
11) On what occasions was it appropriate to give offerings to the Lord in these verses? (Ezra 3:4-5)
12) What happened after the Feast of Tabernacles in verse five of this book? (Ezra 3:5)
13) What had still not been completed at this point in verse six of this book? (Ezra 3:6)
14) Who was given money to begin restoring the temple in verse seven? (Ezra 3:7)
15) What was given to the people of Sidon and Tyre in verse seven of this book? (Ezra 3:7)
16) What did the people of Sidon and Tyre provide for the Jews in verse seven? (Ezra 3:7)
17) Who authorized the transactions between the Israelites and their neighbors? (Ezra 3:7)
18) When did the work on the temple begin in verse eight of this book? (Ezra 3:8)
19) Who is listed in the passage as working on rebuilding the temple in verse eight? (Ezra 3:8)
20) Who was appointed to supervise the building project in these verses? (Ezra 3:8-9)
21) What happened when the foundation of the temple was laid in verse ten? (Ezra 3:10)
22) What did the priests and the Levites use to praise the Lord in verse ten? (Ezra 3:10)
23) How did Israel praise the Lord in these verses of this book? (Ezra 3:10-11)
24) What motivated the uprising of praise from the Israelites in these verses? (Ezra 3:10-11)
25) How did the older leaders react to the laying of the temple’s foundation? (Ezra 3:12-13)
Ezra Chapter 4
1) Who did Israel build the temple for in verse one? (Ezra 4:1)
2) What did the enemies of Israel hear in verse one of this book? (Ezra 4:1)
3) What is the setting of this story in these verses of this book? (Ezra 4:1-2)
4) What did Israel’s enemies do when they heard about the rebuilding of the temple? (Ezra 4:1-2)
5) Why did Israel’s enemies say they wanted to help build the temple in verse two? (Ezra 4:2)
6) How did Israel’s enemies try to prove that they worshiped the Lord? (Ezra 4:2)
7) How did the Israelite family heads respond to their enemies’ offer? (Ezra 4:3)
8) Why did Israel not want help in rebuilding the temple in verse three? (Ezra 4:3)
9) What did Israel’s enemies do when Israel refused their help in verse four of this book? (Ezra 4:4)
10) How did the enemies of Israel attempt to discourage the rebuilding of the temple? (Ezra 4:4-5)
11) Why were counselors hired in verse five in verse five? (Ezra 4:5)
12) How long did Israel’s enemies try to discourage them from their task in verse five? (Ezra 4:5)
13) At what point in Israel’s history did these events take place in verse six? (Ezra 4:6)
14) Who lodged an accusation against the Israelites in verse six of this book? (Ezra 4:6)
15) Who wrote a letter to Artaxerxes in these verses of this book? (Ezra 4:6-7)
16) Why did Israel’s enemies write a letter to Artaxerxes in these verses? (Ezra 4:8-16)
17) How was Jerusalem described in the letter to Artaxerxes in verse twelve? (Ezra 4:12)
18) What danger was there in Jerusalem, according to Rehum in this verse? (Ezra 4:13)
19) What motivated Rehum and Shimshai to send their letter to the king? (Ezra 4:14)
20) What advice did Rehum give to the king in verse fifteen of this book? (Ezra 4:15)
21) According to Rehum, what would the king’s records reveal about the Jews? (Ezra 4:15)
22) Why was Jerusalem originally destroyed, according to the letter in verse fifteen? (Ezra 4:15)
23) What did Rehum and Shimshai’s letter say would result from Jerusalem’s restoration? (Ezra 4:16)
24) How did the king respond to Rehum and Shimshai’s letter in verse seventeen? (Ezra 4:17)
25) Why did Artaxerxes order the Israelites to stop rebuilding the temple? (Ezra 4:18-22)
26) What did the king’s records reveal about Jerusalem in verse twenty? (Ezra 4:20)
Ezra Chapter 5
1) Who are the prophets in this passage of this verse one? (Ezra 5:1)
2) Whose name did the prophets prophesy in verse one in verse one of this book? (Ezra 5:1)
3) How were Zerubbabel and Jeshua able to start rebuilding the temple again? (Ezra 5:2)
4) Why did the governor and his associates approach Zerubbabel and Jeshua? (Ezra 5:3)
5) What prevented the governor from stopping the work on the temple in verse five? (Ezra 5:5)
6) Who sent a letter to King Darius in verse six of this book? (Ezra 5:6)
7) How did the governor describe Israel’s God in his letter to the king? (Ezra 5:8)
8) What did the letter to the king say about the Israelites’ work on the temple? (Ezra 5:8)
9) Why was a letter sent to the king in these verses? (Ezra 5:8-17)
10) How had the Jewish leaders responded to their enemies’ questions? (Ezra 5:11-16)
11) How did the Jews view themselves and their work in verse eleven of this book? (Ezra 5:11)
12) According to the Jews, why was Israel handed over to their enemies? (Ezra 5:12)
13) What had King Cyrus done for Israel in these verses of this book? (Ezra 5:13-15)
14) What did Tattenai request of King Darius in the letter in verse seventeen? (Ezra 5:17)
Ezra Chapter 6
1) Why were the archives in Babylon searched in verse one of this book? (Ezra 6:1)
2) What was found in the archives of the Babylonian treasury in verse two? (Ezra 6:2)
3) What decree had King Cyrus issued concerning the temple in Jerusalem? (Ezra 6:3-5)
4) What specific instructions were given to those rebuilding the temple? (Ezra 6:3-5)
5) What order did King Darius give to Tatnai and his associates? (Ezra 6:6-7)
6) What additional help did King Darius order the governor to give to the Israelites? (Ezra 6:8-12)
7) How did the king insure that his edict would not be changed in verse eleven? (Ezra 6:11)
8) How did the governor and his associates react to the king’s decree? (Ezra 6:13)
9) Under whose instruction did the work of the Jews prosper in verse fourteen? (Ezra 6:14)
10) When was the temple in Jerusalem completed in verse fifteen of this book? (Ezra 6:15)
11) How did Israel react to the completion of the temple in these verses? (Ezra 6:16-22)
12) Why were priests installed at the temple in verse eighteen of this book? (Ezra 6:18)
13) When and how was Passover celebrated in these verses of this book? (Ezra 6:19-22)
14) How did the restoration of the temple affect those Israelites who had been involved in the unclean practices of their Gentile neighbors? (Ezra 6:21)
15) Why was this Passover celebrated with such great joy in verse twenty-two? (Ezra 6:22)
Ezra Chapter 7
1) How is Ezra described in these verses of these chapters? (Ezra 7:1-6), (Ezra 7:9-11)
2) Why was the king so favorable toward Ezra in verse six? (Ezra 7:6)
3) To what was Ezra devoted in verse ten of this book? (Ezra 7:10)
4) Why had the king given Ezra a letter in these verses of this book? (Ezra 7:11-26)
5) Why was Ezra sent to Jerusalem in verse fourteen of this book? (Ezra 7:14)
6) What gifts did the king give to Ezra to take to Jerusalem in these verses? (Ezra 7:15-17)
7) What was Ezra supposed to do with the gifts that the king gave him? (Ezra 7:17-20)
8) What order did King Artaxerxes give to his treasurers in verse twenty-one? (Ezra 7:21)
9) What limits did the king put on his gifts to Ezra in these verses of this book? (Ezra 7:22-23)
10) What motivated the king to give so generously to Ezra in verse twenty-three? (Ezra 7:23)
11) How was Ezra qualified to appoint leaders to administer justice in the king’s realm? (Ezra 7:25)
12) What punishment did the king prescribe for those who would not obey the laws of God? (Ezra 7:26)
13) How did Ezra react to the king’s giving him so much power and authority? (Ezra 7:27)
14) Whom did Ezra credit for his success in verse twenty-eight? (Ezra 7:28)
15) What action did Ezra take in response to the king’s letter in verse twenty-eight? (Ezra 7:28)
Ezra Chapter 8
1) Where did Ezra and his traveling companions assemble in verse fifteen? (Ezra 8:15)
2) What was Ezra unable to find in his camp in verse fifteen of this book? (Ezra 8:15)
3) Why did Ezra choose these particular men in verse sixteen of this book? (Ezra 8:16)
4) Whom did Ezra send to Iddo and for what reason in these verses of this book? (Ezra 8:16-17)
5) What did the men ask of Iddo, the leader in Casiphia in verse seventeen? (Ezra 8:17)
6) Whom did Ezra credit for the men’s success in verse eighteen of this book? (Ezra 8:18)
7) Why did Ezra proclaim a fast in verse twenty-one? (Ezra 8:21)
8) Why was Ezra ashamed to ask the king for protection in verse twenty-two? (Ezra 8:22)
9) How did God respond to the Israelites’ prayers and fasting in verse twenty-three? (Ezra 8:23)
10) Why did Ezra set apart twelve men in these verses? (Ezra 8:24)
11) What was donated for the house of the Lord in these verses of this book? (Ezra 8:25-27)
12) What specific instructions did Ezra give to the twelve priests in these verses? (Ezra 8:28-29)
13) How was Ezra’s caravan able to travel safely between the Ahava Canal and Jerusalem? (Ezra 8:31)
14) What happened on the fourth day after Ezra and his group arrived in Jerusalem? (Ezra 8:33-34)
15) What did the exiles do upon returning to their homeland in these verses? (Ezra 8:35-36)
Ezra Chapter 9
1) What sin were the Israelites guilty of in these verses of this book? (Ezra 9:1-2)
2) What was wrong with the Israelites’ not being separate from their neighbors? (Ezra 9:1-2)
3) Who initiated a sinful practice among the Israelites in verse two of this book? (Ezra 9:2)
4) How did Ezra react to the news about Israel’s sin in verse three of this book? (Ezra 9:3)
5) Who gathered around Ezra when he was grieving for Israel’s sin in verse four? (Ezra 9:4)
6) What did Ezra do at the evening sacrifice in these verses? (Ezra 9:5-6)
7) Why was Ezra ashamed in verse six of this book? (Ezra 9:6)
8) How did Ezra explain the oppression Israel had experienced in verse seven? (Ezra 9:7)
9) What way had the Lord been gracious to Israel in these verses? (Ezra 9:8-9)
10) How did Ezra view himself in God’s sight in verse nine? (Ezra 9:9)
11) What did Ezra confess to God in verse ten of this book? (Ezra 9:10)
12) Why did the Lord not want the Israelites to intermarry with their neighbors? (Ezra 9:11-12)
13) What blessing did God promise Israel if they obeyed Him in verse twelve? (Ezra 9:12)
14) What did Ezra believe Israel deserved for their sin in verse fourteen? (Ezra 9:14)
15) Why did Ezra feel unfit to stand in the Lord’s presence in verse fifteen? (Ezra 9:15)
Ezra Chapter 10
1) What was Ezra doing in verse one of this book? (Ezra 10:1)
2) Why was Ezra so upset in verse one of this book? (Ezra 10:1)
3) Why did a large crowd gather around Ezra in verse one of this book? (Ezra 10:1)
4) Why did Ezra wait for the Israelites to come up with their own plan to solve their problem? (Ezra 10:1-2)
5) Who offered a ray of hope to the guilt-ridden Israelites in verse two? (Ezra 10:2)
6) What advice did Shechaniah give to the Israelites in verse three of this book? (Ezra 10:3)
7) What role did Ezra play in the repentance of Israel in verse five of this book? (Ezra 10:5)
8) Why did Ezra withdraw from the house of the Lord in verse six? (Ezra 10:6)
9) How was the covenant the Israelites made before God enforced in verse eight? (Ezra 10:8)
10) What specific instructions did Ezra give to the Israelites in these verses? (Ezra 10:10-11)
11) How did the people respond to Ezra’s call to repentance in these verses? (Ezra 10:12-14)
12) Why was the Israelites’ problem not resolved immediately in verse thirteen? (Ezra 10:13)
13) How did the Israelites turn from their sin and reconcile themselves with God in these verses? (Ezra 10:16-17)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose