Second Chronicles is the fourteenth book of the bible. The books of First Chronicles and Second Chronicles formed one book in the old Hebrew Bible. The book of Second Chronicles records several reformations, including the most extended account of any revival in bible history and that was under Hezekiah. This book can be divided into two parts: 1) The reign of Solomon, with a detailed account of the building and dedication of the Temple, 2) The history of Judah from the reign of Rehoboam to the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity. The author of this book is unknown. Listed below are questions on the book of Second Chronicles. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Second Chronicles Chapter 1
1) Who was Solomon’s father in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 1:1)
2) What key event in Solomon’s reign as king does this passage describe? (II Chronicles 1:1-17)
3) Who did Solomon meet with in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 1:2)
4) Where were the location of the meeting with Solomon and the leaders of Israel? (II Chronicles 1:3-6)
5) What was significant about the location of the meeting in these verses? (II Chronicles 1:4-6)
6) What did God say to Solomon when He appeared to him during the night? (II Chronicles 1:7)
7) What did Solomon ask God to give to him in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 1:8-10)
8) What was God’s response to Solomon’s request in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 1:11-12)
9) What did God promise to give to Solomon that was beyond his request? (II Chronicles 1:12)
10) What material possessions did Solomon obtain in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 1:14-17)
Second Chronicles Chapter 2
1. What two buildings did Solomon give orders to build in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 2:1)
2. What preparations for major building projects does this passage describe? (II Chronicles 2:1-18)
3. How did Solomon get the workers to do the construction in these verses? (II Chronicles 2:2 and 17-18)
4) To whom did Solomon send a message requesting assistance in verse three? (II Chronicles 2:3)
5) What material resources did Solomon gather for use in construction? (II Chronicles 2:3-7-9)
6) What did Solomon plan to do in the temple to worship God in verse four? (II Chronicles 2:4)
7) Why did Solomon believe so strongly that a temple must be built? (II Chronicles 2:4-6)
8) How did Solomon feel about his ability to build a temple that would be worthy of God? (II Chronicles 2:5-6)
9) By what means was Solomon going to pay all of Hiram’s workers? (II Chronicles 2:10-15)
10) What did Hiram write in reply to Solomon’s request in these verses? (II Chronicles 2:11-16)
11) Who was the skilled master builder Hiram promised to send to Solomon? (II Chronicles 2:13-14)
Second Chronicles Chapter 3
1) On what site did Solomon build the temple? (II Chronicles 3:1)
2) What temple furnishings does this passage describe? (II Chronicles 3:1), (II Chronicles 4:22)
3) What was the primary resource used for decorating the temple? (II Chronicles 3:5-9)
4) What was sculpted and covered with gold? (II Chronicles 3:10-13)
Second Chronicles Chapter 4
1) What were the key features of the altar in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 4:1)
2) What were the basins and the Sea to be used for in these verses? (II Chronicles 4:4-6)
3) What furniture and furnishings were made specifically for the temple? (II Chronicles 4:7-8 AND 19-22)
4) Who was the master craftsman, and what did he make in these verses? (II Chronicles 4:11-16)
Second Chronicles Chapter 5
1) What did Solomon do with the items that his father, David, had collected for the temple? (II Chronicles 5:1)
2) Whom did Solomon get involved in moving the Ark of the Covenant? (II Chronicles 5:2)
3) When the temple building was completed, what did Solomon move to the site? (II Chronicles 5:2-10)
4) Which group of people physically moved the ark? (II Chronicles 5:5)
5) What did Solomon and the people do as the ark was being moved? (II Chronicles 5:6)
6) Where did Solomon order the Levites to place the ark? (II Chronicles 5:7-9)
7) What was inside the ark? (II Chronicles 5:10)
8) What did the Levites and priests sing as praise to the Lord? (II Chronicles 5:13)
9) How did God show His presence in the temple? (II Chronicles 5:13-14)
Second Chronicles Chapter 6
1) What did Solomon recount for the people on the day the ark was brought up to the temple? (II Chronicles 6:1-11)
2) Whose words are recorded in this passage of these verses in this book? (II Chronicles 6:12-42)
3) What was Solomon’s posture in front of the assembly of people? (II Chronicles 6:13)
4) What did Solomon say to the Lord about the promises made to his father, David? (II Chronicles 6:14-17)
5) What did Solomon say about the idea of God dwelling in the temple he had built? (II Chronicles 6:18-21)
6) What request did Solomon make to God concerning forgiveness? (II Chronicles 6:21-25)
7) What were the people to do when they faced disasters or disease? (II Chronicles 6:26-31)
8) What did Solomon want God to teach each person who prayed to him? (II Chronicles 6:27-31)
9) What did Solomon ask on behalf of the foreign people who came to the temple to pray? (II Chronicles 6:32-33)
10) What provision to be forgiven was made for a person who had disobeyed God? (II Chronicles 6:36-39)
11) What was Solomon’s crowning requests of God concerning the temple? (II Chronicles 6:40-42)
Second Chronicles Chapter 7
1) Why were Solomon and all the people gathered at the new temple in these verses? (II Chronicles 7:1-10)
2) What remarkable events happened after Solomon finished praying in the new temple? (II Chronicles 7:1)
3) Why couldn’t the priests enter the temple in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 7:2)
4) How did all the people respond when they saw what was happening in the temple? (II Chronicles 7:3)
5) What did the people say as they were worshiping the Lord in verse three? (II Chronicles 7:3)
6) What did the people and Solomon give to the Lord as an act of worship? (II Chronicles 7:4)
7) What kind of sacrifice did Solomon offer to the Lord in verse five? (II Chronicles 7:5)
8) What role did the priests and Levites play in the worship in verse six? (II Chronicles 7:6)
9) What did Solomon do when he consecrated the middle part of the courtyard of the temple? (II Chronicles 7:7)
10) For how many days did the Israelites observe the festival? (II Chronicles 7:8)
11) How many total days did the Israelites celebrate and dedicate? (II Chronicles 7:8-9)
12) What attitude did the people return home with in verse ten of this book? (II Chronicles 7:10)
13) To what extent had Solomon accomplished his goals in verse eleven? (II Chronicles 7:11)
14) What memorable experience in Solomon’s life does this passage describe? (II Chronicles 7:11-22)
15) What did the Lord tell Solomon about the effectiveness of his prayers and the building of the temple? (II Chronicles 7:12)
16) What did God promise to do when the people pray in verse fourteen of this book? (II Chronicles 7:14)
17) What promises did God make regarding the prayers said from the temple? (II Chronicles 7:15-16)
18) What promise did the Lord make to Solomon if he was faithful and devoted to the Lord? (II Chronicles 7:17-18)
19) What promise did the Lord make to Solomon if he turned away from God’s commands? (II Chronicles 7:19-22)
20) What would happen to the fabulous temple Solomon had built and dedicated to the Lord if he began to worship and serve other gods? (II Chronicles 7:20-22)
21) Why would God bring disaster on Solomon and Israel in verse twenty-two of this book? (II Chronicles 7:22)
Second Chronicles Chapter 8
1) How many years did it take Solomon to complete the temple and his own palace? (II Chronicles 8:1)
2) What kind of success did Solomon have as king of Israel in these verses? (II Chronicles 8:1-18)
3) What did Solomon do with the villages that Hiram had given to him? (II Chronicles 8:2)
4) Besides rebuilding the villages that Hiram gave him, what building projects did Solomon undertake? (II Chronicles 8:3-6)
5) What groups of people did Solomon conscript into a slave labor force? (II Chronicles 8:7-9)
6) What did Solomon do for his wife (who was also Pharaoh’s daughter)? (II Chronicles 8:11)
7) Why did Solomon not want Pharaoh’s daughter living in David’s palace where the ark of the Lord was kept? (II Chronicles 8:11)
8) What was Solomon’s habit in regard to sacrifices and offerings to the Lord? (II Chronicles 8:12-13)
9) In what ways did Solomon continue the routines that his father had started? (II Chronicles 8:14-15)
10) What did Hiram’s ships obtain for Solomon in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 8:17-18)
Second Chronicles Chapter 9
1) Why did the queen of Sheba visit Solomon in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 9:1)
2) What famous queen’s visit to Solomon is recorded in this passage? (II Chronicles 9:1-12)
3) What did Solomon do that was so impressive to the queen of Sheba in these verses? (II Chronicles 9:2-8)
4) How did the queen of Sheba’s real-life impression of Solomon match up to what she had heard about him? (II Chronicles 9:5-6)
5) What did the queen of Sheba give to Solomon in verse nine of this book? (II Chronicles 9:9)
6) How much did Solomon give to the queen of Sheba in verse twelve? (II Chronicles 9:12)
7) How much gold did Solomon receive each year in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 9:13-14)
8) What did Solomon do with the gold he received in tribute in these verses? (II Chronicles 9:15-16)
9) What expensive decorations did Solomon make for his palace in these verses? (II Chronicles 9:17-20)
10) What exotic items did Solomon’s trading ships bring back to him? (II Chronicles 9:21)
11) How rich was Solomon and the nation of Israel in these verses? (II Chronicles 9:22-28)
12) How long was Solomon king of Israel in verse thirty of this book? (II Chronicles 9:30)
13) When Solomon died, who succeeded him in verse thirty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 9:31)
Second Chronicles Chapter 10
1) Who succeeded Solomon as king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 10:1)
2) What happened to the kingdom that David and Solomon had developed and ruled? (II Chronicles 10:1-11:17)
3) What rival leader returned from Egypt after Solomon died in verse two? (II Chronicles 10:2)
4) What request did Jeroboam make to Rehoboam in verse four of this book? (II Chronicles 10:4)
5) What conflicting advice did Rehoboam get when he sought counsel in making his response to Jeroboam’s request? (II Chronicles 10:6-11)
6) Whose advice did Rehoboam follow when answering the people of Israel? (II Chronicles 10:12-15)
7) How did the people of Israel react to Rehoboam’s promise of harsher treatment? (II Chronicles 10:16-19)
8) What caused Rehoboam to change his mind about going to war against Israel? (II Chronicles 10:1-4)
9) What did Rehoboam do to build defenses for his kingdom? (II Chronicles 10:5-12)
10) Why did the priests and Levites of Israel leave their homes in Israel and move to Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 10:13-17)
Second Chronicles Chapter 11
1) How many warriors did Rehoboam gather at the house of Judah and Benjamin to fight against Israel? (II Chronicles 11:1)
2) What did the Lord God say to Shemaiah and who was he to speak to about these instructions in verse three? (II Chronicles 11:3)
3) How would you summarize the reign of Rehoboam as king in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 11:18-12:16)
4) How many wives did Rehoboam have in verse twenty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 11:21)
5) Which wife did Rehoboam love more than the rest in verse twenty-one? (II Chronicles 11:21)
6) Which of his sons did Rehoboam designate as chief prince and his eventual successor? (II Chronicles 11:22)
Second Chronicles Chapter 12
1) At the height of his success, what did Rehoboam and all of Judah do that brought disaster to the nation? (II Chronicles 12:1)
2) Why did Shishak, the king of Egypt, attack Judah in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 12:2)
3) What did the prophet Shemaiah come and say to Rehoboam in verse five? (II Chronicles 12:5)
4) What was the response of Israel’s leaders to the prophet Shemaiah’s words? (II Chronicles 12:6)
5) What did the Lord do when the leaders humbled themselves in verse seven? (II Chronicles 12:7)
6) What lesson did the Lord want to teach Israel by making them subject to their enemies? (II Chronicles 12:8)
7) What did Shishak take from the temple and the royal palace in verse nine? (II Chronicles 12:9)
8) What changed when Rehoboam humbled himself in verse twelve of this book? (II Chronicles 12:12)
9) How long did Rehoboam reign as king in verse thirteen of this book? (II Chronicles 12:13)
10) Why did Rehoboam do evil in verse fourteen of this book? (II Chronicles 12:14)
Second Chronicles Chapter 13
1) What event during the reign of Abijah does this passage recount? (II Chronicles 13:1-20)
2) Who did Abijah go to war against in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 13:2)
3) What was the difference in size between the armies of Judah and Israel? (II Chronicles 13:3)
4) What did Abijah shout to Jeroboam’s troops to convince them they would not win? (II Chronicles 13:4-12)
5) Why was God on the side of David’s descendants in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 13:5)
6) Who influenced Jeroboam to lead a second rebellion against Solomon’s son after the rebellion against Solomon had failed? (II Chronicles 13:6-7)
7) What idols had Jeroboam substituted for the worship of the true God? (II Chronicles 13:8)
8) How had Jeroboam treated the priests and Levites? (II Chronicles 13:9)
9) What lower standards had Jeroboam instituted by which a man could become a priest? (II Chronicles 13:9)
10) What was the difference between the worship practices of Jeroboam’s priests and the sons of Aaron? (II Chronicles 13:10-11)
11) What was Jeroboam’s battle strategy in verse thirteen of this book? (II Chronicles 13:13)
12) What turned the battle in the favor of Abijah’s army in these verses? (II Chronicles 13:14-18)
13) After the battle, what happened to Jeroboam in verse twenty of this book? (II Chronicles 13:20)
Second Chronicles Chapter 14
1) What happened to Abijah, after the battle in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 14:1)
2) What were some of the successes of Asa’s reign as king in these verses? (II Chronicles 14:2-15)
3) What did Asa do that was right in God’s sight in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 14:2-6)
4) What elements of pagan worship did Asa eliminate from Judah in these verses? (II Chronicles 14:3-5)
5) What were King Asa’s commands to the people of Judah in verse four? (II Chronicles 14:4)
6) What did Asa do during the years of peace to strengthen Judah? (II Chronicles 14:6-7)
7) What did God do for Judah when the people sought God in verse seven? (II Chronicles 14:7)
8) How big was Asa’s army in verse eight of this book in verse eight? (II Chronicles 14:8)
9) What did Asa pray and say to God before his army went into battle? (II Chronicles 14:11)
10) How did Asa see the significance of Judah’s battle against the Cushites? (II Chronicles 14:11)
11) What was the result of Asa’s battle with the Cushites in these verses? (II Chronicles 14:12-15)
Second Chronicles Chapter 15
1) Who came to Asa to bring him a word from the Lord in these verses? (II Chronicles 15:1-2)
2) What did the prophet say to Asa about God’s relationship to him and his nation? (II Chronicles 15:2-7)
3) What was it like in Israel when they did not worship the true God? (II Chronicles 15:3-6)
4) What was the source of the people’s distress in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 15:6)
5) What statement of encouragement did the prophet give to Asa? (II Chronicles 15:7)
6) What kind of action did the statement of encouragement enable Asa to take? (II Chronicles 15:8)
7) Why did Asa gather all the people in Jerusalem in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 15:9-15)
8) What was the covenant into which Asa and all the people entered? (II Chronicles 15:12-15)
9) What happened to the people who would not agree to the covenant? (II Chronicles 15:13)
10) What happened to the people when they sought the Lord? (II Chronicles 15:15)
11) What did Asa do to his grandmother in verse sixteen of this book? (II Chronicles 15:16)
12) What did Asa bring back into the temple in verse eighteen of this book? (II Chronicles 15:18)
13) How long did Judah have peace under king Asa in verse nineteen of this book? (II Chronicles 15:19)
Second Chronicles Chapter 16
1) Who was threatening Asa and the nation of Judah in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 16:1)
2) What portion of Asa’s reign as king does this passage covers in these verses? (II Chronicles 16:1-14)
3) Who did Asa seek help from in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 16:2-3)
4) What did Asa receive for his payment of silver and gold to Ben-Hadad? (II Chronicles 16:4-6)
5) Who was Hanani in verse seven of this book? (II Chronicles 16:7)
6) What message did Hanani deliver to Asa in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 16:7-9)
7) What is the Lord constantly looking for in verse nine of this book? (II Chronicles 16:9)
8) What consequences would Asa and his people suffer for not trusting the Lord? (II Chronicles 16:9)
9) What was Asa’s response to Hanani’s message in verse ten of this book? (II Chronicles 16:10)
10) How was Asa’s response to his foot disease consistent with his approach to other problems in his life? (II Chronicles 16:12)
11) At what point in his reign did Asa die in verse thirteen of this book? (II Chronicles 16:13)
Second Chronicles Chapter 17
1) What did Jehoshaphat do to strengthen Judah against Israel in these verses? (II Chronicles 17:1-2)
2) What kind of a spiritual influence was Jehoshaphat on Judah during the early days of his reign? (II Chronicles 17:1-19)
3) What faithful king did Jehoshaphat compare in his youth to in verse three? (II Chronicles 17:3)
4) Why was the Lord with Jehoshaphat in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 17:3-4)
5) How did the people respond to Jehoshaphat’s leadership in verse five? (II Chronicles 17:5)
6) What did Jehoshaphat do to uproot the false gods in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 17:6)
7) What did Jehoshaphat do to educate the whole nation to know the Law of the Lord? (II Chronicles 17:7-9)
8) What did the surrounding nations think of Judah during this period of time? (II Chronicles 17:10)
9) What nations brought tribute to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah? (II Chronicles 17:11)
10) What fortifications and armed forces did Jehoshaphat develop in these verses? (II Chronicles 17:12-19)
Second Chronicles Chapter 18
1) By what means had Jehoshaphat allied himself with Ahab, king of Israel? (II Chronicles 18:1)
2) How did Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab bring about a prophetic confrontation about Ahab’s death? (II Chronicles 18:1-27)
3) What military campaign did Ahab want Jehoshaphat to undertake with him? (II Chronicles 18:2-3)
4) What was Jehoshaphat’s response to Ahab’s request in these verses? (II Chronicles 18:3-4)
5) Whom did Ahab bring in to ask God’s guidance in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 18:5)
6) Why did Jehoshaphat want to consult another prophet of the Lord? (II Chronicles 18:6)
7) Why didn’t Ahab want to hear from Micaiah in verse seven of this book? (II Chronicles 18:7)
8) What did Ahab’s prophets predict would happen in the battle? (II Chronicles 18:9-11)
9) What was Micaiah’s prophesy from the Lord about the outcome of the battle? (II Chronicles 18:14-22)
10) What did Micaiah prophesy about how the Lord and the angels were planning to bring down Ahab? (II Chronicles 18:18-21)
11) What did Micaiah prophesy would happen to Ahab in verse nineteen? (II Chronicles 18:19)
12) How did Ahab respond to Micaiah and his prophesy in these verses? (II Chronicles 18:23-26)
13) By what means did Micaiah say that his prophesy could be judged as being from God? (II Chronicles 18:27)
14) Who was the king of Israel with whom Jehoshaphat king of Judah went into battle? (II Chronicles 18:28)
15) What was the king of Israel’s plan to avoid being killed in the battle? (II Chronicles 18:29)
16) What did the king of Aram direct his charioteers to do with regard to the king of Israel? (II Chronicles 18:30)
17) What did the charioteers do when they saw Jehoshaphat in verse thirty-one? (II Chronicles 18:31)
18) How did Jehoshaphat avoid being killed by the charioteers? (II Chronicles 18:31-32)
19) By what means was the king of Israel fatally wounded in these verses? (II Chronicles 18:33-34)
Second Chronicles Chapter 19
1) With what question was Jehoshaphat greeted by Jehu the seer when he returned safely to the palace in Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 19:2)
2) Why was the wrath of God upon Jehoshaphat in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 19:2)
3) What good did Jehu commend Jehoshaphat for in verse three of this book? (II Chronicles 19:3)
4) Why did Jehoshaphat venture out among the people throughout the land? (II Chronicles 19:4)
5) What appointments did Jehoshaphat make in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 19:4-8)
6) By what standards were the judges to make their verdicts in verse six? (II Chronicles 19:6)
7) What instructions did Jehoshaphat give to the judges in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 19:6-7)
8) Who was appointed in Jerusalem to administer the law and settle disputes? (II Chronicles 19:8)
9) What warning was to be given to everyone who came before the judges? (II Chronicles 19:10)
10) What was the job of Amariah, the chief priest in verse eleven of this book? (II Chronicles 19:11)
11) What was the job of Zebadiah, the leader of the tribe of Judah? (II Chronicles 19:11)
12) How did Jehoshaphat admonish all of the leaders to act in verse eleven? (II Chronicles 19:11)
Second Chronicles Chapter 20
1) Who attacked Judah and plunged her into war in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 20:1)
2) How did Jehoshaphat prepare the people when he heard of the potential attack? (II Chronicles 20:3)
3) Of what did Jehoshaphat remind the Lord when he prayed in these verses? (II Chronicles 20:6-9)
4) What did Jehoshaphat pray before the gathering of the people in these verses? (II Chronicles 20:6-12)
5) What appeal did Jehoshaphat make to the Lord in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 20:10-12)
6) What happened to Jahaziel while they stood before the Lord in these verses? (II Chronicles 20:13-14)
7) What instructions from the Lord did Jahaziel give the people in these verses? (II Chronicles 20:15-17)
8) How did Jehoshaphat and the people respond after they heard the Lord’s instructions? (II Chronicles 20:18-19)
9) What were Jehoshaphat’s words of encouragement to the people the morning after the Lord gave them instructions? (II Chronicles 20:20)
10) What did the people sing as they marched out to battle in verse twenty-one? (II Chronicles 20:21)
11) What happened as the people sang and praised the Lord in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 20:22)
12) How were the enemies of Israel killed in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 20:23-24)
13) What did Jehoshaphat and the people do when they saw the dead bodies of the enemy soldiers? (II Chronicles 20:25-26)
14) What was the attitude of God’s people when they returned to Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 20:27-28)
15) How did the surrounding nations react when they heard the outcome of the battle? (II Chronicles 20:29-30)
16) How long was Jehoshaphat king of Judah in verse thirty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 20:31)
17) What transition of leadership does this passage describe in this verse? (II Chronicles 20:31)
18) What was the spiritual legacy of Jehoshaphat’s life in verse thirty-two? (II Chronicles 20:32)
19) Despite Jehoshaphat’s good example, how did evil continue to survive in the land? (II Chronicles 20:33)
20) What unwise alliance did Jehoshaphat make in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 20:35-36)
21) Who prophesied against Jehoshaphat’s alliance in verse thirty-seven? (II Chronicles 20:37)
22) What happened to the ships Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah built in verse thirty-seven? (II Chronicles 20:37)
Second Chronicles Chapter 21
1) Who succeeded Jehoshaphat as king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 21:1)
2) How many brothers did Jehoram have in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 21:2)
3) Why did Jehoshaphat give gifts to all of Jehoram’s brothers in verse three? (II Chronicles 21:3)
4) What did Jehoram do to his brothers when he became king in verse four? (II Chronicles 21:4)
5) How long was Jehoram’s reign as king in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 21:5)
6) What kings was Jehoram compared to in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 21:6)
7) Who was Jehoram married to in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 21:6)
8) What did the Lord think of Jehoram’s reign as king in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 21:6)
9) Why didn’t the Lord destroy Judah when it was under the rule of Jehoram? (II Chronicles 21:7)
10) What two cities rebelled against Judah and Jehoram in these verses? (II Chronicles 21:8-11)
11) What words of prophecy and judgment did Elijah deliver to Jehoram? (II Chronicles 21:12-15)
12) Why did the Philistines attack Jehoram in verse sixteen of this book? (II Chronicles 21:16)
13) What was the result of the Philistine attack in verse seventeen of this book? (II Chronicles 21:17)
14) How did Jehoram die in these verses? (II Chronicles 21:18-19)
15. How was Jehoram’s body treated after he died in verse twenty of this book? (II Chronicles 21:20)
Second Chronicles Chapter 22
1) Who was Jehoram’s youngest son in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 22:1)
2) Why was the youngest son selected to succeed the king in verse one? (II Chronicles 22:1)
3) How old was Ahaziah when he became king in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 22:2)
4) How many years did Ahaziah reign as king in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 22:2)
5) Whose ways did Ahaziah follow as king in verse three of this book? (II Chronicles 22:3)
6) Who were the evil influences on Ahaziah in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 22:3-4)
7) What effect did Ahaziah’s parents have on him in these verses? (II Chronicles 22:3-4)
8) With whom did Ahaziah align himself when he went to war in verse five? (II Chronicles 22:5)
9) What event brought Ahaziah’s downfall as king in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 22:6-9)
10) Whom did the Lord anoint to destroy the house of Ahab in verse seven? (II Chronicles 22:7)
11) What did Jehu do to Ahaziah when he found him in verse nine of this book? (II Chronicles 22:9)
12) What relationship did Athaliah have with Ahaziah in verse ten? (II Chronicles 22:10)
13) What did Athaliah do when she heard that Ahaziah was dead in these verses? (II Chronicles 22:10-12)
14) Who was Jehosheba’s husband, and what was his job in verse eleven? (II Chronicles 22:11)
15) How did Jehosheba save Ahaziah’s baby son from being killed? (II Chronicles 22:11-12)
16) How many years was the child Joash hidden while Athaliah ruled the land? (II Chronicles 22:12)
17) Where did Jehoiada and Jehosheba hide the baby, Joash in verse twelve? (II Chronicles 22:12)
Second Chronicles Chapter 23
1) When did Jehoiada make his move to oppose Athaliah in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 23:1)
2) What preparations did Jehoiada make with the Levites in these verses? (II Chronicles 23:1-10)
3) How was the new king Joash presented to the people in verse eleven? (II Chronicles 23:11)
4) What was the reaction of Athaliah when she saw the new king being honored by the people? (II Chronicles 23:12-13)
5) What did the guards do to Athaliah in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 23:14-15)
6) What covenant did Jehoiada, the people, and the king make? (II Chronicles 23:16)
7) What happened to the false gods and idols in verse seventeen? (II Chronicles 23:17)
8) To whom did Jehoiada give the oversight of the temple in verse eighteen? (II Chronicles 23:18)
9) What was the reaction of the people to the installation of the boy king? (II Chronicles 23:20-21)
Second Chronicles Chapter 24
1) How old was Joash when he became king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 24:1)
2) Who were Joash’s spiritual mentor and guide in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 24:2-3)
3) Who had the idea to restore the temple of God in verse four of this book? (II Chronicles 24:4)
4) How did Joash go about gathering the money and building materials for the temple restoration? (II Chronicles 24:5-6)
5) What delayed the temple restoration project in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 24:6)
6) What had happened to the previous furnishings of the temple in verse seven? (II Chronicles 24:7)
7) How did the people respond when given the command and the opportunity to give toward the restoration of the temple? (II Chronicles 24:8-10)
8) For what purposes were the gifts used in refurbishing the temple? (II Chronicles 24:11-14)
9) What happened every day while Jehoiada was living in verse fourteen? (II Chronicles 24:14)
10) What was the legacy of Jehoiada’s life as a priest in these verses? (II Chronicles 24:14-16)
11) What caused Joash to stray away from God in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 24:17-18)
12) How did the people respond to God’s efforts to remind them of the truth? (II Chronicles 24:19)
13) Who did God use as a prophet to confront Joash with his sin in verse twenty? (II Chronicles 24:20)
14) Who was Zechariah’s father in verse twenty of this book? (II Chronicles 24:20)
15) What did Joash do to Zechariah in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 24:21-22)
16) What had Joash forgotten about Zechariah’s father in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 24:22)
17) What did Zechariah say as he lay dying in verse twenty-two of this book? (II Chronicles 24:22)
18) How did God punish Judah for their evil actions in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 24:23-24)
19) How did Joash die in verse twenty-five of this book? (II Chronicles 24:25)
20) Who were the conspirators who killed Joash after he was wounded in battle? (II Chronicles 24:26)
Second Chronicles Chapter 25
1) Who succeeded Joash as king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 25:1)
2) How devoted to the Lord was Amaziah in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 25:2)
3) What did Amaziah do to avenge the death of his father? (II Chronicles 25:3)
4) What did the Law of Moses command about punishing sons or fathers for each others’ sins? (II Chronicles 25:4)
5) Who did Ahaziah hire to serve in his army in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 25:6)
6) What warning did the man of God give to Ahaziah about blending his army with the men from Israel? (II Chronicles 25:7-8)
7) What did Ahaziah do about the men he had hired for his army in these verses? (II Chronicles 25:9-10)
8) How did Ahaziah’s smaller army fare in their battle against the men of Seir? (II Chronicles 25:11-12)
9) How did Ahaziah stray from the Lord upon returning home victorious from battle? (II Chronicles 25:14-15)
10) How did Ahaziah respond when he was confronted by the prophet? (II Chronicles 25:16)
11) How did Jehoash trick Ahaziah into meeting him in battle in these verses? (II Chronicles 25:17-21)
12) What role did God play in Jehoash’s defeat of Ahaziah in verse twenty? (II Chronicles 25:20)
13) What was the outcome of the direct confrontation between the armies of Judah and Israel? (II Chronicles 25:21-22)
14) What damage did Jehoash do to Jerusalem and the temple in these verses? (II Chronicles 25:23-24)
15) How did Ahaziah finish out his life in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 25:25-28)
Second Chronicles Chapter 26
1) Who succeeded Ahaziah as king in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 26:1-4)
2) What was the spiritual reputation of Uzziah in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 26:5)
3) Who was Uzziah’s spiritual mentor and instructor in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 26:5)
4) What success did Uzziah have in establishing his kingdom in these verses? (II Chronicles 26:6-8)
5) What building projects did Uzziah undertake in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 26:9-10)
6) What were the numbers and capabilities of Uzziah’s army in these verses? (II Chronicles 26:11-15)
7) What led to Uzziah’s downfall in verse sixteen of this book in verse sixteen? (II Chronicles 26:16)
8) What did Uzziah do in the temple that displeased the Lord in these verses? (II Chronicles 26:16-18)
9) What happened to Uzziah when he became angry at the priests for rebuking him? (II Chronicles 26:19)
10) How did having leprosy change Uzziah’s life in verse twenty-one? (II Chronicles 26:21)
11) Where else in the Bible is the story of Uzziah told in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 26:22)
Second Chronicles Chapter 27
1) Who succeeded Uzziah as king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 27:1)
2) How old was Jotham when he became king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 27:1)
3) How long did Jotham reign in verse one? (II Chronicles 27:1)
4) What way was Jotham like his father in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 27:2)
5) In what significant way did Jotham’s actions differ from his father’s? (II Chronicles 27:2)
6) What were the religious practices of the people during Jotham’s reign? (II Chronicles 27:2)
7) What building projects did Jotham undertake in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 27:3-4)
8) What nation did Jotham conquer in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 27:5)
9) Why did Jotham grow powerful in verse six? (II Chronicles 27:6)
10) Who succeeded Jotham as king of Judah in verse nine of this book? (II Chronicles 27:9)
Second Chronicles Chapter 28
1) What religious atmosphere marked the reign of Ahaz in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 28:1-4)
2) What type of evil practices and idol worship were instituted by Ahaz in these verses? (II Chronicles 28:1-4)
3) What evil practice regarding children did Ahaz practice and promote? (II Chronicles 28:3)
4) How did God punish Ahaz in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 28:5-8)
5) What cruel acts did the armies of Israel commit against the leaders and people of Judah? (II Chronicles 28:6-8)
6) What did the prophet, Oded, say to armies returning to Samaria? (II Chronicles 28:9-11)
7) Why would it be wrong for Israel to take the people of Judah into captivity? (II Chronicles 28:10-11)
8) Who stepped forward to urge the army of Israel to do the right thing? (II Chronicles 28:12-13)
9) What did the soldiers do with their prisoners in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 28:14-15)
10) From whom did Ahaz seek help in verse sixteen of this book? (II Chronicles 28:16)
11) What problems was Ahaz having because of his unfaithfulness to the Lord? (II Chronicles 28:17-18)
12) What humiliation (on top of what he had already suffered) did Ahaz face because of his stubborn disobedience? (II Chronicles 28:19-20)
13) What “solutions” did Ahaz seek to his problems with his enemies? (II Chronicles 28:21-23)
14) Why did Ahaz worship Aram’s gods in verse twenty-three of this book? (II Chronicles 28:23)
15) What did Ahaz do to the temple and its furnishings in verse twenty-four? (II Chronicles 28:24)
16) What did Ahaz do to spread the false religions in verse twenty-five? (II Chronicles 28:25)
17) What honor traditionally given to kings was denied to Ahaz in verse twenty-seven? (II Chronicles 28:27)
Second Chronicles Chapter 29
1) What major changes did Hezekiah make when he became king in these verses? (II Chronicles 29:1-36)
2) What was Hezekiah’s relationship with the Lord in verse two of this book? (II Chronicles 29:2)
3) What did Hezekiah have to do to restore the temple in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 29:3-5 and 15-17)
4) What did Hezekiah instruct the priests and Levites to do in verse five? (II Chronicles 29:5)
5) What had the previous generation done to the temple that displeased the Lord? (II Chronicles 29:6-7)
6) How did God punish the people for their disobedience in these verses? (II Chronicles 29:8-9)
7) In what mission did Hezekiah encourage the priests and Levites to join him? (II Chronicles 29:10-11)
8) What did the priests and Levites do to purify and consecrate the temple? (II Chronicles 29:15-19)
9) What type of sacrifices did Hezekiah and the priests make to the Lord? (II Chronicles 29:20-24)
10) Why was the blood of the goats presented on the altar in verse twenty-four? (II Chronicles 29:24)
11) What did the people do as the burnt offering was being sacrificed to the Lord? (II Chronicles 29:27-28)
12) What did Hezekiah and all the people do after the offerings were finished? (II Chronicles 29:29-30)
13) What were the three types of offerings the people brought to the Lord? (II Chronicles 29:31)
14) How numerous were the offerings the people brought to the Lord in these verses? (II Chronicles 29:32-35)
15) To whom did Hezekiah give credit for the rapid restoration of the temple worship according to God’s commands? (II Chronicles 29:36)
Second Chronicles Chapter 30
1) Who did Hezekiah send invitations to come to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration to in verse one? (II Chronicles 30:1)
2) What special celebration did Hezekiah reinstitute in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 30:1-3)
3) Why hadn’t the Passover been celebrated at the traditional time of year? (II Chronicles 30:3)
4) What reasons did Hezekiah give in his letter for why people should come to the temple in a spirit of repentance? (II Chronicles 30:6-9)
5) How were the couriers bearing the invitation received by the people in these verses? (II Chronicles 30:10-12)
6) What did the crowd of people do to the altars of false gods when they gathered in Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 30:13-14)
7) What did the priests and Levites do with the blood of the Passover lamb in these verses? (II Chronicles 30:15-17)
8) Why did Hezekiah pray to the Lord on behalf of the people of Manasseh, Ephraim, Issachar, and Zebulun? (II Chronicles 30:18)
9) What attitude in the people did Hezekiah ask the Lord to accept in spite of their ceremonial cleanliness? (II Chronicles 30:19)
10) How did the Lord respond to Hezekiah’s prayer in verse twenty of this book? (II Chronicles 30:20)
11) How did the Levites perform as they reinstituted the Passover celebration? (II Chronicles 30:22)
12) What was the attitude of the people as the Passover celebration ended? (II Chronicles 30:25-26)
13) How did God respond to the prayers of the priests in verse twenty-seven? (II Chronicles 30:27)
Second Chronicles Chapter 31
1) What did the people do to the idols and false gods as they left to return home? (II Chronicles 31:1)
2) What were the duties of the various divisions of priests and Levites as assigned by Hezekiah? (II Chronicles 31:2)
3) Where did Hezekiah get the required offerings for the appointed feasts in the temple? (II Chronicles 31:3)
4) How did Hezekiah make sure that the priests and Levites had time to do their jobs properly? (II Chronicles 31:4)
5) What was the response of the people when Hezekiah called on them to bring the required portion of their wealth for the support of the priests? (II Chronicles 31:5-7)
6) How did Hezekiah and his officials respond to the generosity of the people in verse eight? (II Chronicles 31:8)
7) What did the chief priest tell Hezekiah about the abundance piled up in heaps around the temple? (II Chronicles 31:9-10)
8) What organizational structure did Hezekiah put in place for taking care of the goods that were brought by the people? (II Chronicles 31:11-13)
9) What sort of distribution system was developed to get the provisions to all of the priests? (II Chronicles 31:14-15)
10) Whose needs were provided through the administrators of the offerings in these verses? (II Chronicles 31:16-19)
11) What qualities characterized all of Hezekiah’s actions as king, especially in relation to the temple worship? (II Chronicles 31:20-21)
Second Chronicles Chapter 32
1) Who was the king of Assyria that went to Judah and encamped against the fenced cities? (II Chronicles 32:1)
2) What did Hezekiah do when he saw that Sennacherib was preparing to fight against Jerusalem in these verses? (II Chronicles 32:3-6)
3) What did Hezekiah say to the people in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 32:7-8)
4) Who did Hezekiah say would deliver them from the hand of the King of Assyria? (II Chronicles 32:11)
5) What did Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah do, according to verse twenty of this book? (II Chronicles 32:20)
6) What was the occasion of Hezekiah’s prayer to the Lord in verse twenty-four? (II Chronicles 32:24)
7) How did the Lord respond to Hezekiah’s prayer in verse twenty-four of this book? (II Chronicles 32:24)
8) What kind of attitude did Hezekiah display after he was healed? (II Chronicles 32:25)
9) What kept Hezekiah and the people from being under the wrath of God? (II Chronicles 32:26)
10) What did Hezekiah do with all of his wealth and power in these verses? (II Chronicles 32:27-30)
11) What remarkable engineering feat had Hezekiah accomplished while he was king? (II Chronicles 32:30)
12) How did God test Hezekiah in verse thirty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 32:31)
13) What famous Bible prophet wrote about Hezekiah in verse thirty-two? (II Chronicles 32:32)
14) What did the people think of Hezekiah when he died in verse thirty-three? (II Chronicles 32:33)
15) Who succeeded Hezekiah as king in verse thirty-three of this book? (II Chronicles 32:33)
Second Chronicles Chapter 33
1) How old was Manasseh when he became king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 33:1)
2) What direction did Manasseh take the nation spiritually in verse two? (II Chronicles 33:2)
3) How did Manasseh undo his father’s work in verse three of this book? (II Chronicles 33:3)
4) How did Manasseh desecrate the temple as a place of worship? (II Chronicles 33:4-5)
5) What evil acts did Manasseh commit personally in verse ten of this book? (II Chronicles 33:6)
6) How did Manasseh’s actions defy the conditions of the promises God had made to David and Solomon? (II Chronicles 33:7-8)
7) How did the paganism of Judah under Manasseh compare to what had existed before God gave the land to His people? (II Chronicles 33:9)
8) How did Manasseh respond to warnings from the Lord in verse ten of this book? (II Chronicles 33:10)
9) How did the Lord punish Manasseh for his sins in verse eleven? (II Chronicles 33:11)
10) How did Manasseh change when he was taken into captivity in verse twelve? (II Chronicles 33:12)
11) What happened to Manasseh while he was being punished in these verses? (II Chronicles 33:12-13)
12) How did the Lord answer Manasseh’s prayer in verse thirteen of this book? (II Chronicles 33:13)
13) What did the new Manasseh build and destroy in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 33:14-16)
14) How did the people use the altars previously used for worshiping false gods? (II Chronicles 33:17)
15) Who succeeded Manasseh as king, and how long was his reign in these verses? (II Chronicles 33:20-21)
16) What spiritual leadership did Amon provide in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 33:22)
17) How was Amon different from his father in verse twenty-three of this book? (II Chronicles 33:23)
18) What ended Amon’s reign as king in verse twenty-four of this book? (II Chronicles 33:24)
Second Chronicles Chapter 34
1) How old was Josiah when he became king in verse one of this book? (II Chronicles 34:1)
2) What kind of spiritual leadership did Josiah give the nation in verse two? (II Chronicles 34:2)
3) When did Josiah begin to search for God in verse three of this book? (II Chronicles 34:3)
4) What symbols and evidences of false gods did Josiah destroy in these verses? (II Chronicles 34:3-4)
5) What did Josiah do in an attempt to remove the guilt of the people for their previous idol worship? (II Chronicles 34:5)
6) How extensive were Josiah’s efforts to clean up the nation in these verses? (II Chronicles 34:6-7)
7) What did Josiah send via trusted messengers to enable the high priest to repair the temple? (II Chronicles 34:8-9)
8) What did Josiah do to repair the temple in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 34:8-11)
9) What skilled tradesmen were hired to work on rebuilding the temple? (II Chronicles 34:10-11)
10) What roles did the Levites fill in the temple restoration and worship? (II Chronicles 34:12-13)
11) What did Hilkiah find in the temple in verse fourteen of this book? (II Chronicles 34:14)
12) What was important about the old scroll in verse fourteen of this book? (II Chronicles 34:14)
13) What discovery changed Josiah and his nation in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 34:14-33)
14) Who did the high priest give the scroll to when he found it in verse fifteen? (II Chronicles 34:15)
15) How did Shaphan break the news to the king about the scroll in these verses? (II Chronicles 34:16-18)
16) How did Josiah react to hearing God’s law read aloud in verse nineteen? (II Chronicles 34:19)
17) What did Josiah send his men to do at the temple in these verses? (II Chronicles 34:20-21)
18) Why was God’s anger being poured out on Judah in verse twenty-one? (II Chronicles 34:21)
19) Who did Josiah’s men go to see about God’s message for them in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 34:22)
20) What was the bad news in the prophecy in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 34:24-25)
21) What was the good news in the prophecy in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 34:26-28)
22) How had Josiah’s reaction to hearing God’s Word influenced God’s response? (II Chronicles 34:27)
23) To whom did Josiah first read the scroll in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 34:29-30)
24) What pledge did Josiah make to the Lord in verse thirty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 34:31)
25) What did Josiah require the people to do in verse thirty-two of this book? (II Chronicles 34:32)
26) How did Josiah and the people live after reading the scroll in verse thirty-three? (II Chronicles 34:33)
Second Chronicles Chapter 35
1) What special celebration did Josiah reinstitute in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 35:1-19)
2) What were the priests and Levites to do in preparation for the Passover? (II Chronicles 35:2-6)
3) How were the priests and Levites to handle the sacred ark in verse three? (II Chronicles 35:3)
4) What three actions were the Levites to perform in verse six of this book? (II Chronicles 35:6)
5) What did Josiah provide for the Passover in verse seven of this book? (II Chronicles 35:7)
6) What did the officials provide for the Passover in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 35:8-9)
7) What was done to the Passover lambs in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 35:11-12)
8) What offerings were prepared for the people to eat in these verses? (II Chronicles 35:12-14)
9) What did the musicians and gatekeepers do in verse fifteen of this book? (II Chronicles 35:15)
10) How long had it been since the Passover celebration had been observed exactly according to God’s command? (II Chronicles 35:18)
11) What confrontation did Josiah have with the king of Egypt in these verses? (II Chronicles 35:20-21)
12) What mistake did Josiah make when he decided to fight Necho in verse twenty-two? (II Chronicles 35:22)
13) How was Josiah killed in these verses of this book? (II Chronicles 35:23-24)
Second Chronicles Chapter 36
1) How long did Jehoahaz reign in verse two? (II Chronicles 36:2)
2) Who dethroned Jehoahaz in verse three of this book? (II Chronicles 36:3)
3) How long did Jehoiakim reign in verse five of this book? (II Chronicles 36:5)
4) What was Jehoiakim’s spiritual influence on the nation in verse five? (II Chronicles 36:5)
5) Who conquered Jehoiakim and took him into captivity in these verses? (II Chronicles 36:6-7)
6) How long did Jehoiachin reign in verse nine of this book? (II Chronicles 36:9)
7) Who deposed Jehoiachin from his throne in verse ten of this book? (II Chronicles 36:10)
8) How long did Zedekiah reign in verse eleven of this book? (II Chronicles 36:11)
9) What was Zedekiah’s spiritual influence on the nation in these verses? (II Chronicles 36:12-14)
10) How did the people respond to God’s messengers in these verses? (II Chronicles 36:15-16)
11) Who did God raise up to destroy Jerusalem in verse seventeen of this book? (II Chronicles 36:17)
12) What did Nebuchadnezzar do to the city and the people of Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 36:18-20)
13) How long were the Jews in exile in Babylon in verse twenty-one of this book? (II Chronicles 36:21)
14) Who gave permission for the Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem? (II Chronicles 36:22-23)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose