Jeremiah is the twenty-fourth book of the bible. Jeremiah is sometimes called “the weeping prophet.” He prophesied in the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, and continued to prophesy up to the carrying away of Jerusalem captives. Jeremiah faithfully proclaimed the word of the Lord, calling on Jerusalem to repent and turn from their sins. When the remnant left in Judah, by Nebuchadnezzar fled to Egypt, they took Jeremiah with them, and he probably died there. The book of Jeremiah can be divided into three parts: 1) The prophecies of judgment on Judah, 2) The prophecies concerning foreign nations, 3) The historical supplement. The author of this book is Jeremiah. Listed below are questions on the book of Jeremiah. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Jeremiah Chapter 1
1) How is Jeremiah identified at the beginning of the book bearing his name in verse one? (Jeremiah 1:1)
2) How long did Jeremiah serve as a prophet to Judah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 1:2-3)
3) How did God announce to Jeremiah that he was chosen as a prophet in verse five? (Jeremiah 1:5)
4) What was Jeremiah’s assessment of his own abilities in relation to God’s call in verse six of this book? (Jeremiah 1:6)
5) How did God respond to Jeremiah’s reservations, according to verse seven? (Jeremiah 1:7)
6) What promise did God make to Jeremiah from the outset of his ministry in verse eight? (Jeremiah 1:8)
7) What action did God transform Jeremiah into His mouthpiece by, according to verse nine? (Jeremiah 1:9)
8) How did God describe Jeremiah’s mission as prophet in verse ten of this book? (Jeremiah 1:10)
9) What symbol did God show Jeremiah that He was watching both Jeremiah and the people of Judah by in verses eleven and twelve? (Jeremiah 1:11-12)
10) What did the boiling pot tilting away from the north symbolize in these verses? (Jeremiah 1:13-15)
11) What sins had caused God to execute judgment on Judah by means of the peoples from the north in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 1:16)
12) What consequences did God promise if Jeremiah did not say what He commanded in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 1:17)
13) What did God promise his prophet, although He predicted that the people would oppose Jeremiah in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 1:19)
Jeremiah Chapter 2
1) What did God remind Judah about her history with God was through Jeremiah the prophet in these first three verses? (Jeremiah 2:1-3)
2) What acts had God performed on behalf of His people only to be answered by disobedience in verses six and seven? (Jeremiah 2:6-7)
3) What two sins did God say His people had committed, according to verse thirteen? (Jeremiah 2:13)
4) How was Israel being humiliated because of her disobedience in these verses? (Jeremiah 2:14-16)
5) Why were terrible things happening to God’s people, according to verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 2:17)
6) What attitude did the people of Judah fail to have toward the Lord in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 2:19)
7) What two pictures from the practice of farming did Jeremiah use to illustrate Judah’s rebellion in these verses? (Jeremiah 2:20-21)
8) What animal behavior did God compare the behavior of Judah to in verses twenty-three and twenty-four? (Jeremiah 2:23-24)
9) What did Jeremiah compare the disgrace of Israel to in verse twenty-six of this book? (Jeremiah 2:26)
10) How did Israel respond to God’s correction in verses twenty-nine and thirty? (Jeremiah 2:29-30)
11) What did God compare Israel’s abandonment of God to in these verses? (Jeremiah 2:31-32)
12) What sin did God find Judah guilty of, besides spiritual prostitution in these verses? (Jeremiah 2:33-34)
Jeremiah Chapter 3
1) What behavior on the part of Israel made it unthinkable that God would return to her in these verses? (Jeremiah 3:1-3)
2) How did Judah’s talk contrast with her behavior, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 3:4-5)
3) What did God tell Jeremiah that Israel had done, with Judah looking on in verses six and seven? (Jeremiah 3:6-7)
4) What was the nature of Judah’s “return” to God, according to verse ten? (Jeremiah 3:10)
5) How did Israel and Judah compare in God’s estimation in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 3:11)
6) What did God promise to Israel if they would acknowledge their guilt before Him in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 3:12-13)
7) Who did God promise to choose and bring to Jerusalem, according to verse fourteen? (Jeremiah 3:14)
8) What kind of leaders did God intend to give to His faithful remnant in verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 3:15)
9) What striking differences did God predict between the day of His salvation and Jeremiah’s day in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 3:17-18)
10) What kind of relationship did God originally intend to have with Israel and Judah in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 3:19)
11) What did God compare Israel’s unfaithfulness to, according to verse twenty? (Jeremiah 3:20)
12) What “cry” did Jeremiah foresee from the people of Israel in verse twenty-one? (Jeremiah 3:21)
13) What do the people come to confess and acknowledge about them selves in Jeremiah’s vision in these verses? (Jeremiah 3:22-25)
Jeremiah Chapter 4
1) What did God require of Israel in order to bless them and, through them, all the nations in verses one and two of this book? (Jeremiah 4:1-2)
2) What did Jeremiah say the people could do to avert God’s wrath in these verses? (Jeremiah 4:3-4)
3) What did Jeremiah predict that Judah would need to do in the near future in these verses? (Jeremiah 4:5-6)
4) What wild animal did Jeremiah compare the attack by the people from the north to in verse seven? (Jeremiah 4:7)
5) What was the appropriate response of Judah to God’s anger, according to verse eight? (Jeremiah 4:8)
6) Who did Jeremiah predict would lose courage when the Lord’s judgment came in verse nine? (Jeremiah 4:9)
7) What deception was current in Jerusalem because people took God’s goodness for granted and believed the false prophets in verse ten? (Jeremiah 4:10)
8) What would the people learn about the purpose of God’s judgment when it was already descending on them in verses eleven and twelve? (Jeremiah 4:11-12)
9) What could Jerusalem do to be saved, even as the invading army was announced in these verses? (Jeremiah 4:13-17)
10) What brought the terrible judgment of God on Judah, according to verse eighteen? (Jeremiah 4:18)
11) How did Jeremiah feel about knowing the fate of his people, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 4:19-21)
12) How did God evaluate the moral fiber of His own people in verse twenty-two? (Jeremiah 4:22)
13) How complete was the destruction foreseen by Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 4:23-26)
14) What element of hope God give Jeremiah, though God promised a fearsome judgment, in verse twenty-seven? (Jeremiah 4:27)
15) How do we know that God was not judging on a whim in verse twenty-eight? (Jeremiah 4:28)
16) Though Judah “adorned herself” to win the favor of powerful nations, how did God say she would end up in verses thirty and thirty-one? (Jeremiah 4:30-31)
Jeremiah Chapter 5
1) What condition did God say He would forgive the city of Jerusalem on, according to verse one? (Jeremiah 5:1)
2) What words on the part of the Israelites did God discern as a lie in verse two of this book? (Jeremiah 5:2)
3) How did Jeremiah report that the people responded to the Lord’s rebuke in verse three? (Jeremiah 5:3)
4) How did Jeremiah try to give the leaders the benefit of the doubt in verses four and five? (Jeremiah 5:4-5)
5) Why did Jeremiah predict vicious attacks by wild animals, according to verse six? (Jeremiah 5:6)
6) What sins provoked God to punish Israel, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 5:7-9)
7) What limitation did God place on the destruction of Israel and Judah in verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 5:10-11)
8) How did the people deceive themselves about God and His prophets in these verses? (Jeremiah 5:12-13)
9) What did God say Jeremiah’s words would be to the people of Israel and Judah in verse fourteen? (Jeremiah 5:14)
10) How did God specify the manner in which He would punish Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 5:15-17)
11) What way did Israel’s punishment fit the offense in, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 5:18-19)
12) What was wrong with the people’s perspective in verses twenty through twenty-two of this book? (Jeremiah 5:20-22)
13) Why did the harvests fail in Judah, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 5:23-25)
14) What were the characteristics of the wicked people condemned by Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 5:26-29)
15) What was the shocking condition of the people of Israel during Jeremiah’s time in verses thirty and thirty-one? (Jeremiah 5:30-31)
Jeremiah Chapter 6
1) What warning did Jeremiah issue to the people of Jerusalem in the first three verses? (Jeremiah 6:1-3)
2) What plans did Jeremiah envision being made by invaders in verses four and five? (Jeremiah 6:4-5)
3) What did Jeremiah say would happen if the people didn’t heed his warning in these verses? (Jeremiah 6:6-8)
4) When Babylon finished “gleaning” the vine of Israel, how many would be left in verse nine? (Jeremiah 6:9)
5) What kind of response did Jeremiah get to his prophecies, according to verse ten? (Jeremiah 6:10)
6) What did Jeremiah predict would happen when God judged the world in these verses? (Jeremiah 6:11-12)
7) How had the prophets and priests sinned against God, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 6:13-15)
8) What did God recommend that the people ask for in verse sixteen of this book? (Jeremiah 6:16)
9) What did God’s appointed watchmen tell the people in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 6:17)
10) What did God call the rest of the earth to observe about Israel in verses eighteen and nineteen? (Jeremiah 6:18-19)
11) How did God view the sacrifices and expensive incense offered by Israel and Judah in verse twenty? (Jeremiah 6:20)
12) What did God say would cause many people to stumble, according to verse twenty-one? (Jeremiah 6:21)
13) How did Jeremiah describe the invading army of Babylon in these verses? (Jeremiah 6:22-23)
14) How did Jeremiah predict that people would react to the invaders in these verses? (Jeremiah 6:24-26)
15) How did Israel respond to God’s refining, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 6:27-30)
Jeremiah Chapter 7
1) What specific place did God tell Jeremiah to deliver his prophecy in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 7:1-2)
2) What did the people need to do in order to continue to live in their land in peace in verses two and three? (Jeremiah 7:2-3)
3) What had the people been taking for granted as a sign of their permanent standing with God in verse four? (Jeremiah 7:4)
4) What specific changes was God looking for in the behavior of the people of Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 7:5-7)
5) How was Israel demonstrating double-mindedness in relation to God in verses nine and ten? (Jeremiah 7:9-10)
6) What did God say about the attitude the people had developed toward the temple in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 7:11)
7) How did the former worship place at Shiloh provide an example for Jerusalem in Jeremiah’s day in these verses? (Jeremiah 7:12-15)
8) Why did God tell Jeremiah not even to pray for the people, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 7:16-18)
9) Who suffered the greatest harm from the evil deeds of Israel in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 7:19)
10) How long had God been trying to communicate that He was more interested in the attitude of the heart than in empty actions in these verses? (Jeremiah 7:21-26)
11) What symbolic action was Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s rejection of the people by in verses twenty-eight and twenty-nine? (Jeremiah 7:28-29)
12) What was going on at Topheth that was detestable to God in verses thirty and thirty-one? (Jeremiah 7:30-31)
13) What event did Jeremiah predict for Topheth in the future, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 7:32-34)
Jeremiah Chapter 8
1) What horrible things did Jeremiah say would happen under the “sun and the moon and all the stars of heaven” which the people had made into gods in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 8:1-2)
2) What curse would all the survivors of the invasion have in common in verse three of this book? (Jeremiah 8:3)
3) What ways did Israel’s stubbornness seem “unnatural” to God in, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 8:4-7)
4) Who was guilty of greed, deceit, and minimizing Israel’s predicament in verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 8:10-11)
5) What attitude did God expect but fail to find in the people of Israel in verse twelve? (Jeremiah 8:12)
6) What did God determine to take away from Israel in verse thirteen of this book? (Jeremiah 8:13)
7) What was the cry of the people in the face of God’s judgment in these verses? (Jeremiah 8:14-16)
8) What did God compare His instruments of judgment to in verse seventeen of this book? (Jeremiah 8:17)
9) What was the cry of Jeremiah’s heart as he contemplated the judgments he was announcing in these verses? (Jeremiah 8:18-21)
10) What was God’s answer to Jeremiah’s pleading in verse nineteen of this book? (Jeremiah 8:19)
11) What was Jeremiah’s fervent wish for Israel, according to verse twenty-two? (Jeremiah 8:22)
Jeremiah Chapter 9
1) Why did Jeremiah want to separate himself from his people, in spite of his sadness for them in the first two verses? (Jeremiah 9:1-2)
2) What warning did Jeremiah receive from God concerning the people among whom he lived, according these verses? (Jeremiah 9:4-6)
3) What was it about the words of the people that displeased God in these verses? (Jeremiah 9:7-9)
4) What did God reveal to Jeremiah about the desolation of the land in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 9:10-16)
5) What were some of the illustrations of grief and destruction given in Jeremiah’s prophecy in these verses? (Jeremiah 9:17-22)
6) What is the only boast that has legitimacy with God in verses twenty-three and twenty-four? (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
Jeremiah Chapter 10
1) Why were the customs regarding the making of idols called worthless, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 10:3-5)
2) What surpassing qualities of God did Jeremiah praise in verses six and seven? (Jeremiah 10:6-7)
3) How did Jeremiah compare the idols of his day to the living God in these verses? (Jeremiah 10:8-10)
4) What future did God predict for the false gods that fascinated the people of Israel in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 10:11)
5) What examples of God’s power did Jeremiah list in order to make his case in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 10:12-13)
6) How did Jeremiah describe the people who made and worshiped idols in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Jeremiah 10:14-15)
7) What ways did Jeremiah say God was far superior to the gods of the other nations in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 10:16)
8) What command did Jeremiah pass along to the people of Israel in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 10:17)
9) Why did God command the people to prepare to leave their land in verse eighteen? (Jeremiah 10:18)
10) How did Jeremiah describe the suffering of Israel in very personal terms, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 10:19-20)
11) How did Jeremiah evaluate the leaders (“shepherds”) of Israel in verse twenty-one? (Jeremiah 10:21)
12) What direction did Jeremiah say the invaders would come from in verse twenty-two? (Jeremiah 10:22)
13) What great truth is revealed to us through Jeremiah, according to verse twenty-three? (Jeremiah 10:23)
14) What was Jeremiah’s prayer for himself in light of God’s justice in verse twenty-four? (Jeremiah 10:24)
Jeremiah Chapter 11
1) What important era in their history did God want Jeremiah to remind Israel of in the first five verses? (Jeremiah 11:1-5)
2) Why was God punishing His people, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 11:9-11)
3) What did God say the people would discover when they sought help from the gods they had been worshiping in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 11:12-13)
4) How did Jeremiah find out about the plot on his life, and where did he turn for help in these verses? (Jeremiah 11:18-20)
5) What did the Lord promise to do to the people of Anathoth who had threatened Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 11:21-23)
Jeremiah Chapter 12
1) What questions did Jeremiah pose to God concerning His justice, according to the first four verses? (Jeremiah 12:1-4)
2) What did God reveal that He intended to do to His unfaithful people in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 12:7-13)
3) How would the response of the nations to God’s judgment on Israel affect those nations, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 12:14-17)
Jeremiah Chapter 13
1) What physical demonstration did God require of Isaiah as a lesson to the people, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 13:1-7)
2) How was Israel like Jeremiah’s belt, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 13:8-11)
3) How did Jeremiah know that God was not going to change His mind about punishing Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 13:12-14)
4) What would happen to them and to Jeremiah, if Israel refused to listen to God in these verses? (Jeremiah 13:15-17)
5) What future did God predict for all Judah, according to verses eighteen and nineteen? (Jeremiah 13:18-19)
6) What had it become impossible for Israel to do in her hard heartedness in these verses? (Jeremiah 13:20-23)
7) What sins caused God to declare the destruction of Jerusalem, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 13:24-27)
Jeremiah Chapter 14
1) What desperate situation did Jeremiah foresee for Jerusalem in these first six verses? (Jeremiah 14:1-6)
2) What basis did Jeremiah plead for God’s intervention on in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 14:7-9)
3) Why did God say He would not be dissuaded from punishing Israel, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 14:10-12)
4) How did God reply when Jeremiah told Him that the prophets were giving the people the impression that they were safe in these verses? (Jeremiah 14:13-16)
5) What dismaying word did God send Jeremiah to the people of Israel with, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 14:17-18)
Jeremiah Chapter 15
1) What great men of faith did God maintained, could not convince Him to rescue Israel from judgment in these first three verses? (Jeremiah 15:1-3)
2) What king of Judah was particularly responsible for leading the people so far astray, according to verse four? (Jeremiah 15:4)
3) What attitude had set God firmly against the people of Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 15:5-9)
4) How was Jeremiah treated because of the message he brought from God in verse ten? (Jeremiah 15:10)
5) What promise did God make to His servant Jeremiah, according to verse eleven? (Jeremiah 15:11)
6) How did God describe the ruthlessness of the enemy He sent against Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 15:12-14)
7) How did Jeremiah plead his own case with God, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 15:15-18)
8) What did Jeremiah need to repent in order to continue as God’s spokesman of in these verses? (Jeremiah 15:19-21)
9) How did God predict that Jeremiah would continue to be received by the people? (Jeremiah 15:20-21)
10) What promise did God make to Jeremiah even as He asked him to take an unpopular course? (Jeremiah 15:20-21)
Jeremiah Chapter 16
1) What routine practices did God forbid for Jeremiah as a sign to the people in the first nine verses? (Jeremiah 16:1-9)
2) How did Jeremiah’s boycott of marriages and funerals convey his prediction about Israel’s future in these verses? (Jeremiah 16:5-9)
3) How was Jeremiah to answer the question “What wrong have we done”, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 16:10-13)
4) What great event in Israel’s past did God say would be exceeded, by His eventual deliverance in verses fourteen and fifteen of this book? (Jeremiah 16:14-15)
Jeremiah Chapter 17
1) What was Israel going to lose because of their sin in verses three and four? (Jeremiah 17:3-4)
2) What is the outcome of trusting in people, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 17:5-6)
3) What is promised to the person who trusts God in verses seven and eight of this book? (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
4) What was Jeremiah’s, and God’s, perspective on the human heart, according to verse nine? (Jeremiah 17:9)
5) What did God say would become of the person who used unjust means to gain riches in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 17:11)
6) What were the people saying to Jeremiah, according to verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 17:15)
7) How did Jeremiah ask God to prove him right in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 17:14-18)
8) Where did God tell Jeremiah to deliver his message about obedience in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 17:19)
9) What was God’s original command to His people concerning the Sabbath, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 17:20-22)
10) How did God promise to bless Jeremiah’s generation if they would observe the Sabbath laws in these verses? (Jeremiah 17:24-26)
11) How did God intend to act toward Israel if they disobeyed as their ancestors had in verse twenty-seven? (Jeremiah 17:27)
Jeremiah Chapter 18
1) Where did God send Jeremiah to receive a message from Him in these first two verses? (Jeremiah 18:1-2)
2) What was the potter doing as Jeremiah watched in verses three and four of this book? (Jeremiah 18:3-4)
3) How did God liken His power over the nations to the decisions of the potter in these verses? (Jeremiah 18:5-10)
4) What unthinkable deed had Judah done against God, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 18:13-15)
5) Where did the people of Judah begin to walk when they left God’s ways and began to worship idols in verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 18:15)
6) What did God say He would do because Israel worshiped idols in verses sixteen and seventeen? (Jeremiah 18:16-17)
7) What was being said about Jeremiah by the people who resisted his message in verse eighteen? (Jeremiah 18:18)
8) What past deeds did Jeremiah remind God of in verses nineteen and twenty? (Jeremiah 18:19-20)
9) How did Jeremiah ask God to deal with his enemies, according to verses twenty-one through twenty-three? (Jeremiah 18:21-23)
Jeremiah Chapter 19
1) Where did God instruct Jeremiah to take the elders and deliver a prophecy in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 19:1-2)
2) What practices (carried out in the Valley of Ben Hinnom) would bring God’s judgment on the people in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 19:3-5)
3) Why would the name of the valley where Jeremiah stood be changed in these verses? (Jeremiah 19:6-9)
4) What was the meaning of the symbolic action the Lord told Jeremiah to carry out in these verses? (Jeremiah 19:10-12)
5) Whose houses would become defiled like the city dump, according to verse thirteen? (Jeremiah 19:13)
6) What message did Jeremiah take to all the people in the temple because of the reaction of the elders to whom he had delivered the prophecy in these verses? (Jeremiah 19:14-15)
Jeremiah Chapter 20
1) How did the chief officer respond to Jeremiah’s prophecy in the temple, according to these two verses? (Jeremiah 20:1-2)
2) What unlikely person had Jeremiah beaten and why in these first two verses of this book? (Jeremiah 20:1-2)
3) What future did Jeremiah foretell for Pashur and all of Judah in these verses? (Jeremiah 20:3-6)
4) What was Jeremiah’s complaint to the Lord in verses seven and eight of this book? (Jeremiah 20:7-8)
5) Why was Jeremiah upset with God, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 20:7-10)
6) What would happen if Jeremiah tried to stop speaking the word of the Lord in verse nine? (Jeremiah 20:9)
7) What did Jeremiah hear the people saying about him in verse ten of this book? (Jeremiah 20:10)
8) Where did Jeremiah derive consolation for his disappointments from in these verses? (Jeremiah 20:11-13)
9) What did Jeremiah believe about God’s ability to set things straight in verses eleven through thirteen? (Jeremiah 20:11-13)
10) What was the basis for Jeremiah’s song of praise to God in verse thirteen? (Jeremiah 20:13)
11) How had Jeremiah come to feel about life and his presumably joyful entry into it, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 20:14-18)
Jeremiah Chapter 21
1) Why did King Zedekiah send messengers to Jeremiah in verses one and two of this book? (Jeremiah 21:1-2)
2) What did the king hope God would do for Judah, as He had done in the past in verse two? (Jeremiah 21:2)
3) What was God’s answer concerning the outward enemy facing Jerusalem in verses three and four? (Jeremiah 21:3-4)
4) What did God promise to do, rather than intervening to save Judah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 21:5-7)
5) What, specifically, did Jeremiah say would become of the king who ruled in Jerusalem in verse seven? (Jeremiah 21:7)
6) What choice was God offering to the people of Jerusalem, according to verse eight? (Jeremiah 21:8)
7) Why did God say that surrender would be a preferable option to staying in the city of Jerusalem in verses nine and ten? (Jeremiah 21:9-10)
8) What did God require from the descendants of David and why in verses eleven and twelve? (Jeremiah 21:11-12)
9) Where were the people of Jerusalem placing their confidence for the city’s security in verse thirteen? (Jeremiah 21:13)
10) What did God compare the wrath deserved by the people of Judah to in verse fourteen? (Jeremiah 21:14)
Jeremiah Chapter 22
1) Where was Jeremiah told to proclaim God’s message, according to verse one? (Jeremiah 22:1)
2) What principles of good government did God list as conditions for His blessing on Judah in verses three and four? (Jeremiah 22:3-4)
3) What consequences were promised if the king did not obey God in verse five? (Jeremiah 22:5)
4) Although Judah and Jerusalem had been special in God’s sight, what did He swear to do to them in verses six and seven? (Jeremiah 22:6-7)
5) What reason would be given for the disgrace and destruction of Judah in verses eight and nine? (Jeremiah 22:8-9)
6) What arrogant and selfish behavior on the part of the king angered God in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Jeremiah 22:13-14)
7) How did God feel about the notion that displays of wealth indicated greatness in a ruler in verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 22:15)
8) How was Josiah different from Jehoiakim, his son in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Jeremiah 22:15-16)
9) How did God judge Jehoiakim’s heart, according to verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 22:17)
10) What did God say would become of Jehoiakim’s “greatness” at the end of his life in these verses? (Jeremiah 22:18-19)
11) What had He done to try to save them, before God allowed Judah’s enemies to crush them in verses twenty and twenty-one? (Jeremiah 22:20-21)
12) When did Jehoiakim’s rebellion against God begin in verse twenty-one? (Jeremiah 22:21)
13) What was going to become of the king and his splendid buildings in verses twenty-two and twenty-three? (Jeremiah 22:22-23)
14) What did God compare Jehoiakim’s son to, Jehoiachin in verse twenty-eight of this book? (Jeremiah 22:28)
15) Why didn’t it matter whether Jehoiachin continued David’s line by having children in verses twenty-nine and thirty? (Jeremiah 22:29-30)
Jeremiah Chapter 23
1) What technique did God use to describe the relationship between His people, Israel, and their leaders in verse one? (Jeremiah 23:1)
2) What did God promise to do for His “flock” after He delivered them from evil rulers in verses three and four? (Jeremiah 23:3-4)
3) What were the characteristics of the King that God promised to raise up in verses five and six? (Jeremiah 23:5-6)
4) What great event would take precedence over the historical importance of the Exodus out of Egypt, foretold by Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 23:7-8)
5) What did God promise to do with people who claimed to be His prophets or priests but were in fact godless and wicked, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 23:11-12)
6) What different, but equally abhorrent, deeds were done by the prophets in Israel and Judah in these verses? (Jeremiah 23:13-14)
7) Where were the false prophets getting the “visions” they reported in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 23:16)
8) What lie did the false prophets tell those who rejected God’s ways in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 23:17)
9) What would have characterized the message of the prophets if they had truly heard from God in verses twenty-one and twenty-two of this book? (Jeremiah 23:21-22)
10) What questions did God ask of those who underestimated His power, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 23:23-24)
11) Where did the “dreams” of the false prophets come from, and what were they designed to accomplish in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 23:25-27)
12) How does God’s Holy Word contrast with the contrived dreams of faithless people in verses twenty-eight and twenty-nine? (Jeremiah 23:28-29)
13) What kind of prophet does God oppose, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 23:30-32)
14) Why were the people of Israel forbidden to use the word “oracle”, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 23:33-36)
15) What would become of those who insisted on claiming to speak God’s Word even after they were warned of His judgment on their lies in verses thirty-seven through forty? (Jeremiah 23:37-40)
Jeremiah Chapter 24
1) Which of the inhabitants of Judah were taken into exile in Babylon, according to verse one? (Jeremiah 24:1)
2) What was the vision with which the Lord instructed Jeremiah in verse two of this book? (Jeremiah 24:2)
3) How great was the contrast between the two batches of figs in verse three? (Jeremiah 24:3)
4) How did God look upon the people who went into captivity in Babylon in verse five? (Jeremiah 24:5)
5) What was God’s intention with regard to the exiles from Judah in verse six of this book? (Jeremiah 24:6)
6) What gift did God promise to the exiles in verse seven of this book? (Jeremiah 24:7)
7) How were Zedekiah and the survivors like poor figs, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 24:8-10)
8) How would the rest of the world come to view Zedekiah in verse nine? (Jeremiah 24:9)
9) What did God intend to send against Judah in verse ten of this book? (Jeremiah 24:10)
10) How long would God’s opposition to the exiles, from Judah last, according to verse ten? (Jeremiah 24:10)
Jeremiah Chapter 25
1) When did Jeremiah’s, next message fall in relation to the kings of Judah and Babylon in verse one? (Jeremiah 25:1)
2) How long had Jeremiah been speaking the word of God to the people of Judah and Jerusalem in verses two and three? (Jeremiah 25:2-3)
3) How did the people of Judah respond to God’s servants, according to verse four of this book? (Jeremiah 25:4)
4) What was the message of the prophets in verses five and six of this book? (Jeremiah 25:5-6)
5) How did the people bring God’s judgment on themselves in verse seven? (Jeremiah 25:7)
6) Who did God specify as His instrument of judgment, and how long would Judah remain in captivity, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 25:8-11)
7) How would Babylon eventually pay for her guilt before God in verses twelve through fourteen? (Jeremiah 25:12-14)
8) What was the cup that God ordered Jeremiah to deliver too many nations in these verses? (Jeremiah 25:15-16)
9) What nations were named in Jeremiah’s prophecy as being in line to be judged by God in these verses? (Jeremiah 25:17-26)
10) What was God’s answer to any nation that refused the cup from Jeremiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 25:27-29)
11) What images did Jeremiah use to convey the coming of God’s great wrath in verses thirty and thirty-one? (Jeremiah 25:30-31)
12) How did Jeremiah describe the magnitude of the destruction he foresaw in verses thirty-two and thirty-three? (Jeremiah 25:32-33)
13) What would become of all the leaders who did not fear God, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 25:34-38)
Jeremiah Chapter 26
1) During whose reign did Jeremiah receive this particular communication from God in verse one? (Jeremiah 26:1)
2) What was Jeremiah instructed to do in the courtyard of the temple in verse two? (Jeremiah 26:2)
3) What had God resolved to do, if the people repented, according to verse three? (Jeremiah 26:3)
4) What did God promise to do in the event that Judah did not repent in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 26:4-6)
5) What conclusion about Jeremiah and his message did the priests and prophets incite the people toward in these verses? (Jeremiah 26:7-9)
6) What did the secular officials do when they heard about the conflict between Jeremiah and the religious officials in verse ten? (Jeremiah 26:10)
7) What charge did the religious officials bring against Jeremiah in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 26:11)
8) What authority did Jeremiah defend his message to the people on in verse twelve of this book? (Jeremiah 26:12)
9) What call from God did Jeremiah reiterate even as he defended himself in verse thirteen? (Jeremiah 26:13)
10) What did Jeremiah warn the rulers, even as he put himself at their mercy in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Jeremiah 26:14-15)
11) What grounds did the secular officials persuade the people that Jeremiah did not deserve to be punished on in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 26:16)
12) What example from Israel’s past was raised by some of the elders, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 26:17-19)
13) What lesson did the wise rulers seek to apply to the present situation involving Jeremiah in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 26:19)
14) What had happened to Uriah the prophet, when he tried to warn the same king and people in these verses? (Jeremiah 26:20-23)
15) What influential person helped save Jeremiah from being murdered in verse twenty-four of this book? (Jeremiah 26:24)
Jeremiah Chapter 27
1) What visual demonstration was Jeremiah ordered to give, according to verse two of this book? (Jeremiah 27:2)
2) What nations, besides Judah, were told that they would be conquered by Nebuchadnezzar in these verses? (Jeremiah 27:3-6)
3) How long did God say that certain nations would be subject to Babylon in verse seven? (Jeremiah 27:7)
4) What did God warn certain nations not to do, according to verse eight of this book? (Jeremiah 27:8)
5) Who was advising the kings to resist the Babylonians in verse nine? (Jeremiah 27:9)
6) How would the nations that submitted to Babylon fare better than those who resisted in verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 27:10-11)
7) What did Jeremiah say would happen to Judah if the people and their king believed the false prophets rather than Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 27:12-15)
8) What lie were the prophets of Judah telling the people about the temple treasure in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 27:16)
9) What reasoning did Jeremiah use to convince the people to serve the king of Babylon in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 27:17)
10) What test did Jeremiah set up to prove to the people that the false prophets were wrong, according to verse eighteen? (Jeremiah 27:18)
Jeremiah Chapter 28
1) What timetable did Hananiah give for the return of both the sacred articles and the king in verses three and four? (Jeremiah 28:3-4)
2) What was Jeremiah’s initial reply to the idea of a quick deliverance, according to verses five and six? (Jeremiah 28:5-6)
3) How did Jeremiah say that Hananiah’s prophecy of “peace” would be proven right or wrong in these verses? (Jeremiah 28:7-9)
4) What symbolic action did Hananiah take, supposedly to demonstrate the truth of his prophecy, according to verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 28:10-11)
5) How did God Himself contradict Hananiah’s prophecy in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 28:12-14)
6) What personal message of judgment did God send to Hananiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 28:15-16)
Jeremiah Chapter 29
1) Who did Jeremiah send a letter to that was living in Jerusalem in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 29:1-2)
2) Who was able to carry a letter to the exiles, according to verse three of this book? (Jeremiah 29:3)
3) What specific commands did God give the exiles regarding how they should settle down in these verses? (Jeremiah 29:4-6)
4) How did God want the Israelites to think about and react to the foreign country in which they lived in verse seven? (Jeremiah 29:7)
5) Who were the exiles in danger of being deceived by, according to verses eight and nine? (Jeremiah 29:8-9)
6) What period of time did God promise to bring the people back to the land in, according to verse ten? (Jeremiah 29:10)
7) What was the nature of God’s plans for Israel in verse eleven of this book? (Jeremiah 29:11)
8) Why would Judah’s seeking for God be fruitful after this period of exile in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
9) How would the people of Israel be “reconstituted” after seventy years of exile in verse fourteen? (Jeremiah 29:14)
10) What did Jeremiah’s letter inform the exiles about God’s judgment of those who remained behind in these verses? (Jeremiah 29:15-19)
11) What did God have in store for two specific false prophets who were telling the exiles they would soon be home in verses twenty and twenty-one? (Jeremiah 29:20-21)
12) What deeds of the false prophets had not escaped God’s all-seeing eye, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 29:22-23)
13) What did Shemaiah’s letter to Zephaniah the priest, in Jerusalem contain in these verses? (Jeremiah 29:24-28)
14) How did Jeremiah learn about the letter that encouraged his imprisonment in verse twenty-nine? (Jeremiah 29:29)
15) What was God’s judgment on Shemaiah for his treachery against Jeremiah in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 29:31-32)
Jeremiah Chapter 30
1) What did God instruct Jeremiah to do with the words that had been revealed to him in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 30:1-2)
2) What good news summarized God’s plans for the defeated and divided nation in verse three? (Jeremiah 30:3)
3) What was the picture of judgment painted by Jeremiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 30:4-7)
4) What did Jeremiah predict that Israel would receive instead of its enslavement to foreign nations in verses eight and nine? (Jeremiah 30:8-9)
5) What two blessings did God say Israel once had and would have again in verse ten? (Jeremiah 30:10)
6) What would characterize God’s discipline of His own people in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 30:11)
7) What was God’s metaphor for the sinful condition of His people in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 30:12-13)
8) How would the future look different for God’s people and for their enemies in these verses? (Jeremiah 30:16-17)
9) What miraculous event would be the occasion for great rejoicing, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 30:18-20)
Jeremiah Chapter 31
1) What relationship did God intend to reestablish with all twelve tribes of Israel, according to verses one and two? (Jeremiah 31:1-2)
2) How did God plan to demonstrate the constancy of His love in these verses? (Jeremiah 31:3-6)
3) What picture did Jeremiah paint of the future return of the exiles in verses seven and eight? (Jeremiah 31:7-8)
4) Why did God say He would provide streams of water and a level path in verse nine? (Jeremiah 31:9)
5) What two key actions did God promise to take on behalf of Israel, allowing them to return to the land in verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 31:10-11)
6) What causes for rejoicing would the people of Israel have when God fulfilled His promise, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 31:10-14)
7) What hope for the future did Jeremiah hold out in order to encourage the mourners in verses sixteen and seventeen? (Jeremiah 31:16-17)
8) What hypothetical “conversation” did Jeremiah record between the repentant Ephraim (symbolic of the northern kingdom) and God in these verses? (Jeremiah 31:18-20)
9) What would become of the fatalistic proverb that reflected the people’s sense of helplessness and doom in verses twenty-nine and thirty? (Jeremiah 31:29-30)
10) What was the new covenant described by Jeremiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
11) How did God illustrate the certainty of His preservation of the descendants of Israel in these verses? (Jeremiah 31:35-37)
Jeremiah Chapter 32
1) How long had the kings of Judah and Babylon been reigning when Jeremiah received this word from God in verse one? (Jeremiah 32:1)
2) Where was Jeremiah, and who had put him there, according to verses two and three of this book? (Jeremiah 32:2-3)
3) What were the specifics of Jeremiah’s prophecies about the outcome of the siege in these verses? (Jeremiah 32:3-5)
4) What happened to Jeremiah while he was in the courtyard, just as God had told him in verses six through eight? (Jeremiah 32:6-8)
5) What course of action did Jeremiah take and why in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 32:8-12)
6) What did God say after Jeremiah hid the deed to his newly purchased property in a clay jar in verses thirteen through fifteen? (Jeremiah 32:13-15)
7) What truths did Jeremiah proclaim about God’s nature in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 32:17)
8) How did Jeremiah summarize God’s role and Israel’s role in their relationship throughout history, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 32:18-23)
9) Why was Jeremiah left to marvel over what he had just done in verses twenty-four and twenty-five? (Jeremiah 32:24-25)
10) What was God’s reply to Jeremiah’s doubts, according to verses twenty-six and twenty-seven? (Jeremiah 32:26-27)
11) What had the people of Judah and Jerusalem done to deserve the punishment that was about to befall upon them in these verses? (Jeremiah 32:28-35)
12) What glimpse into the immediate future was Jeremiah giving the people as God instructed in verse thirty-six? (Jeremiah 32:36)
13) What glimpse into the more distant future did God give to Jeremiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 32:37-44)
Jeremiah Chapter 33
1) Where was Jeremiah when God spoke to him in verse one of this book? (Jeremiah 33:1)
2) How did God identify Himself to Jeremiah in verse two of this book? (Jeremiah 33:2)
3) What invitation did God issue to Jeremiah, according to verse three? (Jeremiah 33:3)
4) What outcome did Jeremiah predict in the current war in which Babylon was besieging Jerusalem in verses four and five of this book? (Jeremiah 33:4-5)
5) How did God promise to reverse His actions in the more distant future in verses six and seven? (Jeremiah 33:6-7)
6) How would God satisfy His own righteousness with regard to the sin and rebellion of Judah in verse eight? (Jeremiah 33:8)
7) How did God predict that the rest of the world would react to a restored Judah in verse nine? (Jeremiah 33:9)
8) How did Jeremiah contrast the sights, sounds, and moods in Jerusalem before and after God’s merciful intervention, according to verses ten and eleven? (Jeremiah 33:10-11)
9) What common sight of everyday life in Jeremiah’s time would serve as a sign of God’s restoration in verses twelve and thirteen? (Jeremiah 33:12-13)
10) What promise did God make that should have given great hope to Jeremiah’s hearers in these verses? (Jeremiah 33:14-16)
11) What promise did God make to David and reiterate to Jeremiah in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 33:17-18)
12) What did God offer as the guarantee of His promises, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 33:19-22)
13) What conclusions were foreign nations drawing about God’s people as they were being punished in verses twenty-three and twenty-four? (Jeremiah 33:23-24)
14) How did God assure His people that He would indeed have compassion on them in these verses? (Jeremiah 33:23-26)
Jeremiah Chapter 34
1) What good news and bad news did Jeremiah have for King Zedekiah during the siege of Jerusalem, according to these first five verses? (Jeremiah 34:1-5)
2) What cities had not yet fallen to the king of Babylon, at the time of this prophecy in these verses? (Jeremiah 34:6-7)
3) What agreement did King Zedekiah make with the people of Jerusalem in verses eight and nine? (Jeremiah 34:8-9)
4) How did the people respond to Zedekiah’s suggestion about abolishing the slavery of fellow Jews in verse ten of this book? (Jeremiah 34:10)
5) What did the people do, after they had agreed to free the slaves in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 34:11)
6) What was God’s plan for dealing with the issues of Israelites as slaves in these verses? (Jeremiah 34:12-14)
7) What solemn agreement was initiated by Jeremiah’s countrymen, according to verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 34:15)
8) What action by the leadership of Judah profaned God’s name, according to verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 34:16)
9) What was God’s sarcastic expression for the punishment He decreed in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 34:17)
10) How did God turn the ceremony used for solemnizing an agreement into a picture of the punishment due those who broke the agreement in these verses? (Jeremiah 34:18-20)
11) What specific prophecy destroyed the hope that Nebuchadnezzar had withdrawn from Jerusalem for good in these verses? (Jeremiah 34:21-22)
Jeremiah Chapter 35
1) What invitation did God tell Jeremiah to issue to the Recabite family, according to verses one and two? (Jeremiah 35:1-2)
2) Where did Jeremiah meet with the Recabites in verses three through five of this book? (Jeremiah 35:3-5)
3) How did the Recabites respond to Jeremiah’s invitation in verse six of this book? (Jeremiah 35:6)
4) What instruction of their ancestor had the Recabites been obeying to the letter, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 35:7-10)
5) Why had the Recabites come to Jerusalem in verse eleven of this book? (Jeremiah 35:11)
6) How did Jeremiah use the example of the Recabites’ obedience to call the people of Jerusalem to account in these verses? (Jeremiah 35:12-16)
7) How did the people’s response to God’s call through His prophets seal their doom in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 35:17)
8) What was God’s promise to the Recabites because of their integrity and wholehearted obedience in verses eighteen and nineteen? (Jeremiah 35:18-19)
Jeremiah Chapter 36
1) Who was king of Judah when Jeremiah wrote down this prophecy from God in verse one? (36:1)
2) What was God’s purpose in having Jeremiah record His judgments against Judah in verses two and three? (36:2-3)
3) Who helped Jeremiah record God’s message and deliver it to the people, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 36:4-7)
4) Why had many Jews gathered in Jerusalem at the time Baruch read the scroll in the temple in verses eight through ten? (Jeremiah 36:8-10)
5) Who reported the gist of the prophecy to the officials gathered in the secretary’s room in these verses? (Jeremiah 36:11-13)
6) What did the other officials ask when they heard what was happening in the temple in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Jeremiah 36:14-15)
7) What did the shaken officials feel they must do about the prophecy in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 36:16)
8) What questions did the officials ask of Baruch in verses seventeen and eighteen? (Jeremiah 36:17-18)
9) What orders did the officials give Baruch for himself and Jeremiah in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 36:19)
10) How did the king respond in action and attitude as the scroll was being read aloud in these verses? (Jeremiah 36:20-24)
11) What did the king’s officials; respond to what the king did with the scroll in verse twenty-five? (Jeremiah 36:25)
12) What was the king’s first action after he had burned the scroll in verse twenty-six? (Jeremiah 36:26)
13) What was God’s response to King Jehoiakim through His servant Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 36:27-31)
14) How did Jeremiah and Baruch faithfully demonstrate that God’s plans would not be stopped by the king in verse thirty-two? (Jeremiah 36:32)
Jeremiah Chapter 37
1) How did Zedekiah become king of Judah, according to verse one of this book? (Jeremiah 37:1)
2) What request did Zedekiah make of Jeremiah in verses two and three? (Jeremiah 37:2-3)
3) What is revealed about the city of Jerusalem at the beginning of this story in verse five? (Jeremiah 37:5)
4) What bad news did Jeremiah tell the king, despite the fact that the situation seemed to be looking up in these verses? (Jeremiah 37:6-8)
5) Why was Jeremiah put in prison, according to verses eleven through fifteen of this book? (Jeremiah 37:11-15)
6) What question did the king ask Jeremiah in secret in verse seventeen? (Jeremiah 37:17)
7) What basis did Jeremiah plead his case on with King Zedekiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 37:18-20)
8) Where did the king order that Jeremiah be held instead of the dungeon in Jonathan’s house in verse twenty-one? (Jeremiah 37:21)
Jeremiah Chapter 38
1) What did some of the officials find out that Jeremiah was telling the people, according to verses one through three? (Jeremiah 38:1-3)
2) What punishment did the officials propose to the king in verse four of this book? (Jeremiah 38:4)
3) How did the king respond to the officials’ demand in verse five of this book? (Jeremiah 38:5)
4) Where was Jeremiah’s place of imprisonment, according to verse six? (Jeremiah 38:6)
5) Who appealed to the king on behalf of Jeremiah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 38:7-9)
6) Where did Jeremiah stay after his rescue, according to verses eleven through thirteen? (Jeremiah 38:11-13)
7) Why was Jeremiah hesitant to answer the king’s request to give him a straightforward answer in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Jeremiah 38:14-15)
8) What did Jeremiah reveal about God’s plans, after Zedekiah had sworn not to harm him in these verses? (Jeremiah 38:16-18)
9) Why was Zedekiah afraid to obey God and surrender to the Babylonians in verse nineteen? (Jeremiah 38:19)
10) What specifics did Jeremiah tell the king about what would happen if he didn’t obey God, according to these verses in this book? (Jeremiah 38:20-23)
11) Because it was dangerous for them to have talked, what did Zedekiah tell Jeremiah to say when he was questioned about his conversation with the king in these verses? (Jeremiah 38:24-26)
12) Where was Jeremiah when the city of Jerusalem was captured, according to verse twenty-eight? (Jeremiah 38:28)
Jeremiah Chapter 39
1) What happened to Jerusalem, according to the first three verses of this book? (Jeremiah 39:1-3)
2) What did the king of Judah and his soldiers do when the Babylonians entered the city in verse four? (Jeremiah 39:4)
3) What happened to Zedekiah and his troops because they decided to flee, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 39:5-7)
4) What was left of the kingdom of Judah when the Babylonians finally left, according to verses eight through ten of this book? (Jeremiah 39:8-10)
5) What happened to the prophet Jeremiah when the Babylonians took the city in these verses? (Jeremiah 39:11-14)
6) What words of comfort did Jeremiah have on the eve of the Babylonian victory for the man who had rescued him from the cistern, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 39:15-18)
Jeremiah Chapter 40
1) Where was Jeremiah when the Babylonian commander of the guard came looking for him in order to carry out the king’s instructions in verses one and two? (Jeremiah 40:1-2)
2) What did Nebuzaradan understand about what had just transpired in Judah, according verses two and three? (Jeremiah 40:2-3)
3) What choices were given to Jeremiah about where he would live in verses four and five? (Jeremiah 40:4-5)
4) Where did Jeremiah choose to stay after he was freed by the Babylonians in verse six? (Jeremiah 40:6)
5) How did the governor appointed by the Babylonians reassure the small fighting force that remained in the land after the Babylonians withdrew in these verses? (Jeremiah 40:7-10)
6) How did the remnant of people in the land of Judah grow and begin to prosper in verses eleven and twelve? (Jeremiah 40:11-12)
7) What warning did some of the commanders give to Gedaliah, the appointed governor in verses thirteen and fourteen of this book? (Jeremiah 40:13-14)
8) How did Johanan propose to solve the threat against Gedaliah, which he perceived as potentially disastrous to the whole remnant in verse fifteen? (Jeremiah 40:15)
9) How did Gedaliah respond to Johanan’s desire to protect him in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 40:16)
Jeremiah Chapter 41
1) What devious plan was carried out by Ishmael and his followers, according to verses one through three? (Jeremiah 41:1-3)
2) What evil deeds did Ishmael add to his murder of Gedaliah, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 41:4-10)
3) What transpired when Johanan caught up to Ishmael, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 41:11-15)
4) What did Johanan assume the remaining faithful people would have to do since Gedaliah had been murdered, according to verses sixteen through eighteen? (Jeremiah 41:16-18)
Jeremiah Chapter 42
1) What request did Johanan and the people that were with him make of the prophet Jeremiah in these verses? (Jeremiah 42:1-3)
2) What promises did Jeremiah and the people make to one another, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 42:4-6)
3) What positive commands and reassuring words did Jeremiah bring from God in verses seven through twelve? (Jeremiah 42:7-12)
4) What warning did God have for the people in anticipation of their intended disobedience in these verses? (Jeremiah 42:13-18)
5) What fatal mistake did Jeremiah accuse the remnant of Judah of in verses nineteen through twenty-two? (Jeremiah 42:19-22)
Jeremiah Chapter 43
1) How did Johanan and the other leaders rationalize their disobedience, according to these first three verses of this book? (Jeremiah 43:1-3)
2) Who were the people who entered Egypt, some of them against their will in verses four through seven? (Jeremiah 43:4-7)
3) When he was at Tahpanhes with the others, what symbolic action did God tell Jeremiah to take, and what was the meaning in these verses? (Jeremiah 43:8-13)
Jeremiah Chapter 44
1) What sin did God; through Jeremiah remind the people that He had punished Judah and Jerusalem for in these verses? (Jeremiah 44:1-6)
2) Why was Jeremiah amazed that the remnant had not learned a lesson from all that had happened before in these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 44:7-10)
3) What did God say He would do to all those determined to go to Egypt for protection, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 44:11-14)
4) What superstitious belief did the people cite as they defied Jeremiah openly in verses fifteen through nineteen of this book? (Jeremiah 44:15-19)
5) How did Jeremiah proceed to correct their thinking about the real cause of their misfortune in these verses? (Jeremiah 44:20-23)
6) What vow did God answer the people with that vowed to continue worshiping the “Queen of Heaven” in these verses? (Jeremiah 44:24-28)
7) What did God promise to do to the pharaoh of Egypt, whom the Israelites considered an ally against Babylon in verses twenty-nine and thirty? (Jeremiah 44:29-30)
Jeremiah Chapter 45
1) Why was the scribe, Baruch, feeling sorry for himself, according to one through three? (Jeremiah 45:1-3)
2) How did God respond to Baruch’s self-pity in verses four and five of this book? (Jeremiah 45:4-5)
Jeremiah Chapter 46
1) Why did Jeremiah say that the mighty warriors of Egypt would cower before Nebuchadnezzar in these verses? (Jeremiah 46:13-17)
2) What did God promise them eventually, despite the judgment coming on Egypt, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 46:25-26)
3) What promises did God make to Israel with honesty, justice, and hope in verses twenty-seven and twenty-eight? (Jeremiah 46:27-28)
Jeremiah Chapter 47
1) What terrifying natural disaster did God compare the Egyptian conquest of Philistia to in these verses? (Jeremiah 47:2-5)
2) According to the judgment of Moab, what did Ashkelon say in verses six and seven in this book?
Jeremiah Chapter 48
1) Where did the people of Moab misplace their trust, sending themselves and their idols into captivity, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 48:6-9)
3) What curse did Jeremiah pronounce on the lax or merciful in the context of judging the nations in verse ten? (Jeremiah 48:10)
4) Why would it be particularly appropriate when Moab became an object of scorn and ridicule in verses twenty-six and twenty-seven? (Jeremiah 48:26-27)
5) What brought about Moab’s destruction as a nation in verse forty-two of this book? (Jeremiah 48:42)
Jeremiah Chapter 49
1) What was the source of Ammon’s false sense of security, according to verse four? (Jeremiah 49:4)
2) What did God promise to the Ammonites when their punishment was complete in verse six? (Jeremiah 49:6)
3) How did God say He would treat the helpless, even within the borders of His enemy, Edom in verse eleven? (Jeremiah 49:11)
4) Why did Edom think its location made it invincible in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Jeremiah 49:15-16)
5) How would Damascus along with Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor also fall under God’s judgment in these verses? (Jeremiah 49:23-33)
6) What would eventually happen to the nation of Elam after it was defeated and taken into exile, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 49:37-39)
Jeremiah Chapter 50
1) What did Jeremiah predict Israel and Judah would do, with their enemies facing God’s wrath in verses four and five of this book? (Jeremiah 50:4-5)
2) What attitude of the Babylonians in relation to God’s people convinced God to leave them desolate in these verses? (Jeremiah 50:11-13)
3) Since the Babylonians had exiled many of the peoples they conquered from their own land, what would happen when God punished them in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 50:16)
4) When Babylon was made accountable to God, what would become of Israel’s guilt in verse twenty? (Jeremiah 50:20)
5) What did Jeremiah tell us about Israel’s Redeemer in verse thirty-four of this book? (Jeremiah 50:34)
6) What historic event did God compare the coming destruction of Babylon to in these verses? (Jeremiah 50:39-40)
Jeremiah Chapter 51
1) What were the Babylonians failing to take into account about God’s relationship to Israel in verse five? (Jeremiah 51:5)
2) What nation was to become God’s instrument of justice against Babylon, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 51:11-14)
3) How did Jeremiah contrast the God of Israel with the idols of the other nations in verses seventeen through nineteen of this book? (Jeremiah 51:17-19)
4) What religious disgrace of the people of Israel would be remedied by God Himself, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 51:51-53)
5) What message about Babylon was Seraiah to deliver to the exiles in Babylon, according to verses fifty-nine through sixty-four? (Jeremiah 51:59-64)
Jeremiah Chapter 52
1) How did God view Zedekiah, king of Judah in these first three verses of this book? (Jeremiah 52:1-3)
2) Why did Nebuchadnezzar lay siege to the city of Jerusalem, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 52:3-5)
3) What was the condition of Jerusalem after almost two years, according to verse six? (Jeremiah 52:6)
4) What did Judah’s army do when the Babylonians broke through the city wall in these verses? (Jeremiah 52:7-9)
5) What was Zedekiah’s punishment for rebelling against Babylon, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 52:9-11)
6) What happened to the buildings of Jerusalem and the rest of the population in verses twelve through fifteen? (Jeremiah 52:12-15)
7) What did the captain of the guard want those left behind to do in verse sixteen? (Jeremiah 52:16)
8) What were some of the valuable articles that the Babylonians took out of the temple in these verses? (Jeremiah 52:17-19)
9) What were the notable features of the lavish worship objects that the Babylonians destroyed, according to these verses? (Jeremiah 52:20-23)
10) What became of the leaders who remained in the city of Jerusalem after the siege, according to verses twenty-four through twenty-seven? (Jeremiah 52:24-27)
11) How many Jews in all were removed from Jerusalem by the Babylonians in verses twenty-eight and thirty? (Jeremiah 52:28-30)
12) What happened to the first king of Judah, who obeyed God and surrendered to the Babylonians, according to these verses of this book? (Jeremiah 52:31-34)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose