Nehemiah is the sixteenth book of the bible. The book of Nehemiah outlines the events connected with the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, and describes certain social and religious reforms. Nehemiah was the governor of Jerusalem under Artaxerxes of Persia. The book of Nehemiah can be divided into four parts: 1) Nehemiah was given permission by Artaxeres to visit Jerusalem, 2) The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, 3) The great revival under Ezra, 4) The conditions prevailing in Palestine after a Remnant had been living there for nearly 100 years. The author of this book is Nehemiah. Listed below are questions on the book of Nehemiah. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Nehemiah Chapter 1
1) When did the events of this passage take place in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 1:1)
2) Why did Nehemiah question his brother in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 1:1-2)
3) What report did Hanani and his men give to Nehemiah in verse three? (Nehemiah 1:3)
4) How did Nehemiah react to the news about Jerusalem and the exiles in verse four? (Nehemiah 1:4)
5) How did Nehemiah describe God in his prayer in verse five of this book? (Nehemiah 1:5)
6) According to Nehemiah, with whom does God keep His covenant of love in verse five? (Nehemiah 1:5)
7) What made Nehemiah more aware of his own sinfulness in these verses? (Nehemiah 1:5-6)
8) What is the major theme of Nehemiah’s prayer in these verses? (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
9) Whose behalf did Nehemiah pray and fast for in verse six of this book? (Nehemiah 1:6)
10) What sins were the Israelites guilty of in verse seven of this book? (Nehemiah 1:7)
11) What instruction did the Lord give to Moses in verse eight of this book? (Nehemiah 1:8)
12) What promise of the Lord could the Israelites claim, according to Nehemiah in verse nine? (Nehemiah 1:9)
13) How did Nehemiah describe the people of Israel in his prayer in verse ten? (Nehemiah 1:10)
14) What specific request did Nehemiah ask God to grant him in verse eleven? (Nehemiah 1:11)
Nehemiah Chapter 2
1) Why was Nehemiah able to meet with the king in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 2:1)
2) How had Nehemiah acted in the king’s presence in the past in verse one? (Nehemiah 2:1)
3) How did Nehemiah’s behavior present an opportunity for him in verse one? (Nehemiah 2:1)
4) What did the king ask Nehemiah in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 2:2)
5) What did the king assume about Nehemiah’s demeanor in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 2:2)
6) What did Nehemiah have to overcome to give the king an honest answer? (Nehemiah 2:2-3)
7) How did Nehemiah describe his problem to the king in verse three of this book? (Nehemiah 2:3)
8) What did Nehemiah do before he told the king what he wanted in verse four? (Nehemiah 2:4)
9) What did Nehemiah ask of the king in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 2:5-7)
10) Why did Nehemiah ask that letters be sent to the governors of Trans-Euphrates? (Nehemiah 2:7)
11) How did Nehemiah explain the generosity of the king in verse eight? (Nehemiah 2:8)
12) Who was disturbed by Nehemiah’s actions and why in verse ten of this book? (Nehemiah 2:10)
13) What did Nehemiah do when he first arrived in Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah 2:11-12)
14) What strategy did Nehemiah use in surveying the state of the city in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 2:11-16)
15) How did Nehemiah prepare himself to present his plan to the Jews in these verses? (Nehemiah 2:11-16)
16) From where did Nehemiah receive his motivation to rebuild Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 2:12)
17) What did Nehemiah find in his inspection of the city in verse thirteen? (Nehemiah 2:13)
18) Why were the officials unaware of Nehemiah’s plan in verse sixteen? (Nehemiah 2:16)
19) Why did Nehemiah say that the Israelites were in disgrace in verse seventeen? (Nehemiah 2:17)
20) How did Nehemiah motivate the Israelites to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah 2:17-18)
21) How did the Jews respond to Nehemiah in verse eighteen of this book? (Nehemiah 2:18)
22) What encouragement did Nehemiah offer those people who may have initially doubted his plan? (Nehemiah 2:18)
23) Why did Nehemiah experience opposition to the work of rebuilding Jerusalem in verse nineteen? (Nehemiah 2:19)
24) How did Nehemiah respond to his critics in verse twenty of this book? (Nehemiah 2:20)
25) Whom did Nehemiah credit for the Israelites’ expected success in verse twenty? (Nehemiah 2:20)
Nehemiah Chapter 3
1) How did the priests set the example for all the Israelites in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 3:1)
2) What did the priests do when they had completed sections of the walls and gates of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 3:1)
3) What project was the Israelites working on in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 3:1)
4) What does the priests’ dedication of their work reveal about their motivation? (Nehemiah 3:1)
5) What kinds of people were involved in rebuilding Jerusalem in these verses? (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
6) What does the wide spectrum of people involved reveal about the Israelites’ commitment to this project? (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
7) Keeping in mind the practical reason for the restoration of the city, why was most of the rebuilding focused on the gates? (Nehemiah 3:1-32)
8) What criticism was leveled at the men of Tekoites in verse five of this book? (Nehemiah 3:5)
9) Why did the common people of Tekoites have to do double-duty work in rebuilding the walls of the city? (Nehemiah 3:5), (Nehemiah 3:27)
10) How did the Israelites decide who would rebuild what in these verses of these books? (Nehemiah 3:10), (Nehemiah 3:28-30)
Nehemiah Chapter 4
1. Why did Sanballat become angry with the Jews in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 4:1)
2) How did Sanballat treat the Jews in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 4:1-2)
3) What did Sanballat and Tobiah do to discourage the Jews from rebuilding the city walls? (Nehemiah 4:1-3)
4) What role did Nehemiah play in these events in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 4:1-23)
5) How did Nehemiah respond to the taunts of his enemies in these verses? (Nehemiah 4:4-5)
6) According to Nehemiah, why were the Jews so successful in their work in verse six? (Nehemiah 4:6)
7) In what specific ways did Nehemiah and the Israelites show commitment to this project? (Nehemiah 4:6-23)
8) What did Israel’s enemies do when they heard of Israel’s success in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls? (Nehemiah 4:7-8)
9) How did Nehemiah and the Jews respond to the evil plotting of their enemies? (Nehemiah 4:9)
10) What did Nehemiah do to encourage the Israelites and protect them from their enemies? (Nehemiah 4:10-14)
11) How were the Jews able to return to their work of rebuilding the city walls? (Nehemiah 4:15)
12) Who frustrated the plotting of Israel’s enemies in verse fifteen of this book? (Nehemiah 4:15)
13) What sacrifices did the people have to make because of the threats of their enemies? (Nehemiah 4:16-18)
Nehemiah Chapter 5
1) What is the conflict between some of the Jews at the beginning of this story in these verses? (Nehemiah 5:1-5)
2) What caused the Israelites’ problems in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 5:3-5)
3) How did Nehemiah react to the Israelites’ complaints in verse six of this book? (Nehemiah 5:6)
4) What did Nehemiah do before he took any action in verse seven of this book? (Nehemiah 5:7)
5) What accusations did Nehemiah make against the officials in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 5:7-11)
6) What action did Nehemiah take on behalf of the Israelites in these verses? (Nehemiah 5:7-18)
7) How did the officials respond to Nehemiah’s accusations and why in these verses? (Nehemiah 5:8-12)
8) Why were the actions of the officials wrong in verse nine of this book? (Nehemiah 5:9)
9) How did Nehemiah insure that the officials would keep their promise in these verses? (Nehemiah 5:12-13)
10) What ways was Nehemiah different from other officials in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 5:14-18)
11) What prevented Nehemiah from acting the same way the other officials did? (Nehemiah 5:15)
12) What did Nehemiah want in return for his generosity to the Israelites in verse nineteen? (Nehemiah 5:19)
Nehemiah Chapter 6
1) What prompted Sanballat and his associates to send Nehemiah a message in verse one? (Nehemiah 6:1)
2) What motivated Sanballat and his associates to summon Nehemiah in these verses? (Nehemiah 6:1-2)
3) What did Sanballat ask of Nehemiah in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 6:2)
4) How did Nehemiah respond to Sanballat’s invitation in verse three of this book? (Nehemiah 6:3)
5) What reason did Nehemiah give for why he could not meet with Sanballat in verse six? (Nehemiah 6:3)
6) What was different about the fifth time Sanballat sent the message to Nehemiah in these verses? (Nehemiah 6:5-7)
7) How did Nehemiah respond to Sanballat’s accusations in verse eight of this book? (Nehemiah 6:8)
8) What did Nehemiah’s opponents assume would be the result of their threats? (Nehemiah 6:9)
9) From where did Nehemiah receive his strength to continue the work in verse nine? (Nehemiah 6:9)
10) What advice did Shemaiah give to Nehemiah in verse ten of this book? (Nehemiah 6:10)
11) What did Nehemiah think of Shemaiah’s advice in verse eleven of this book? (Nehemiah 6:11)
12) What insight did the Lord give to Nehemiah regarding Shemaiah’s advice? (Nehemiah 6:12)
13) What caused Shemaiah to prophesy against Nehemiah in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 6:12-13)
14) Why didn’t Nehemiah back down as his opponents wanted in these verses? (Nehemiah 6:12-13)
15) Toward what goal were Nehemiah’s enemies working in verse thirteen of this book? (Nehemiah 6:13)
16) Why did Nehemiah pray in verse fourteen of this book? (Nehemiah 6:14)
17) How did the Israelites’ enemies react to the news that the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt? (Nehemiah 6:15-16)
18) Why did the nations surrounding Israel lose their self-confidence? (Nehemiah 6:16)
19) Who was given credit for Israel’s success, even by their enemies in verse sixteen? (Nehemiah 6:16)
20) Why was it necessary for guards to be posted around the walls of Jerusalem in verse seventeen? (Nehemiah 6:17)
21) Why did Tobiah continue to send letters to Nehemiah in verse nineteen of this book? (Nehemiah 6:19)
Nehemiah Chapter 7
1) What happened after the walls of Jerusalem had been completed in these verses? (Nehemiah 7:1-2)
2) How did Nehemiah choose the men to put in charge over Jerusalem in verse two? (Nehemiah 7:2)
3) How is Hananiah described in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 7:2)
4) What extra precaution did Nehemiah take to insure the safety of the city in these verses? (Nehemiah 7:2-3)
5) What specific instructions did Nehemiah give to the men in charge of Jerusalem in verse three? (Nehemiah 7:3)
6) How is the city of Jerusalem described in verse four of this book? (Nehemiah 7:4)
7) Why was it important for the people to prove they were Israelites? (Nehemiah 7:4-73)
8) What motivated Nehemiah to organize the genealogical record of the Israelites in verse five? (Nehemiah 7:5)
9) What happened to some of the priests who could not find their family records and why? (Nehemiah 7:64-65)
Nehemiah Chapter 8
1) At what point in Israel’s history does this story take place in verse one? (Nehemiah 8:1)
2) Why did the people of Israel assemble at the Water Gate in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 8:1)
3) What did the people want Ezra to read in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 8:1)
4) Who was included in the assembly at the Water Gate in verse two of this book? (Nehemiah 8:2)
5) What attitude did the people of Israel have toward the Book of the Law in these verses? (Nehemiah 8:3-9), (Nehemiah 8:17)
6) What did the people do when Ezra opened the Book of the Law in verse five? (Nehemiah 8:5)
7) What specific steps did Ezra and the other leaders take to make this event practical for everyone? (Nehemiah 8:5-8)
8) How did Ezra and the people of Israel respond to the reading of the Law in verse six? (Nehemiah 8:6)
9) Why did the leaders declare the day sacred in verse nine of this book? (Nehemiah 8:9)
10) Why were the people of Israel weeping in verse nine of this book? (Nehemiah 8:9)
11) What words of encouragement did Nehemiah offer the people of Israel in verse ten? (Nehemiah 8:10)
12) How had the events of this day changed the lives of the people of Israel in verse twelve? (Nehemiah 8:12)
13) Why did the leaders of Israel gather on the second day of the month in verse thirteen? (Nehemiah 8:13)
14) What specific instructions did the leaders glean from the Book of the Law in these verses? (Nehemiah 8:14-15)
15) How did the people react to the newly discovered instructions in verse sixteen? (Nehemiah 8:16)
Nehemiah Chapter 9
1) Why did the Israelites gather together at this time in verse one of this book? (Nehemiah 9:1)
2) How did the Israelites demonstrate their spirit of repentance in verse one? (Nehemiah 9:1)
3) What specific steps did the people take to restore their relationship with the Lord? (Nehemiah 9:1-3)
4) What role did the Levites play in this event in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:4-5)
5) What instructions did the Levites offer the people in verse five of this book? (Nehemiah 9:5)
6) Why did the Levites offer praise to God in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:5-15)
7) What were some of the ways God provided for and protected the people of Israel? (Nehemiah 9:5-15)
8) On what accomplishments of the Lord did the people focus in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:6-15)
9) What reason did the Levites give to explain why God made a covenant with Abraham? (Nehemiah 9:8)
10) According to the Levites, why did the Lord keep His promises in verse eight? (Nehemiah 9:8)
11) How did the people of Israel view God’s laws in verse thirteen of this book? (Nehemiah 9:13)
12) What mistake did Israel’s forefathers make in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:16-17)
13) How did God demonstrate His love for the people of Israel in these verses? (Nehemiah 9:17-25)
14) How did the Lord reveal His will to the nation of Israel in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:20-30)
15) Why did the Lord allow Israel to be oppressed by their enemies in these verses? (Nehemiah 9:26-27)
16) What request did the Levites present to the Lord in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 9:32-36)
17) Why did the people of Israel want to make a binding agreement in verse thirty-eight? (Nehemiah 9:38)
Nehemiah Chapter 10
1) Why did the people separate themselves from their neighbors in this verse? (Nehemiah 10:28)
2) With what general oath did the people bind themselves in verse twenty-nine? (Nehemiah 10:29)
3) What were the specifics of the oath between God and the people of Israel in these verses? (Nehemiah 10:30-39)
4) How did the people plan to keep the Sabbath holy in verse thirty-one of this book? (Nehemiah 10:31)
5) What offerings did the people promise to give to the Lord in these verses? (Nehemiah 10:32-33)
6) Why was it necessary to cast lots in verse thirty-four of this book? (Nehemiah 10:34)
7) What responsibility did the people take on to insure that the temple was run properly? (Nehemiah 10:34-39)
8) Why was it necessary for the people to bring offerings to the temple in these verses? (Nehemiah 10:34-39)
9) In what ways did the people promise to care for the priests and the temple? (Nehemiah 10:34-39)
10) What was significant about the people’s offering that demonstrated their commitment to the Lord and their respect for the temple? (Nehemiah 10:36-38)
11) How did the people decide what they should tithe in verse thirty-seven? (Nehemiah 10:37)
Nehemiah Chapter 11
1) How did the Jews in chapter eleven decide on who would live in Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 11:1)
2) What reasons do you think the people might have to not want to live in Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 11:2-3)
3) What reasons can you think of for these five groups of people to live in Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 11:3)
4) How many sons of Perez dwelt in Jerusalem, according to verse six of this book? (Nehemiah 11:6)
5) According to verse sixteen, who had the oversight of the outward business of the house of God? (Nehemiah 11:16)
Nehemiah Chapter 12
1) Name all of the priests and the Levites that went up with Zerubbabel to dedication of the walls. (Nehemiah 12:1-7)
2) How was the wall dedicated in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 12:27-30)
3)) Why were the Levites sought out and brought to Jerusalem in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 12:27-30)
4) How did Israel celebrate the completion of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 12:27-47)
5) How did the people demonstrate their thankfulness to God for His goodness in these verses? (Nehemiah 12:43-47)
6) How long did this reformation last in verse forty-seven? (Nehemiah 12:47)
Nehemiah Chapter 13
1) What did the Israelites discover when they read the Book of Moses at the celebration? (Nehemiah 13:1-2)
2) What did the people do in response to what they discovered in the Book of Moses in verse three? (Nehemiah 13:3)
3) What evil deed had Eliashib the priest done in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 13:4-5)
4) How did Nehemiah react to Eliashib’s sin in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 13:7-9)
5) What had forced the Levites to return to their own fields? (Nehemiah 13:10)
6) Why did Nehemiah rebuke the officials in verse eleven of this book? (Nehemiah 13:11)
7) How did Nehemiah choose the men to put in charge of the store rooms in verse thirteen? (Nehemiah 13:13)
8) What request did Nehemiah ask of the Lord for his diligence in keeping Israel accountable? (Nehemiah 13:14-22)
9) What sins were the people of Israel guilty of in these verses of this book? (Nehemiah 13:15-16 and 23-24)
10) What action did Nehemiah take to insure Israel kept the Sabbath holy in these verses? (Nehemiah 13:19-22)
11) How did Nehemiah react to Israel’s sin of intermarriage with foreigners? (Nehemiah 13:23-27)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose