Judges is the seventh book of the bible. The book of Judges gives the history of Israel from the death of Joshua to the days of Samuel. The book of Judges can be divided into six major parts: 1) The review of the past and institution of the office of Judge, 2) The five Judges, 3) Gideon, 4) The six Judges, 5) Samson, 6) The confusion in Israel, The author of this book is unknown. Listed below are questions on the book of Judges. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Judges Chapter 1
1) Which tribe according to God was to go first against the Canaanites? (Judges 1:1-2)
2) Which tribe went with Judah against the Canaanites? (Judges 1:3)
3) Who did Judah ask to come into battle with him against the Canaanites? (Judges 1:3)
4) What relation was Judah to Simeon? (Judges 1:3)
5) What two peoples were delivered into Judah’s hand? (Judges 1:4)
6) How many were killed in Bezek? (Judges 1:4)
7) Who was found in Bezek, besides the ten-thousand men? (Judges 1:5)
8) What was done to Adonibezek when he was caught? (Judges 1:6)
9) How many kings were punishments to match Adonibezek’s gathered meat under his table? (Judges 1:7)
10) Where did Adonibezek die at? (Judges 1:7)
11)Which city did Judah capture and set fire to it? (Judges 1:8)
12)After the destruction of Jerusalem, where did the children of Judah go to fight the Canaanites? (Judges 1:9)
13)What is the other name for Kirjatharba? (Judges 1:10)
14)Who did the children of Judah kill at Hebron? (Judges 1:10)
15)Who wanted Kirjathsepher smote? (Judges 1:12)
16)What was Caleb’s daughter’s name? (Judges 1:12)
17)Who was Othniel in verse thirteen? (Judges 1:13)
18)What did Achsah ask of her father? (Judges 1:15)
19)Where was the wilderness of Judah located? (Judges 1:16)
20)When Judah went with Simeon against the Canaanites they destroyed the city of Zephath. What was another name for this city? (Judges 1:17)
21)Why could not Judah drive out the inhabitants of the valley? (Judges 1:19)
22)What city was given to Caleb? (Judges 1:20)
23)Who was with Joseph against Bethel? (Judges 1:22)
24)Did the tribes of Israel drive out all of the Canaanites? (Judges 1:21-36)
25)Where did the spies of Joseph, see a man? (Judges 1:24)
26)What did the house of Joseph do to the city of Bethel when the man showed them the entrance? (Judges 1:25)
27)Where did the man that was spared by the house of Joseph go and what did he do? (Judges 1:26)
28)Where did the Ephramites not drive out the Canaanites? (Judges 1:29)
29)Where did the Canaanites dwell and what did they become? (Judges 1:30)
30)Where were the children of Dan forced and by whom? (Judges 1:34)
31) Where did the Amorites dwell? (Judges 1:35)
Judges Chapter 2
1) What did the Angel of the Lord say to Israel? (Judges 2:1)
2) What had the Israelites not done? (Judges 2:2)
3) What effect did the Angel of the Lord’s message have on the Israelites? (Judges 2:4)
4) What was the name of the place where the Israelites wept and what did they do there? (Judges 2:5)
5) How long did the people serve the Lord? (Judges 2:7)
6) How old was Joshua when he died? (Judges 2:8)
7) Where was Joshua buried? (Judges 2:9)
8) What kind of generation arose after Joshua’s generation died? (Judges 2:10)
9) How did God react to the new generation bowing down to other gods? (Judges 2:12)
10) After the death of Joshua, what gods did the people of Israel worship? (Judges 2:12-13)
11) What did the Lord raise up to deliver Israel from his oppressors? (Judges 2:16)
12) How did the Israelites treat other gods? (Judges 2:17)
13) Why did the Lord raise up judges? (Judges 2:18)
14) What happened when a judge died? (Judges 2:19)
15) What would the heathen nations help to prove? (Judges 2:22)
Judges Chapter 3
1) What wars had the new generation of Israelites not known? (Judges 3:1)
2) What nations did the Lord leave in the land to harass the people of Israel? (Judges 3:3)
3) How did the Lord command the fathers of the children of Israel? (Judges 3:4)
4) What did the Israelites do with the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites and the Hivites? (Judges 3:6)
5) How long was Israel oppressed by Chushan-rishathaim of Mesopotamia? (Judges 3:8)
6) What was the name of the Judge that delivered Israel from the hands of Chushan-rishathaim? (Judges 3:9)
7) How did Othniel become a judge of Israel? (Judges 3:10)
8) How long was the land at rest after Othniel’s victory? (Judges 3:11)
9) Who was Israel’s second oppressor? (Judges 3:12)
10) After the defeat of Chushan-rishathaim, how long did the land of Israel have peace? (Judges 3:11)
11) What happened after Othniel died? (Judges 3:12)
12) Who did Eglon gather with him to fight Israel? (Judges 3:13)
13) How long did the Israelites serve Eglon? (Judges 3:14)
14) What did the children of Israel do to get out of Moab? (Judges 3:15)
15) How long did Israel serve Eglon? (Judges 3:14)
16) What judge was raised up by the Lord to deliver Israel from Eglon? (Judges 3:15)
17) What did Ehud tell Eglon he had? (Judges 3:19)
18) What did Eglon ask Ehud to do until he had sent everyone away? (Judges 3:19)
19) Where was Eglon sitting when Ehud came to him? (Judges 3:20)
20) What did Eglon do when Ehud entered the summer parlor? (Judges 3:20)
21) How did Ehud stab Eglon? (Judges 3:21)
22) What happened to the dagger after Ehud stabbed Eglon? (Judges 3:22)
23) The dagger would not come out of Eglon, but what did? (Judges 3:22)
24) How did Ehud get out of the parlor? (Judges 3:23)
25) What did Ehud do before he left? (Judges 3:23)
26) Why didn’t the servants come to Eglon to help him? (Judges 3:24)
27) How long did the servants wait? (Judges 3:25)
28) What route did Ehud use to escape after stabbing Eglon? (Judges 3:26)
29) What did Ehud use to gather the people and where? (Judges 3:27)
30) What did the Israelites do when they took the fords of Jordan? (Judges 3:28)
31) Who had the Lord delivered into the Israelites hands through Ehud? (Judges 3:28)
32) How long did the land rest after Ehud and the Israelites defeated the Moabites? (Judges 3:30)
33) How many men did Moab lose at the fords of Jordan? (Judges 3:29)
Judges Chapter 4
1) Who was the king of Canaan who took Israel into bondage after Ehud’s death? (Judges 4:2)
2) Who was the king of Canaan and where did he reign? (Judges 4:2)
3) How many chariots did he have? (Judges 4:3)
4) How long did he oppress Israel? (Judges 4:3)
5) Who did the Lord use as a judge against Jabin? (Judges 4:4)
6) Where did Deborah live? (Judges 4:5)
7) What was Deborah’s question to Barak? (Judges 4:6)
8) Would Barak go up against Jabin alone? Who did he insist go with him? (Judges 4:8-9)
9) What tribes of Israel did Barak call to battle Jabin? (Judges 4:10)
10) How many men were in Barak’s army? (Judges 4:10)
11) Who was commander of Jabin’s army? (Judges 4:7)
12) Who betrayed Barak? (Judges 4:11-12)
13) What mountain did Barak go to? (Judges 4:12)
14) What did Sisera gather together? (Judges 4:13)
15) In the battle, what did Sisera do? (Judges 4:15-16)
16) Who fell under the edge of the sword? (Judges 4:16)
17) To where did Sisera flee? (Judges 4:17)
18) What did Jael ask Sisera to do? (Judges 4:18)
19) What did Sisera ask for? (Judges 4:19)
20) What did Jael give Sisera instead of a drink of water? (Judges 4:19)
21) What did Sisera ask Jael to do? (Judges 4:20)
22) Where did Barak find Sisera? (Judges 4:22)
23) What happened to the land of Israel? (Judges 4:24)
Judges Chapter 5
1) Who was Barak’s father? (Judges 5:1)
2) What did Deborah and Barak praise God for? (Judges 5:2)
3) When was Israel avenged? (Judges 5:2)
4) Who did Deborah and Barak ask to hear them? (Judges 5:3)
5) Who was going to sing to the Lord? (Judges 5:3)
6) What happened when the Lord went out of Seir and marched out of the field of Edom? (Judges 5:4-5)
7) What specific mountain is mentioned as melting before the Lord? (Judges 5:5)
8) What were the conditions in the days of Shamgar and Jael? (Judges 5:6)
9) What kind of woman was Deborah and where? (Judges 5:7)
10) Where was there a war and why? (Judges 5:8)
11) Among how many were there no spears or shields? (Judges 5:8)
12) What happened when they chose new gods? (Judges 5:8)
13) Toward who was Deborah’s and Barak’s heart? (Judges 5:9)
14) What had the governors of Israel done? (Judges 5:9)
15) Who was asked to speak? (Judges 5:10)
16) What did Deborah want for the Lord’s enemies? (Judges 5:31)
17) Those that love the Lord should be as what? (Judges 5:31)
18) How long did the land rest? (Judges 5:31)
Judges Chapter 6
1) How long was Israel oppressed by Midian? (Judges 6:1)
2) What did the hand of Midian do? (Judges 6:2)
3) What did it cause the Israelites to do? (Judges 6:2)
4) Who banded together with Midian to come against Israel? (Judges 6:3)
5) What did these nations destroy? (Judges 6:4)
6) What was not left for Israel? (Judges 6:4)
7) How were those who came up against Israel described? (Judges 6:5)
8) What happened to the Israelites because of Midian? (Judges 6:6)
9) What did this cause them to do? (Judges 6:6)
10) What did the Lord send them? (Judges 6:8)
11) Who were the Israelites not to fear even though they dwelt in their land? (Judges 6:10)
12) Where did the angel of the Lord sit? (Judges 6:11)
13) Why did Gideon thresh wheat by the winepress? (Judges 6:11)
14) What kind of man was Gideon according to the Angel of the Lord? (Judges 6:12)
15) What had Gideon been told about the Lord? (Judges 6:13)
16) What did the Lord tell Gideon he could do? (Judges 6:14)
17) Where did Gideon’s family live? (Judges 6:15)
18) How would Gideon smite the Midianites? (Judges 6:16)
19) What did Gideon ask God for? (Judges 6:17)
20) How long did Gideon ask the Angel of the Lord to stay? (Judges 6:18)
21) What present did Gideon make to the angel? (Judges 6:19)
22) What did the angel tell Gideon to do with the present? (Judges 6:20)
23) What did the angel then do with the present? (Judges 6:21)
24) Why was Gideon upset about the Angel? (Judges 6:22)
25) According to the Lord what was Gideon’s real fear? (Judges 6:23)
26) What did Gideon do at the place where the angel appeared? What did he call the place? (Judges 6:24)
27) Did Gideon’s father worship God? Who did he worship? (Judges 6:25)
28) What was Gideon to do in response to God’s command? (Judges 6:25-28)
29) What was Gideon’s father’s name? (Judges 6:11 and 6:29)
30) What did the men of the city demand that be done because Gideon tore down the idol of Baal and its grove? (Judges 6:30)
31) What did Joash tell the men of the city when they demanded the death of Gideon? (Judges 6:31-32)
32) Where did the Midianites and Amelakites encamp? (Judges 6:33)
33) What came upon Gideon? (Judges 6:34)
34) Where did Gideon send messengers to raise his army? (Judges 6:35)
35) What did Gideon do to test whether God was with him? (Judges 6:37-38)
36) Was Gideon then satisfied with God’s response to his test? (Judges 6:39)
37) What did he do on the next night to further test God’s promise of help? (Judges 6:39-40)
Judges Chapter 7
1) Who was Jerubbaal, according to verse one? (Judges 7:1)
2) Where did Gideon’s army encamp? (Judges 7:1)
3) Where was the Midianite army encamped? (Judges 7:1)
4) Why did the Lord want fewer men in Gideon’s army? (Judges7:2)
5) How did Gideon pare down his army? (Judges 7:3)
6) How many people left the army? (Judges 7:3)
7) How many remained in the Israelite army? (Judges 7:3)
8) How did the Lord have Gideon further pare down his army? (Judges 7:5)
9) How many men did Gideon have after this? (Judges 7:6)
10) What were the rejected men to do? (Judges 7:7)
11) At what time of day was Gideon to attack the Midianites? (Judges 7:9)
12) Who went down with Gideon to the Midianite encampment to gain information? (Judges 7:11)
13) What sort of cavalry did the Midianites use? (Judges 7:12)
14) What was the dream Gideon heard two fellows talking about? (Judges 7:13-14)
15) What did Gideon do when he heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation? (Judges 7:15)
16) What did Gideon’s 300 man army have in their hands? (Judges 7:16)
17) What time did Gideon’s army come into the outside of the Midianite encampment? (Judges 7:19)
18) What did Gideon’s army do to startle the Midianites? (Judges 7:19-20)
19) What did they shout when they broke their pitchers and blew the trumpets? (Judges 7:20)
20) What did the Midianites do? (Judges 7:21-22)
21) Where did the Midianites flee? (Judges 7:22)
22) What did the tribe of Ephraim do? (Judges 7:24)
23) Who was the two Midianite princes taken prisoner by Ephraim? (Judges 7:25)
Judges Chapter 8
1) Was Ephraim satisfied with Gideon’s summoning them and why? (Judges 8:1)
2) What was Gideon’s reply to Ephraim? (Judges 8:2-3)
3) What did Gideon request of the princes of Succoth and why? (Judges 8:4-5)
4) Why did the princes of Succoth refuse Gideon’s request for bread? (Judges 8:5)
5) What did Gideon threaten to do to Succoth? (Judges 8:7)
6) Did the men of Penuel give Gideon’s army bread? (Judges 8:8)
7) What did Gideon threaten against Penuel? (Judges 8:9)
8) Where was Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian? How many soldiers did these kings have with them? (Judges 8:10)
9) How many men did Midian lose? (Judges 8:10)
10) What time did Gideon return from battle after pursing the two kings? (Judges 8:13)
11) How many elders were there in Succoth? How did Gideon find out how many there were? (Judges 8:14)
12) What did Gideon do to the elders of Succoth? (Judges 8:16)
13) What did he do to the tower of Penuel? (Judges 8:17)
14) What did Gideon tell his son, Jether to do? (Judges 8:20)
15) Why did Jether not draw his sword? (Judges 8:20)
16) What did Gideon take from the slain Midianite kings? (Judges 8:21)
17) Who did Gideon say would rule over Israel? (Judges 8:23)
18) What did the men of Isreal collect for Gideon? (Judges 8:24-25)
19) How much value did the earrings have? (Judges 8:26)
20) What other booty was there? (Judges 8:26)
21) What did Gideon do with this booty? (Judges 8:27)
22) What did Israel do? (Judges 8:27)
23) After Midian was conquered, how many years of peace did Israel have? (Judges 8:28)
24) How many children did Gideon have? (Judges 8:30)
25) What was Gideon’s son named who was born of his concubine? (Judges 8:31)
26) Where was Gideon buried? (Judges 8:32)
27) What god did Israel worship after Gideon’s death? (Judges 8:33)
Judges Chapter 9
1) What was Gideon’s other name? (Judges 8:29 and 9:1)
2) What did Abimilech propose to the men of Shechem? (Judges 9:2)
3) What did Abimelech’s brothers give him from the house of the idol Baal-berith? (Judges 9:4)
4) What did Abimelech do to his brothers at Ophrah? (Judges 9:5)
5) Which brother was saved by hiding himself? (Judges 9:5)
6) Whose house did the men of Shechem gather to make Abimelech king? (Judges 9:6)
7) Where did they make Abimelech king? (Judges 9:6)
8) What did Jotharn do? (Judges 9:7)
9) What kinds of trees did Jotham mention in his discourse to the men of Shechem? (Judges 9:8-15)
10) After his discourse to the men of Shechem, what did Jotham do? (Judges 9:21)
11) How long did Abimelech reign as king of Israel? (Judges 9:22)
12) What did God do? (Judges 9:23)
13) What did the men of Shechem do in response to the evil spirit? (Judges 9:25)
14) In whom did the people of Shechem put their confidence? (Judges 9:26)
15) What did Gaal and the people of Shechem do to celebrate their deliverance by Gaal? (Judges 9:27)
16) Who was Hamor? (Judges 9:28)
17) Who was Zebul? (Judges 9:30)
18) What did Gaal tell Abimelech to do? (Judges 9:29)
19) What did Zebul, ruler of the city do? (Judges 9:31)
20) What did Abimelech do? (Judges 9:34)
21) How did the ensuing battle begin? (Judges 9:35-40)
22) Where did Abimelech encamp? (Judges 9:41)
23) Give an account of the second day’s battle? (Judges 9:41-45)
24) What did Abimelech sow in the city? (Judges 9:45)
25) Where did the men of Shechem seek sanctuary? (Judges 9:46)
26) What mountain did Abimelech go to with his followers? (Judges 9:48)
27) What did Abimelech do with his axe? (Judges 9:48)
28) What did Abimelech and his men do with their boughs? (Judges 9:49)
29) How many people of Shechem were killed in the ensuing fire at the tower? (Judges 9:49)
30) What was the next city that Abimelech took by force? (Judges 9:50)
31) Where did the people of Theb9z flee to? (Judges 9:51)
Judges Chapter 10
1) Who was the judge of Israel following Abimelech? (Judges 10:1)
2) Who was his father? (Judges 10:1)
3) How long did he judge? (Judges 10:2)
4) Who was the next judge after Tola? (Judges 10:3)
5) How long did he judge Israel? (Judges 10:3)
6) How many sons did he have? (Judges 10:4)
7) What did they ride? (Judges 10:4)
8) How many cities did they have? What were they called and where are they? (Judges 10:4)
9) After the death of Jair, what gods did Israel worship? (Judges 10:6)
10) How long did Philistia and Ammon vex Israel on the east bank of Jordan? (Judges 10:8)
11) Who did Ammon fight against on the west bank of Jordan? (Judges 10:9)
12) When Israel cried out to God in anguish, what did God tell them to do? (Judges 10:14)
13) Where was Ammon encamped for battle with Israel? (Judges 10:17)
14) Where was Israel encamped? (Judges 10:17)
Judges Chapter 11
1) Who was the Gileadite that took leadership of Israel against Ammon? (Judges 11:1)
2) Where did Jephthah flee to and dwell when his brothers pursued him? (Judges 11:3)
3) What kind of men followed Jephthah? (Judges 11:3)
4) When the elders of Gilead asked Jephthah to take leadership against Ammon, what did he tell them? (Judges 11:7)
5) What did Jephthah take the elders of Gilead promise, before he would assume leadership of the army? (Judges 11:9)
6) What did Jephthah’s messengers tell Ammon? (Judges 11:12)
7) What was Ammon’s answer? (Judges 11:13)
8) What was Jephthah’s answer to Ammon? (Judges 11:15-27)
9) What route did Jephthah follow to give battle to Ammon? (Judges 11:29)
10) What vow did Jephthah make to God if God would deliver Ammon to him? (Judges 11:30)
11) Where did Jephthah gain victory over Ammon? (Judges 11:33)
12) Who came out to meet Jephthah on his return home? (Judges 11:34)
13) What did Jephthah do when his daughter came to greet him? Why? (Judges 11:35)
14) What request did the daughter make of her father Jephthah? (Judges 11:37)
15) What happened after two months? (Judges 11:39)
16) What was an Israelites custom? (Judges 11:40)
Judges Chapter 12
1) What did the tribe of Ephraim threaten to do to Jephthah? Why? (Judges 12:1)
2) What was Jephthah’s answer to Ephraim? (Judges 12:2-3)
3) How did a Gileadite recognize an Ephraimite by what password? (Judges 12:6)
4) How many Ephraimites fell at the hands of Gileadites? (Judges 12:6)
5) How long did Jephthah judge Israel? (Judges 12:7)
6) Who was the next judge of Israel after Jephthah? (Judges 12:8)
7) How many sons and how many daughters did Ihzan of Bethany have? (Judges 12:9)
8) After Ibzan, who judged Israel? (Judges 12:11)
9) How long did he judge? (Judges 12:12)
10) Who followed Eton as judge of Israel? (Judges 12:13)
11) How many sons did Abdon have? (Judges 12:14)
12) How many nephews did he have? (Judges 12:14)
13) How long did Abdon judge Israel? (Judges 12:14)
14) Where was Abdon buried? (Judges 12:15)
Judges Chapter 13
1) For how long was Israel delivered into the hands of the Philistines after the death of Abdon? (Judges 13:1)
2) What was the name of Samson’s father? (Judges 13:2)
3) To what tribe of Israel did Manoah belong? (Judges 13:2)
4) What did the angel of the Lord tell Manoah’s wife not to eat and drink? (Judges 13:4)
5) What sect of Israel was Samson to belong according to the angel? (Judges 13:5)
6) What was to be the condition as a Nazarite that Samson was to follow? (Judges 13:5)
7) What did Manoah’s wife tell him about the angel? (Judges 13:6)
8) What did Manoah’ do when his wife told him of the angel’s visit? (Judges 13:8)
9) What did the angel do? (Judges 13:9)
10) What did Manoah’s wife do? (Judges 13:10)
11) Give details of what the angel told Manoah? (Judges 13:13-14)
12) What did Manoah offer the angel to eat? (Judges 13:15)
13) Did the angel accept Manoah’s offer? (Judges 13:16)
14) Did Manoah know that the man was an angel and how? (Judges 13:16)
15) What was the angel’s name? (Judges 13:18)
16) When Manoah made his offering upon the altar what did the angel do? (Judges 13:20)
17) What was Manoah’s and his wife’s son’s name? (Judges 13:24)
18) Where did the Spirit of God begin to move Samson? (Judges 13:25)
Judges Chapter 14
1) What city did Samson’s girl-friend come from? (Judges 14:1)
2) Was Samson brave about asking the girl to be his wife? (Judges 14:2)
3) Were Samson’s parents pleased over his choice of girls? (Judges14:3)
4) Who was it that prompted Samson to seek a Philistine girl? (Judges 14:4)
5) Who was with Samson when he went to Timnath? (Judges 14:5)
6) What came out at Samson and his parents and what did he do? (Judges 14:6)
7) What happened to the lion’s carcass? (Judges 14:8)
8) What did Samson do with the honey? (Judges 14:9)
9) How many men did Samson’s fiancée bring with her to the wedding feast? (Judges 14:11)
10) What prize did Samson offer to them if they would solve the riddle? (Judges 14:12)
11) What was the time limit given to solve the riddle? (Judges 14:13)
12) What was Samson’s riddle? (Judges 14:14)
13) With what did the Philistines threaten Samson’s wife with if she did not come up with the answer to the riddle? (Judges 14:15)
14) What did Samson’s wife do to try to get the riddle’s answer from Samson? (Judges 14:16)
15) What did Samson say to his wife in response to her weeping? (Judges 14:16)
16) Did he finally tell her the answer and when? (Judges 14:17)
17) What did Samson say to the Philistines when they told him the answer to the riddle? (Judges 14:18)
18) What did Samson do to pay off his “bet” with the Philistines? (Judges 14:19)
19) What happened to Samson’s Philistine wife? (Judges 14:20)
Judges Chapter 15
1) What happened when Samson had a “change of heart” and went back to his wife? (Judges 15:1)
2) What did Samson’s father-in-law tell him? (Judges 15:2)
3) What did Samson do to “get even”? (Judges 15:4-5)
4) What reprisal did the Philistines take against Samson’s ex-wife and father-in-law? (Judges 15:6)
5) What did Samson do? (Judges 15:7-8)
6) How many men of Israel came to find Samson and deliver him to their Philistine masters? (Judges 15:11)
7) What did Samson request of the men of Israel when the found him? (Judges 15:12)
8) What did they bind him with? (Judges 15:13)
9) What happened when Samson was delivered to the Philistines? (Judges 15:14)
10) How many Philistines did Samson kill when he flayed them with the jawbone? (Judges 15:15)
11) What did Samson say when he finished flaying the Philistines? (Judges 15:16)
12) What did he call the place where he flayed the Philistines with the jawbone? (Judges 15:17)
13) When Samson became thirsty, how did God quench his thirst? (Judges 15:18)
14) What did he then call the place? (Judges 15:19)
15) For how long did Samson judge Israel? (Judges 15:20), (Judges 16:31)
Judges Chapter 16
1) What did Samson do with the gates of Gaza? (Judges 16:3)
2) What was the name of Samson’s second love? (Judges 16:4)
3) What did the lords of the Philistines ask of Samson’s new girl-friend? (Judges 16:5)
4) How much of a reward did they promise her? (Judges 16:5)
5) When Delilah first asked Samson the source of his strength, what did he tell her it was? (Judges 16:7)
6) What did the lords of the Philistines have Delilah do? (Judges 16:9)
7) After Delilah bound Samson, what did she do? (Judges 16:9)
8) What did Samson next tell Delilah was the power of his strength? (Judges 16:11)
9) What happened to the ropes that bound Samson? (Judges 16:12)
10) What was Samson’s third tale he told Delilah as to the power of his strength? (Judges 16:13)
11) After beating the drums for days to obtain the power of his strength what did Delilah finally gain from Samson? (Judges 16:16-17)
12) This time, what did the lords of the Philistines bring to Delilah? (Judges 16:18)
13) Where did Samson sleep while his hair was being cut? (Judges 16:19)
14) Did Delilah cut his hair? (Judges 16:19)
15) What did the Philistines make Samson do after his strength was gone? (Judges 16:21)
16) What idol did the Philistines offer sacrifice to for deliverance of Samson? (Judges 16:23)
17) Where did the Philistines place Samson so they could make sport of him? (Judges 16:25)
18) What did Samson ask the lad that held his hand to do? (Judges 16:26)
19) How many people were on the roof of the house where the feast was held and where they made fun of Samson? (Judges 16:27)
20) What did Samson pray while leaning on the pillars? (Judges 16:28)
21) After his prayer, what did Samson do? (Judges 16:29-30)
22) What happened to Samson’s body? (Give details as to place of burial) (Judges 16:31)
Judges Chapter 17
1) Who took the 1100 shekels of silver from Micah’s mother? (Judges 17:2)
2) What did Micah’s mother say when he said he took the silver? (Judges 16:2)
3) What did “mom” do with the silver her son, Micah, restored to her? (Judges 17:4)
4) Where was Micah’s, idol placed? (Judges 17:4)
5) Was this the only idol in filicah’S house? (Judges 17:5)
6) Who did Micah consecrate as priest of this house of idolatry? (Judges 17:5)
7) At this time, what was the political situation in Israel? (Judges 17:6)
8) Who came to sojourn in Micah’s house? (Judges 17:8-10)
9) What offer did Micah make to this man if he would accept the priesthood? (Judges 17:10)
10) Why did Micah think that God would bless him? (Judges 17:11)
Judges Chapter 18
1) What sort of situation was the tribe of Dan in? (Judges 18:1)
2) How many spies did the tribe of Dan send out to claim an inheritance? (Judges 18:2)
3) In whose house did the Dan spies lodge? (Judges 18:2)
4) What did the spies ‘want to know of the Levite “priest” of Micah? (Judges 18:3)
5) When they found out that the young Levite was Micah’s priest”, what request did they make of him? (Judges 18:5)
6) Where did the five spies think they found a likely place for the tribe of Dan to settle? (Judges 18:7)
7) When they got back to Zorah and Eshtoal, what did they tell their brethren? (Judges 18:9-10)
8) How many men were in the army of Dan? (Judges 18:11)
9) What did this army do when they reached Micah’s house? (Judges 18:18)
10) What did Micah’s priest do? (Judges 18:18-20)
11) What did Micah do when he found that his idol and priest were gone? (Judges 18:22-25)
12) What was the name of the city that the tribe of Dan took by force? (Judges 18:27-28)
13) What did Dan rename this city? (Judges 18:29)
14) What did Dan do with Micah’s image? (Judges 18:30)
15) Who did they make priests of this idol? (Judges 18:30-31)
16) Where was God’s Holy Tabernacle at this time? (Judges 18:31)
Judges Chapter 19
1) In the first verse of chapter nineteen, what was it that Israel did not have? (Judges 19:1)
2) Who was it that took a concubine out of Bethlehem-Judah? (Judges 19:1)
3) When the harlot went away from her father’s house, how long did she stay gone? (Judges 19:2)
4) When the husband went after her, what did he take with him? (Judges 19:3)
5) How did the damsel’s father react, when he saw the husband? (Judges 19:3)
6) How long did his father-in-law detain him? (Judges 19:4)
7) What did the damsel’s father say to his son-in-law? (Judges 19:5-6)
8) What was same thing that the father-in-law said to his son-in-law in these verses? (Judges 19:6-8-9)
9) Where did the son-in-law depart to? (Judges 19:10)
10) What did the master of the servant say to him in verse twelve? (Judges 19:12)
11) Where did the master of the servant want to lodge all night at? (Judges 19:13)
12) Where did they turn aside and lodge at? (Judges 19:15)
13) Where did the old man come from in verse sixteen? (Judges 19:16)
14) What did the old man say to the tired trailers in verse twenty? (Judges 19:20)
15) What did the evil men of the city want the old man to do for them? (Judges 19:22)
16) What did the old man offer the evil men of the city? (Judges 19:24)
17) After the evil men knew her, and abused her all night long, what happen to her that early morning? (Judges 19:25)
18) What did the man do with his knife to his concubine, the woman, in verse twenty-nine? (Judges 19:29)
Judges Chapter 20
1) How many infantry were in Israel’s army at Mizpeh? (Judges 20:2)
2) What did the tribe of Benjamin do in response to this force? (Judges 20:3)
3) How was Israel to pare the size of its army? (Judges 20:9-10)
4) Did Benjamin deliver the men of Belial up to Israel’s army? (Judges 20:13)
5) What did Benjamin do? (Judges 20:14)
6) How many men were in the army of Benjamin? How many were in Gibeah’s army? (Judges 20:15)
7) What special troops did Benjamin have and how many? (Judges 20:16)
8) Who did the Lord say that should be first to go up against Benjamin? (Judges 20:18)
9) Where did Israel go into camp? (Judges 20:19)
10) How many men did Israel lose in the first day’s battle? (Judges 20:21)
11) How many men did Israel lose in the second day’s battle with Benjamin? (Judges 20:25)
12) What did Israel do at the end of the second day’s battle? (Judges 20:26)
13) Who was the priest of God when Israel appeared at the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant? (Judges 20:28)
14) What did God promise? (Judges 20:28)
15) What did Israel do in preparation for the third day’s battle? (Judges 20:29)
16) What did Israel do to draw Benjamin away from the city? (Judges 20:31)
17) How many men did Benjamin lose in this, the third days, battle? (Judges 20:35), (Judges 20:46)
18) What did the tiers in wait do? (Judges 20:37)
19) What was the signal used between the army of Israel and the Tiers in wait’? (Judges 20:38)
20) How many men of Israel were killed when Benjamin decided to pursue? (Judges 20:31), (Judges 20:39)
21) In Benjamin’s flight, how many of them were slain? (Judges 20:44)
22) Where did six hundred Benjamin people hide? How long did they stay there? (Judges 20:47)
23) What happened to other Benjamin cities? (Judges 20:48)
Judges Chapter 21
1) What did Israel swear in Mizpeh? (Judges 21:1)
2) Why was Israel troubled? (Judges 21:3)
3) What people did not come to Mizpeh? (Judges 21:9)
4) How many men of Israel went to war against Jabesh-Gilead? (Judges 21:10)
5) Where were the people of Benjamin told to wait? (Judges 21:20)
6) What sort of political situation existed in Israel at the time that Benjamin was ex-communicated from Israel? (Judges 21:25)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped you in your studies and you have a better understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if this way has helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose