Psalms is the nineteenth book of the bible. In the book of Psalms there are seventy-three Psalms assigned to David, there are twelve Psalms assigned to Asaph, there are two assigned to Solomon, one is assigned to Moses, there is one assigned to Ethan, and twelve are assigned to the sons of Korah, a family of Levitical singers. The book of Psalms is the principal devotional book of the bible. In some churches Psalms is used in ritual worship in public and in private. The book of Psalms arise from a consideration of what God has done in the past, what God will do in the future, and the need for God in the immediate present, with a recognition of God ‘s sovereignty and goodness. The author of this book is David and others. Listed below are questions on the book of Psalms. These questions can be used for Sunday school or bible study to help all young converts study the scriptures and may God bless you always.
Psalms Chapter 1
1) What activities does the righteous person avoid in verses one through three? (Psalms 1:1-3)
2) How are the righteous and the wicked different, according to these verses? (Psalms 1:1-6)
3) What are the main points the psalm writer makes in this poem in these verses? (Psalms 1:1-6)
4) How does the psalm writer connect delight and meditation in verse two? (Psalms 1:2)
5) What does the image of the tree tell us about the righteous person in verse three? (Psalms 1:3)
6) What way is a righteous person rewarded for being righteous in, according to this verse? (Psalms 1:3)
7) What differences are there between righteous people and unrighteous people in these verses? (Psalms 1:3-5)
8) What differences are implied by the references to “tree” and “chaff” in these verses? (Psalms 1:3-5)
9) How are the righteous, described in the psalm, according to verses four and five? (Psalms 1:4-5)
10) How are the wicked, described in the psalm, according to these verses? (Psalms 1:4-5)
11) What consequences do the wicked face, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 1:5)
12) What role does the Lord play in relation to the righteous and the wicked in verse six? (Psalms 1:6)
13) How do the futures of the righteous and the wicked differ, according to verse six? (Psalms 1:6)
Psalms Chapter 2
1) How successful are people when they plot against the Lord in verse one of this book? (Psalms 2:1)
2) What aspects of the Lord’s character are revealed in this psalm, according to these verses? (Psalms 2:1-12)
3) Who tries to stand against the Lord in verse two? (Psalms 2:2)
4) What do the rulers of the world want to accomplish, according to verse three? (Psalms 2:3)
5) How does God react to the leaders of the earth trying to overthrow Him in verse four? (Psalms 2:4)
6) How does God demonstrate His righteousness to wicked people in verse five? (Psalms 2:5)
7) What does God want us to know in verses six through nine of this book? (Psalms 2:6-9)
8) How far does God’s power extend in verse eight? (Psalms 2:8)
9) What will God’s Annointed One in verse nine accomplish of this book? (Psalms 2:9)
10) What warning are leaders given in this psalm, according to verse ten? (Psalms 2:10)
11) What are some dangers in being a leader, according to verse ten of this book? (Psalms 2:10)
12) What attitude of worship should we have in verse eleven? (Psalms 2:11)
13) What advice does this passage give us in verses eleven through twelve? (Psalms 2:11-12)
Psalms Chapter 3
1) What predicament prompted David to write this poem in verses one and two? (Psalms 3:1-2)
2) How were David’s enemies intimidating him, according to verse two? (Psalms 3:2)
3) Where did David get his hope in verse three of this book? (Psalms 3:3)
4) What image did David use to describe God’s protection in verse three? (Psalms 3:3)
5) How did the Lord show His love for David, according to verse three? (Psalms 3:3)
6) How did David deal with his fears, according to verse four? (Psalms 3:4)
7) How did God respond to David’s cries for help in verse four of this book? (Psalms 3:4)
8) How did David demonstrate his faith in God’s protection in verse five of this book? (Psalms 3:5)
9) Whom did David credit for his sense of security when he was surrounded by enemies in verse five? (Psalms 3:5)
10) What extent was David willing to trust the Lord to in verse six of this book? (Psalms 3:6)
11) What action did David ask the Lord to take on his behalf in verse seven? (Psalms 3:7)
12) What expression of confidence concludes David’s prayer in verse eight? (Psalms 3:8)
13) What did David ask God to do, according to verse eight of this book? (Psalms 3:8)
Psalms Chapter 4
1) How is the Lord described in this passage, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 4:1)
2) What did David need to be saved from, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 4:1)
3) Why does David rebuke others in this poem in verses two and three? (Psalms 4:2-3)
4) What assurance does this psalm offer, according to verse four of this book? (Psalms 4:3)
5) What weakness can draw people away from the Lord in verse four? (Psalms 4:4)
6) What advice does David give to those who want to remain righteous in verses four and five? (Psalms 4:4-5)
7) How did David’s relationship with the Lord affect his attitude in verse seven? (Psalms 4:7)
8) How did David describe his joy, according to verse seven? (Psalms 4:7)
9) How did David demonstrate his trust in the Lord in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 4:8)
10) Where did David get his sense of security, according to verse eight? (Psalms 4:8)
Psalms Chapter 5
1) What were the psalm writer’s main requests, according to verses one through twelve? (Psalms 5:1-12)
2) When did David pray and how, according to verses two and three of this book? (Psalms 5:2-3)
3) What characteristics of God did the psalm writer appeal to in verses four through twelve? (Psalms 5:4-12)
4) How did David describe wicked people, according to verse five? (Psalms 5:5)
5) What attitude did David have in presenting his request to the Lord in verse seven? (Psalms 5:7)
6) How did David describe his enemies in verses nine and ten of this book? (Psalms 5:9-10)
7) How did David trust God to judge the wicked, rather than seeking revenge himself in verse ten? (Psalms 5:10)
8) What did David ask God to do, according to verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 5:10-12)
9) Who did David include in his prayer in verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 5:11)
10) Who does the Lord protect and bless in verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 5:11-12)
11) What attitude should believers have and why, according to verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 5:11-12)
12) How did David use the image of a shield to describe what God does for the righteous in verse twelve? (Psalms 5:12)
13) What does God do for the righteous, according to verse twelve of this book? (Psalms 5:12)
Psalms Chapter 6
1) What request opens this psalm in verse one of this book? (Psalms 6:1)
2) What did the psalm writer think was the reason for his illness in verse one? (Psalms 6:1)
3) What feelings did the psalm writer have, according to verses one through ten? (Psalms 6:1-10)
4) Why did the psalm writer believe that the Lord would be willing to save him in verse four? (Psalms 6:4)
5) What motivated the psalm writer to ask the Lord for mercy in verse five of this book? (Psalms 6:5)
6) What did the psalm writer believe would happen to him if the Lord did not show him mercy in verse five? (Psalms 6:5)
7) What would God forfeit if He were not merciful, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 6:5)
8) How is the psalm writer protected from his enemies in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 6:8)
9) What expression of confidence concludes this prayer in verses eight through ten? (Psalms 6:8-10)
10) What is the Lord’s response to the psalm writer’s cries for mercy in verse nine? (Psalms 6:9)
11) How would the psalm writer’s enemies react to his restoration in verse ten? (Psalms 6:10)
Psalms Chapter 7
1) What fears inspired David to write this psalm, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 7:1-2)
2) What qualified David to plead with God for deliverance in verses three through five? (Psalms 7:3-5)
3) What conditions was David willing to forgo God’s protection under in verses three through five? (Psalms 7:3-5)
4) What character traits of God did David appeal to, according to verses six through eleven? (Psalms 7:6-11)
5) How did David want to be judged by God in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 7:8)
6) How does God demonstrate His righteousness, according to verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 7:9-11)
7) How did David demonstrate his confidence in God in verses ten through thirteen? (Psalms 7:10-13)
8) What image did David use to describe how God will express His wrath against the wicked in verses eleven through thirteen? (Psalms 7:11-13)
9) What general principle of life did David use to comfort himself in verses fourteen through sixteen? (Psalms 7:14-16)
10) What are the consequences of evil, according to verses fourteen through sixteen? (Psalms 7:14-16)
11) What motivated David to praise God, according to verse seventeen of this book? (Psalms 7:17)
Psalms Chapter 8
1) How does the first verse introduce the focus of the poem, according to the writer of this book? (Psalms 8:1)
2) How did David describe the Lord in verses one through nine? (Psalms 8:1-9)
3) Why do the children praise God, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 8:2)
4) How does the Lord silence His enemies in verse two of this book? (Psalms 8:2)
5) What motivated David to write this psalm, according to verse three? (Psalms 8:3)
6) What did David find most amazing about God’s creation in verses three and four? (Psalms 8:3-4)
7) How do people get all of their power and responsibility in verses three through six? (Psalms 8:3-6)
8) What attitude did David have about himself and all people in verse four? (Psalms 8:4)
9) How do people fit into the heavenly realm of beings, according to verse five? (Psalms 8:5)
10) What has God done for us, according to verses five through eight? (Psalms 8:5-8)
11) What are some responsibilities that all of us have in verses five through eight? (Psalms 8:5-8)
Psalms Chapter 9
1) What prompted David to offer this poem of praise to the Lord, according to verses one through eighteen? (Psalms 9:1-18)
2) What did God accomplish in destroying Israel’s enemies in verses three through six? (Psalms 9:3-6)
3) How did David describe God’s rule, according to these verses and books? (Psalms 9:4), (Psalms 9:7-8)
4) How does the Lord meet the needs of people who are oppressed in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 9:9-10)
5) What lesson did David learn about God’s character, according to verse ten? (Psalms 9:10)
6) Why did David call people to praise the Lord in verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 9:11-12)
7) What reason did David ask the Lord to rescue him from his enemies for in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 9:13-14)
8) What will eventually become of the wicked under God’s just rule, according to verses fifteen through eighteen? (Psalms 9:15-18)
9) What reputation does the God of Israel have, according to verse sixteen? (Psalms 9:16)
10) How does God defeat the plans of wicked people in verse sixteen of this book? (Psalms 9:16)
11) What will happen to the needy and afflicted, regardless of their place in society in verse eighteen? (Psalms 9:18)
12) What prayer concludes the psalm in verses nineteen and twenty of this book? (Psalms 9:19-20)
Psalms Chapter 10
1) How did the psalm writer feel about his circumstances before he put his confidence in the Lord’s deliverance in verse one? (Psalms 10:1)
2) What did the psalm writer need to be rescued from, according to verses one through eighteen? (Psalms 10:1-18)
3) How are innocent people affected by the actions of wicked people in these verses and books? (Psalms 10:2 and Psalms 10:8-10)
4) How are wicked people described in this psalm, according to verses two through eleven? (Psalms 10:2-11)
5) What are the sins of the wicked, according to verses two through eleven? (Psalms 10:2-11)
6) What attitudes do wicked people have toward God, according to verses three through eleven? (Psalms 10:3-11)
7) What three weapons of the tongue do wicked people employ in verse seven? (Psalms 10:7)
8) What action did the psalm writer want the Lord to take on his behalf in these verses? (Psalms 10:12 and 15)
9) What way did the psalm writer want God to prove the wicked wrong in, according to verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 10:13-14)
10) What character trait of the Lord did the psalm writer appeal to in verse fourteen? (Psalms 10:14)
11) Where did the psalm writer place his confidence and why in verses sixteen through eighteen? (Psalms 10:16-18)
Psalms Chapter 11
1) Why did the people around David want to flee to a mountain refuge in verses one through three? (Psalms 11:1-3)
2) Who do the wicked people focus their attacks on in verse two? (Psalms 11:2)
3) How did the threats of wicked people influence the righteous in verses two and three? (Psalms 11:2-3)
4) Why did the people around David feel so hopeless in verse three? (Psalms 11:3)
5) What actions does the Lord take on behalf of His people in these verses? (Psalms 11:4-6)
6) How does the Lord treat the wicked and the righteous differently in these verses? (Psalms 11:4-6)
7) What reply did David give to the fearful in verses four through seven? (Psalms 11:4-7)
8) Why does God treat wicked and righteous people differently, according to verse seven? (Psalms 11:7)
9) What is God like, according to verse seven of this book? (Psalms 11:7)
10) What does God love, according to verse seven of this book? (Psalms 11:7)
11) What special hope encouraged David to seek the Lord in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 11:7)
Psalms Chapter 12
1) What was on David’s mind in verses one and two of this book? (Psalms 12:1-2)
2) How did David describe the problem that concerned him in verses one and two? (Psalms 12:1-2)
3) What evidence did David give to prove that the “faithful have vanished” in verse two? (Psalms 12:2)
4) What attitude do the wicked have toward themselves and God in verses three and four? (Psalms 12:3-4)
5) What sins were the wicked guilty of, according to verses three and four of this book? (Psalms 12:3-4)
6) What motivates the Lord to take action on behalf of His people in verse five? (Psalms 12:5)
7) What reassuring word from the Lord follows David’s plea for help in verses five and six? (Psalms 12:5-6)
8) How did God reassure David, according to verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 12:5-6)
9) How did David describe the word of the Lord in verse six of this book? (Psalms 12:6)
10) How did David demonstrate his trust in the Lord in verse seven? (Psalms 12:7)
11) How did David show his belief and confidence in God, according to verse seven? (Psalms 12:7)
12) What way was David’s expression of confidence in God an act of faith in, according to this verse? (Psalms 12:8)
13) Why did David need faith in verse eight? (Psalms 12:8)
Psalms Chapter 13
1) What questions went through David’s mind as he waited for the Lord’s answer to his prayer in verses one and two? (Psalms 13:1-2)
2) Why did David cry out to the Lord in verses one trough six of this book? (Psalms 13:1-6)
3) Why did David question the Lord in this prayer, according to these verses? (Psalms 13:1-6)
5) What did David ask God to do in verse three? (Psalms 13:3)
6) What reason did David want the Lord to save him for, according to verse four? (Psalms 13:4)
7) What impact did David think his death would have on his enemies in verse four? (Psalms 13:4)
8) What two character traits of the Lord’s encouraged David in his despair in verse five? (Psalms 13:5)
9) How did David’s illness affect his relationship with God in verses five and six? (Psalms 13:5-6)
10) How did David’s emotions change when he reminded himself of God’s character in these verses? (Psalms 13:5-6)
11) What expression of confidence concludes this poem, according to verses five and six? (Psalms 13:5-6)
12) How did David’s memory of the past change his perspective on the present in verse six? (Psalms 13:6)
Psalms Chapter 14
1) What do foolish people fail to recognize in verse one of this book? (Psalms 14:1)
2) What does this psalm teach about the wicked, according to verses one through seven? (Psalms 14:1-7)
3) What does God look for in verse two of this book? (Psalms 14:2)
4) What conclusion can be drawn about all humanity, according to verse three? (Psalms 14:3)
5) What two mistakes of the wicked did David point out in this psalm in verse four? (Psalms 14:4)
6) How do evildoers treat the poor, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 14:4-6)
7) What are wicked people unable to learn in verses four and five? (Psalms 14:4-5)
8) Why are wicked people “overwhelmed with dread” in verse five of this book? (Psalms 14:5)
9) Who protects the poor from the evil plans of the wicked in verse six? (Psalms 14:6)
10) What did the psalm writer want for Israel, according to verse seven? (Psalms 14:7)
11) What should people do when the Lord restores His people in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 14:7)
Psalms Chapter 15
1) What question opens this poem in verse one? (Psalms 15:1)
2) Who is this psalm directed to, in verse one of this book? (Psalms 15:1)
3) How does a blameless person treat others in verses two through five? (Psalms 15:2-5)
4) What gives a person access to God, according to verses two through five of this book? (Psalms 15:2-5)
5) What can prevent a person from dwelling in God’s presence in verses two through five? (Psalms 15:2-5)
6) How did David describe the person who dwells with God in these verses? (Psalms 15:2-5)
7) What characteristics did David ascribe to the person who has access to God in verses two through five? (Psalms 15:2-5)
8) How should we treat others, according to verses three and four of this book? (Psalms 15:3-4)
9) Who should righteous people honor and who should they despise in verse four? (Psalms 15:4)
10) What circumstances should a person keep his or her oaths under in verse four of this book? (Psalms 15:4)
11) What advice did the psalm writer give regarding money in verse five? (Psalms 15:5)
12) What promise is given to the person who fits the description in this verse? (Psalms 15:5)
Psalms Chapter 16
1) What request did David open this psalm with in verse one of this book? (Psalms 16:1)
2) What unifying prayer is the focus of this psalm, according to verses one through eleven? (Psalms 16:1-11)
3) What way did David benefit from the Lord in verse two of this book? (Psalms 16:2)
4) How did David feel about the “saints who are in the land,” according to verse three? (Psalms 16:3)
5) What happens to people who “run after other gods” in verse four? (Psalms 16:4)
6) What did David refuse to do, despite the example of those around him in verse four? (Psalms 16:4)
7) Where did David gain his sense of security from, according to these verses? (Psalms 16:5-8)
8) What specific ways did God provide for David in verses five through eight? (Psalms 16:5-8)
9) What did God do for David, according to verses five through eight of this book? (Psalms 16:5-8)
10) What attitude did David have toward what God had given him in these verses? (Psalms 16:5-8)
11) How did David describe his inheritance in verse six of this book? (Psalms 16:6)
12) How did David react to the Lord’s blessings in verses seven and eight? (Psalms 16:7-8)
13) What reasons did David give to explain his sense of security in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 16:9-11)
14) How far did David’s confidence in the Lord extend, according to verse ten? (Psalms 16:10)
15) Who is the “Holy One,” according to verse ten? (Psalms 16:10)
16) What did David expect of his future, according to verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 16:11)
Psalms Chapter 17
1) How did David want to be treated by the Lord in verses one through three? (Psalms 17:1-3)
2) What claims did David make about his own character in these verses? (Psalms 17:1-5)
3) What resolution did David make about his behavior in verse three of this book? (Psalms 17:3)
4) What standard did David hold himself accountable to in verses four and five? (Psalms 17:4-5)
5) What motivated David to trust in the Lord, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 17:6)
6) What request did David present before the Lord in this prayer in verses six through nine? (Psalms 17:6-9)
7) How does God show His great love toward His people in verse seven? (Psalms 17:7)
8) What mental pictures did David use to describe God’s protection over him in verse eight? (Psalms 17:8)
9) What image did David use to describe his enemies in verse twelve? (Psalms 17:12)
10) What specific action did David ask the Lord to take on his behalf in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 17:13-14)
11) How were the motivations and goals of David’s enemies different from his own in verse fourteen? (Psalms 17:14)
12) How does God provide for those He loves, according to verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 17:14-15)
13) What sentiments did David conclude his prayer with in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 17:14-15)
Psalms Chapter 18
1) What motivated David to write this song of praise to the Lord, according to verses one through six? (Psalms 18:1-6)
2) What images or mental pictures did David use to describe the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 18:2 and Psalms 18:14)
3) What are the three major themes of this poem, according to these verses? (Psalms 18:4-19-20-29-30-45)
4. How did God help David in verses four through nineteen of this book? (Psalms 18:4-19)
5. What did the Lord deliver David from, according to verses four through nineteen? (Psalms 18:4-19)
6. Why did the Lord save him from his enemies, in David’s mind? (Psalms 18:20-29)
7) How does God show Himself to us in verses twenty-five through twenty-seven? (Psalms 18:25-27)
8) What resulted from David’s righteousness and pure character, according to verses twenty through twenty-four? (Psalms 18:20-24)
9) Where did David get his confidence and courage, according to these verses? (Psalms 18:29 and Psalms 18:32-45)
10) What specific ways did God enable David in these verses of this book? (Psalms 18:32-45)
11) Why was David motivated to praise the Lord in verses forty-six through fifty? (Psalms 18:46-50)
12) What vow did David make in verse forty-nine? (Psalms 18:49)
13) How did David view himself and his relationship with God, according to verse fifty? (Psalms 18:50)
Psalms Chapter 19
1) What do the heavens and skies have to say to us in verse one? (Psalms 19:1)
2) What way do the heavens “display knowledge in,” according to verse two? (Psalms 19:2)
3) How far does the voice of the heavens extend, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 19:3-4)
4) How does the sun affect the earth, according to verses four through six? (Psalms 19:4-6)
5) How did David describe the sun and its role in verses four through six? (Psalms 19:4-6)
6) What words did David use to describe God’s law in verses seven through fourteen? (Psalms 19:7-14)
7) What power does God’s law have in the lives of His people, according to these verses? (Psalms 19:7-14)
8) How did the psalm writer describe the worthiness of God’s law in verse ten? (Psalms 19:10)
9) What results from keeping God’s laws, according to verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 19:11)
10) What did David say about our faults, according to verse twelve? (Psalms 19:12)
11) What two types of sins or faults do we need God’s help with in these verses? (Psalms 19:12-13)
12) What was David’s desire and prayer in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 19:13-14)
Psalms Chapter 20
1) What challenges did the king face, according to verses one through nine of this book? (Psalms 20:1-9)
2) Where did the psalm writer expect help and support from, according to verse two? (Psalms 20:2)
3) How did the king prepare for the challenges he faced in verse three? (Psalms 20:3)
4) What general blessing did this prayer offer the king before he went to battle in verse four? (Psalms 20:4)
5) How did the people promise they would respond to the king’s success in verse five? (Psalms 20:5)
6) What elements of God’s character does this psalm focus on in verse six? (Psalms 20:6)
7) How was the people’s confession of trust in the Lord unique in verse seven? (Psalms 20:7)
8) Who did the people put their trust in and why in verses seven and eight? (Psalms 20:7-8)
9) What will happen to those who trust in God, as compared to those who trust in their own abilities in these verses? (Psalms 20:7-8)
10) What final request concludes this psalm in verse nine of this book? (Psalms 20:9)
Psalms Chapter 21
1) How did the king respond to the victory that God granted him in the first six verses? (Psalms 21:1-6)
2) What specific blessings did the Lord give the king in verses two through six? (Psalms 21:2-6)
3) What was the king’s main request and how did God answer it in verses four and five? (Psalms 21:4-5)
4) What extra blessing did God give to the king in verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 21:5-6)
5) How does this psalm explain the king’s security in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 21:7)
6) What characteristic of the Lord protects the king in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 21:7)
7) What kind of future did the king have to look forward to in verses eight through twelve? (Psalms 21:8-12)
8) How will the king be rescued, according to verse nine? (Psalms 21:9)
9) What will happen to the king’s enemies, according to verse ten? (Psalms 21:10)
10) How is the last verse of the poem a fitting conclusion in verse thirteen? (Psalms 21:13)
Psalms Chapter 22
1) How did the psalm writer feel about his relationship with God in the first three verses? (Psalms 22:1-3)
2) What did the psalm writer say about what God had been to Israel in the past in verses three through five? (Psalms 22:3-5)
3) Why did people mock David and how did their insults make him feel in verses six and seven? (Psalms 22:6-7)
4) What did David say about what God had been for him in verses nine and ten of this book? (Psalms 22:9-10)
5) How did David describe his enemies in these verses of this book? (Psalms 22:12-16)
6) What four figures did the psalm writer use to describe the attacks of his enemies in these verses? (Psalms 22:12-13), (Psalms 22:16-18)
7) How did the psalm writer feel under the attacks of his adversaries in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 22:14-15)
8) How did the psalm writer recall the four figures he used to describe his enemies later in the psalm in verses twenty and twenty-one? (Psalms 22:20-21)
9) What changed David’s attitude in verses twenty-two through twenty-four? (Psalms 22:22-24)
10) What vows did David make to the Lord in verses twenty-two through thirty-one? (Psalms 22:22-31)
11) What will motivate other people to turn from their idols and praise the true God, according to these verses? (Psalms 22:25-31)
12) Who will join the psalm writer in praise to the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 22:26-31)
Psalms Chapter 23
1) How did David describe the Lord and what is He like in verse one of this book? (Psalms 23:1)
2) What mental picture did David use to describe his role in relationship with the Lord in these three verses? (Psalms 23:1-3)
3) What comforted David, according to verse one? (Psalms 23:1)
4) How does the Lord provide for His people in these first three verses? (Psalms 23:1-3)
5) How did God help David, according to these three verses of this book? (Psalms 23:1-3)
6) What motivates God to guide His people in verse three? (Psalms 23:3)
7) What gave David the confidence to face death in verse four? (Psalms 23:4)
8) How was David comforted in difficult times, according to verse four? (Psalms 23:4)
9) How far does the guidance and protection of the Lord extend for His people in verses four and five? (Psalms 23:4-5)
10) How does God provide for His children, even in the face of death in these verses? (Psalms 23:4-5)
11) How does God honor those He loves in verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 23:5-6)
12) What did the Lord give to David, according to verses five and six? (Psalms 23:5-6)
Psalms Chapter 24
1) What does the beginning of this psalm reveal about God’s character in these first two verses? (Psalms 24:1-2)
2) Why is God worthy of worship and praise, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 24:1-2)
3) What is the purpose of this psalm in verses one through ten of this book? (Psalms 24:1-10)
4) Who may enter God’s presence, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 24:3-4)
5) What should a person do who wants to enter God’s presence in verses three through six? (Psalms 24:3-6)
6) What specific character traits do we need in order to enjoy God’s presence in verses four through six? (Psalms 24:4-6)
7) What do the righteous receive from the Lord, according to verse five? (Psalms 24:5)
8) How does this psalm use gates and doors to tell us about the Lord in verses seven and nine? (Psalms 24:7-9)
9) How does the psalm writer welcome the victorious King into His sanctuary in verses seven through ten? (Psalms 24:7-10)
10) How is the “King of glory” described in these verses of this book? (Psalms 24:8-10)
Psalms Chapter 25
1) What prayer request opens this psalm in these first three verses? (Psalms 25:1-3)
2) Who did David want God to “put to shame,” according to verse three? (Psalms 25:3)
3) How did David feel about the hostility of his enemies in verse three of this book? (Psalms 25:3)
4) What did David ask the Lord to reveal to him and why in verses four and five? (Psalms 25:4-5)
5) What did David want God to remember, and what did he want God to forget in verses six and seven? (Psalms 25:6-7)
6) How did David want to be remembered by the Lord, according to verse seven? (Psalms 25:7)
7) What does God do for sinners, according to verse eight of this book? (Psalms 25:8)
8) How does this psalm describe the Lord and the kind of relationship He wants to have with us in these verses? (Psalms 25:8-10)
9) Where did David place his confidence and why in verses eight through fifteen? (Psalms 25:8-15)
10) What attitude did David have about himself and God in verse eleven? (Psalms 25:11)
11) Why was David praying in verses sixteen through nineteen of this book? (Psalms 25:16-19)
12) What prayer concludes this psalm in verse twenty-two? (Psalms 25:22)
13) What did David ask God to do in verse twenty-two of this book? (Psalms 25:22)
Psalms Chapter 26
1) How had David shown his faithfulness to the Lord in verse one? (Psalms 26:1)
2) What appeal did David present to the Lord in verses one through eight of this book? (Psalms 26:1-8)
3) Who did David refuse to associate with in verses four and five of this book? (Psalms 26:4-5)
4) How are the wicked, described in this psalm in these verses of this book? (Psalms 26:4-5), (Psalms 26:9-10)
5) What public act of devotion did David offer to the Lord in verses six and seven? (Psalms 26:6-7)
6) How did David share his faith with others, according to these verses? (Psalms 26:6-7)
7) How was David involved in ministry in God’s house in verses six through eight? (Psalms 26:6-8)
8) How did David feel about his place of worship in verse eight? (Psalms 26:8)
9) How did David want to be treated differently by God from the wicked in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 26:9-11)
10) Why did David believe he should be treated differently from others in verse eleven? (Psalms 26:11)
11) What promise did David make to the Lord, according to verse twelve? (Psalms 26:12)
Psalms Chapter 27
1) What did David mean when he said, “The Lord is my light” in verse one of this book? (Psalms 27:1)
2) Why was David able to trust God in the face of danger in these verses? (Psalms 27:1-3), (Psalms 27:5)
3) How was the king’s faith in the Lord challenged in these verses? (Psalms 27:1-3), (Psalms 27:12)
4) How is faith shown in this passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 27:1-6), (Psalms 27:10)
5) What dangers did the king face in verses two and three of this book? (Psalms 27:2-3)
6) Where did David find safety and strength, according to verses four through six? (Psalms 27:4-6)
7) How did David plan to respond when the Lord exalted him above his enemies in verse six? (Psalms 27:6)
8) What did David pray for deliverance from, according to verses seven through twelve? (Psalms 27:7-12)
9) What did David’s own conscience encourage him to do in verse eight? (Psalms 27:8)
10) What extent did David depend on the Lord to in these verses? (Psalms 27:9-10), (Psalms 27:13-14)
11) What did David expect of his future and why, according to verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 27:13-14)
12) How did David conclude this prayer for deliverance in these verses? (Psalms 27:13-14)
13) What gave David courage while he awaited God’s deliverance in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 27:13-14)
Psalms Chapter 28
1) What did David believe would happen if the Lord did not answer his prayer in verse one? (Psalms 28:1)
2) How did David refer to the Lord in these verses of this book? (Psalms 28:1), (Psalms 28:7-9)
3) What is the main focus of David’s prayer in this psalm in verses one through nine? (Psalms 28:1-9)
4) What physical act of worship did David combine with his prayers in verse two? (Psalms 28:2)
5) How did David tangibly demonstrate his worship to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 28:2 and Psalms 28:7)
6) What hypocrisy did David see in the people around him, according to verse three? (Psalms 28:3)
7) What request did David present to the Lord in this psalm in verses three through five? (Psalms 28:3-5)
8) How did David want the Lord to deal with the wicked in verse four of this book? (Psalms 28:4)
9) What reason did David have to believe that the Lord would destroy the wicked in verse five? (Psalms 28:5)
10) What motivated David to praise the Lord, according to verses six through eight? (Psalms 28:6-8)
11) What kind of relationship did David have with the Lord in verses seven and eight? (Psalms 28:7-8)
12) What kind of relationship does God desire to have with His people, according to verses eight and nine? (Psalms 28:8-9)
Psalms Chapter 29
1) Who should proclaim the majesty and power of God, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 29:1-2)
2) Which of the Lord’s attributes does this passage focus on in verses one through eleven? (Psalms 29:1-11)
3) How is the Lord described in this poem, according to verses two through eleven? (Psalms 29:2-11)
4) What does the psalm writer reveal about God’s character in these verses? (Psalms 29:2-11)
5) What role does the Lord play in His creation in verses three through nine? (Psalms 29:3-9)
6) How powerful is the voice of the Lord in verses three through nine of this book? (Psalms 29:3-9)
7) Why is the Lord worthy of praise and worship in these verses? (Psalms 29:3-11)
8) Where do God’s people find comfort in verses ten and eleven of this book? (Psalms 29:10-11)
9) What does the Lord provide for His people in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 29:10-11)
10) What specific blessing did the psalm writer recognize as coming from the Lord in verse eleven? (Psalms 29:11)
Psalms Chapter 30
1) How did David introduce his reason for praising the Lord in the first three verses? (Psalms 30:1-3)
2) What images did David use to describe how the Lord delivered him in these verses? (Psalms 30:1-3)
3) How did God respond to David’s cries for help, according to verse two? (Psalms 30:2)
4) What instructions did David give to God’s people, according to verses four and five? (Psalms 30:4-5)
5) What did David remember about the Lord’s deliverance and how he felt about it in verses six through twelve? (Psalms 30:6-12)
6) What sinful attitude was David guilty of when circumstances were going well for him in verse six? (Psalms 30:6)
7) How did the Lord remind David that He was the one who gave David his security in verse seven? (Psalms 30:7)
8) What caused David to lose his sense of security and self-reliance in verses eight through ten? (Psalms 30:8-10)
9) Why did David want the Lord to save him, according to verse nine? (Psalms 30:9)
10) How did God answer David’s prayer, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 30:11-12)
Psalms Chapter 31
1) Why did David appeal to the Lord for help in verses one through five? (Psalms 31:1-5)
2) How did David describe the Lord in this passage of this book? (Psalms 31:2-5), (Psalms 31:16)
3) What was at stake in David’s safety, according to verse three? (Psalms 31:3)
4) What did David commit to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 31:5), (Psalms 31:15)
5) How are the wicked, described in this passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 31:6), (Psalms 31:17-18)
6) How strong was the conspiracy against David in verses nine through thirteen? (Psalms 31:9-13)
7) What defense did David have against the schemes of his enemies in verses fourteen through eighteen? (Psalms 31:14-18)
8) Why did David expect God to treat him favorably, according to verses seventeen and eighteen? (Psalms 31:17-18)
9) What did David anticipate in the future in verses nineteen and twenty? (Psalms 31:19-20)
10) What did David’s anticipation reveal about his relationship with the Lord in verses nineteen through twenty-four? (Psalms 31:19-24)
11) How does God treat the faithful and the proud differently in verse twenty-three? (Psalms 31:23)
12) Who are David’s concluding instructions directed to, according to verses twenty-three and twenty-four? (Psalms 31:23-24)
Psalms Chapter 32
1) What gift from the Lord did David celebrate in this psalm, according to these verses? (Psalms 32:1-11)
2) How did David describe the person who receives God’s forgiveness in these verses? (Psalms 32:1-11)
3) How did David feel when he had unconfused sin in his life, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 32:3-4)
4) What personal testimony did David offer regarding God’s forgiveness in verses three through five? (Psalms 32:3-5)
5) How did David respond to the Lord’s “heavy hand” on him in verses four and five? (Psalms 32:4-5)
6) How did God motivate David to confess his sin, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 32:5)
7) What did David experience after he confessed his sin to God in verse five? (Psalms 32:5)
8) How did God respond to David’s confession in verse five of this book? (Psalms 32:5)
9) What assurance do we have when we pray, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 32:6)
10) What conclusion did David draw from his experience in verses six and seven? (Psalms 32:6-7)
11) How does the Lord protect His people in verses six and seven? (Psalms 32:6-7)
12) What specific advice does this psalm offer to God’s people in verses eight through eleven? (Psalms 32:8-11)
13) What did David advise people to avoid in verse nine of this book? (Psalms 32:9)
14) What promise did David offer to those who trust in the Lord in verse ten? (Psalms 32:10)
Psalms Chapter 33
1) How does this psalm call people to praise the Lord, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 33:1-3)
2) How should God’s people praise God, according to verses two and three? (Psalms 33:2-3)
3) What specific reasons did the psalm writer praise God for in verses four through nineteen? (Psalms 33:4-19)
4) What role does the Lord play in the events of earth, according to verses five through nineteen? (Psalms 33:5-19)
5) How has the Lord demonstrated His creativity in verses six through nine? (Psalms 33:6-9)
6) What reason do we have to fear the Lord, according to verses eight and nine? (Psalms 33:8-9)
7) How did the psalm writer describe the power and sovereignty of God in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 33:9-11)
8) Why was the psalm writer confident of God’s protection, according to these verses? (Psalms 33:12-19)
9) What happens to those who rely on their own strength in verses sixteen and seventeen? (Psalms 33:16-17)
10) What conclusion does this psalm make about self-reliance in verses sixteen through nineteen? (Psalms 33:16-19)
11) How does the Lord treat those who trust in Him instead of in themselves in verses eighteen and nineteen? (Psalms 33:18-19)
12) What decision did the psalm writer make, according to verses twenty through twenty-two of this book? (Psalms 33:20-22)
Psalms Chapter 34
1) What commitment did David make in verses one through three? (Psalms 34:1-3)
2) What motivated David to praise the Lord, according to verses four through seven? (Psalms 34:4-7)
3) What did the Lord deliver David from in verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 34:5-6)
4) How did David describe those who trust in the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 34:5-6)
5) How are angels involved in the lives of God’s people, according to verse seven? (Psalms 34:7)
6) What are the benefits of trusting in the Lord in verses eight through ten? (Psalms 34:8-10)
7) What specific instructions did David offer to God’s people, according to verses eight through fourteen? (Psalms 34:8-14)
8) What do we need to know about “fear of the Lord,” according to these verses? (Psalms 34:11-14)
9) Who should guard against committing the sin of deceit, according to verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 34:12-13)
10) How does God respond to the cries of the righteous in verses fifteen through seventeen? (Psalms 34:15 and Psalms 34:17)
11) What words of assurance follow David’s instructions in verses fifteen through eighteen? (Psalms 34:15-18)
12) How are the righteous, treated different from the wicked in these verses? (Psalms 34:15-22)
13) How does this psalm describe the people whom God protects in these verses? (Psalms 34:15-22)
14) What will happen to the wicked, according to verses sixteen and twenty-one? (Psalms 34:16), (Psalms 34:21)
Psalms Chapter 35
1) How did David want the Lord to treat his adversaries, according to verses one through eight? (Psalms 35:1-8)
2) What military images did David use to describe God’s deliverance in verses two and three? (Psalms 35:2-3)
3) What did David need to be defended against in verses four through ten of this book? (Psalms 35:4-10)
4) What provoked the attack of David’s enemies in verses seven and eight? (Psalms 35:7-8)
5) How did David demonstrate his confidence in the Lord’s deliverance in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 35:9-10)
6) How does God treat the poor and needy, according to verse ten? (Psalms 35:10)
7) How did David reinforce his claim that he is innocent in these verses of this book? (Psalms 35:11 and Psalms 35:13-14)
8) How did David describe his predicament in these verses of this book? (Psalms 35:11-16)
9) How did David’s adversaries respond to his kindness in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Psalms 35:15-16)
10) How did David promise to respond to God’s deliverance in verse eighteen? (Psalms 35:18)
11) How was David being treated by his enemies in verses nineteen through twenty-one? (Psalms 35:19-21)
12) What final sign of victory did David want the Lord to take away from his enemies in these verses? (Psalms 35:23-25)
13) How did David want his friends to respond to God’s deliverance in verse twenty-seven? (Psalms 35:27)
14) What final words of confidence conclude this psalm in verse twenty-eight? (Psalms 35:28)
Psalms Chapter 36
1) How did David describe the wicked in the first four verses of this book? (Psalms 36:1-4)
2) What way do the wicked flatter themselves in, according to verse two? (Psalms 36:2)
3) What attitude prevents the wicked from realizing their own sin in verse two? (Psalms 36:2)
4) How does this psalm contrast the character of God with the wicked in verses five through nine? (Psalms 36:5-9)
5) How far does the love of God extend, according to verse five? (Psalms 36:5)
6) How did David see himself and the animals in relation to God in verse six? (Psalms 36:6)
7) Who finds refuge in the Lord, according to verses even of this book? (Psalms 36:7)
8) How did David describe God’s people in these verses of this book? (Psalms 36:7-10)
9) How does the Lord provide for His people in verses eight and nine? (Psalms 36:8-9)
10) Why did David describe God as a “fountain of life” in verse nine? (Psalms 36:9)
11) What did David want the Lord to provide for His people in verse ten? (Psalms 36:10)
12) What two-fold request did David present to the Lord in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 36:10-11)
13) What does David’s conclusion reveal of his confidence in the Lord in verse twelve? (Psalms 36:12)
Psalms Chapter 37
1) What advice does this psalm give concerning evil people in these first two verses? (Psalms 37:1-2)
2) Why should the righteous not envy the wicked, according to these verses? (Psalms 37:1-2)
3) What did David expect to happen to the wicked in verses one through forty? (Psalms 37:1-40)
4) What did David say people should do instead of worrying about the success of evildoers in verses three through seven? (Psalms 37:3-7)
5) What are the consequences of worrying, according to verse eight of this book? (Psalms 37:8)
6) What will be the results of trusting in the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 37:3-40)
7) What can God’s people expect, according to these verses? (Psalms 37:10), (Psalms 37:35-36)
8) What does the psalm say about the meek in verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 37:11)
9) How are the wicked, described in verses twelve and fourteen? (Psalms 37:12), (Psalms 37:14)
10) Why does the Lord laugh at the wicked, according to verse thirteen? (Psalms 37:13)
11) How will the schemes of the wicked backfire in verse fifteen of this book? (Psalms 37:15)
12) When is having “a little” better than being wealthy in verses sixteen and seventeen? (Psalms 37:16-17)
13) How does God show His delight in people, according to verses twenty-three and twenty-four? (Psalms 37:23-24)
14) What did David learn from his long life of experience in verses twenty-five and twenty-six? (Psalms 37:25-26)
15) What blessings do the righteous enjoy, according to these verses? (Psalms 37:27-31), (Psalms 37:39-40)
Psalms Chapter 38
1) What way had David felt the hand of the Lord in, according to these first four verses? (Psalms 38:1-4)
2) What urgent request did David present to the Lord in these verses of this book? (Psalms 38:1-22)
3) What did David believe to be the cause of his illness in verse five? (Psalms 38:5)
4) How did David demonstrate his dependence on the Lord, even in the worst of circumstances in verse nine? (Psalms 38:9)
5) What details did David reveal about his situation in verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 38:10-12)
6) Why was David deserted by his friends, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 38:11)
7) How was David treated by his adversaries in verse twelve of this book? (Psalms 38:12)
8) Why did David describe himself as a deaf man in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 38:13-14)
9) Why did David refuse to answer his enemies in verses thirteen through sixteen? (Psalms 38:13-16)
10) Who did David expect to act on his behalf against his enemies in verse fifteen? (Psalms 38:15)
11) How did David feel about his condition in verse seventeen? (Psalms 38:17)
12) What did David confess to the Lord in verse eighteen of this book? (Psalms 38:18)
13) What way did David believe he was innocent in, although he confessed his sin against the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 38:19-20)
14) What renewed appeal concludes the psalm in verses twenty-one and twenty-two? (Psalms 38:21-22)
Psalms Chapter 39
1) What was David determined to do, but failed to do in these first three verses? (Psalms 39:1-3)
2) Why had David determined not to speak of his anguish in these verses? (Psalms 39:1-3), (Psalms 39:9)
3. What effect did David’s attempt to suppress his anguish have on him in these verses? (Psalms 39:2-3)
4) What did David want to know about his own future, according to verse four? (Psalms 39:4)
5) What did David ask God to do in verse four? (Psalms 39:4)
6) What had David learned about the brevity of life in these verses? (Psalms 39:4-6)
7) What prayer did David offer to the Lord in verses four through six? (Psalms 39:4-6)
8) Who did David place his only hope in, according to verse seven? (Psalms 39:7)
9) What simple request did David present before the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 39:7-11)
10) What did David expect to happen if the Lord did not deliver him in verse eight? (Psalms 39:8)
11) What did David believe was the reason for his illness in verse nine? (Psalms 39:9)
12) How did David feel about the Lord’s hand in his life in verse ten of this book? (Psalms 39:10)
13) Why does God rebuke people, according to verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 39:11)
14) What is one way the Lord chooses to discipline people in verse eleven? (Psalms 39:11)
15) How did David demonstrate his humility in this prayer, according to verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 39:12-13)
Psalms Chapter 40
1) What mental picture did David use to describe God’s deliverance in the past in these two verses? (Psalms 40:1-2)
2) What did David’s experience of God’s help in the past motivate him to do in verse three? (Psalms 40:3)
3) How should we respond to God’s deliverance, according to verse three? (Psalms 40:3)
4) What specific instructions does the psalm give to God’s people in verse four? (Psalms 40:4)
5) What way did David feel inadequate in, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 40:5)
6) What does God want from us even more than sacrifices and offerings in these verses? (Psalms 40:6-7)
7) What testimony did David give about his own relationship with the Lord in verses six through ten? (Psalms 40:6-10)
8) How did David equip himself to do God’s will, according to verse eight? (Psalms 40:8)
9) How was David involved in proclaiming God’s goodness to others in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 40:9-10)
10) What was David’s request, according to verses eleven through seventeen? (Psalms 40:11-17)
11) What did David believe to be the cause of his distress in verse twelve? (Psalms 40:12)
12) What did David ask the Lord to do to his enemies in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 40:14-15)
13) How did David ask the Lord to treat those who seek Him, according to verse sixteen? (Psalms 40:16)
Psalms Chapter 41
1) How does the Lord treat weak people, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 41:1-3)
2) What blessings does God give to the weak in these verses of this book? (Psalms 41:1-3)
3) How did David voice his confidence in the Lord in verses one through three? (Psalms 41:1-3)
4) What did David believe to be the reason for his illness in verse four? (Psalms 41:4)
5) What request did David ask of the Lord in verses four through six of this book? (Psalms 41:4-6)
6) How did David’s enemies torment him, according to verses five through nine? (Psalms 41:5-9)
7) What rumors did David’s enemies spread in verses six through eight? (Psalms 41:6-8)
8) How was David’s reputation slandered, according to these verses? (Psalms 41:6-9)
9) Who else betrayed David, in addition to his enemies in verse nine? (Psalms 41:9)
10) Why did David want to be healed of his sickness in verse ten? (Psalms 41:10)
11) How did the Lord treat David differently than his friends and enemies in these verses? (Psalms 41:10-12)
12) How did David know he was favored by God, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 41:11)
13) Why did God protect David in verse twelve? (Psalms 41:12)
14) What did David do in anticipation of God’s healing and deliverance in verse thirteen? (Psalms 41:13)
Psalms Chapter 42
1) What images did the psalm writer use to describe his longing for God in verses one and two? (Psalms 42:1-2)
2) How did the psalm writer feel about not being able to worship God in His sanctuary in these verses? (Psalms 42:1-4)
3) What main idea unifies this psalm in verses one through eleven? (Psalms 42:1-11)
4) How is the Lord described in these verses of this book? (Psalms 42:2), (Psalms 42:9)
5) What questions did the psalm writer ask in these verses? (Psalms 42:2), (Psalms 42:9-11)
6) How had the psalm writer been involved in corporate worship in the past in verse four? (Psalms 42:4)
7) How did remembering the past encourage the psalm writer in verses four through six? (Psalms 42:4-6)
8) Where did the psalm writer turn for comfort in verse five of this book? (Psalms 42:5)
9) How did the psalm writer counter his depression in verse six? (Psalms 42:6)
10) What imagery did the psalm writer use to describe God’s involvement in his suffering in verse seven? (Psalms 42:7)
11) How did the Lord protect the writer, according to verse eight? (Psalms 42:8)
12) Why did the psalm writer feel deserted by God in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 42:9-11)
13) What final advice concludes the psalm of verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 42:11)
Psalms Chapter 43
1) How did the psalm writer use the language of the court to present his case to the Lord in verse one? (Psalms 43:1)
2) Who did the psalm writer want God to plead his cause against in verse one? (Psalms 43:1)
3) What is the theme of the psalm writer’s prayer in this passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 43:1-5)
4) What lost opportunity was the psalm writer mourning for in verses one through five? (Psalms 43:1-5)
5) Why did the psalm writer feel forsaken by the Lord, according to verse two? (Psalms 43:2)
6) What characteristics of the Lord did the psalm writer want to guide him in verse three? (Psalms 43:3)
7) What is God’s “holy mountain” in verse three? (Psalms 43:3)
8) Where did David get his guidance, according to verse three? (Psalms 43:3)
9) Why did the psalm writer want to go to God’s altar in verse four of this book? (Psalms 43:4)
10) How did the psalm writer plan to praise the Lord when he had the opportunity to go to God’s altar again in verse four? (Psalms 43:4)
11) What questions did the psalm writer ask himself in verse five of this book? (Psalms 43:5)
12) How did the psalm writer handle his own feelings of despair in verse five? (Psalms 43:5)
Psalms Chapter 44
1) How did the people of Israel hear about God’s deliverance in the past in verse one? (Psalms 44:1)
2) What past victories did the psalm writer praise the Lord for in these verses? (Psalms 44:1-8)
3) How did the Lord treat the nation of Israel differently from the other nations in verses two and three? (Psalms 44:2-3)
4) How did the Israelites know that they won their land because of the Lord’s help in verse three? (Psalms 44:3)
5) Why did the Lord bring the Israelites victory, according to verse three? (Psalms 44:3)
6) How did the psalm writer voice his dependence on God in verses four through eight? (Psalms 44:4-8)
7) Why did the Israelites believe they were defeated by their enemies in verse nine? (Psalms 44:9)
8) How did the psalm writer describe Israel’s defeat and its consequences in these verses? (Psalms 44:9-16)
9) How did the Israelites explain their innocence in these verses of this book? (Psalms 44:17-22)
10) How had the Israelites been faithful to the Lord in verses seventeen through twenty-two? (Psalms 44:17-22)
11) What prayer concludes this psalm in these verses of this book? (Psalms 44:23-26)
12) Why did the psalm writer believe that the Lord would want to answer their prayer in verse twenty-six? (Psalms 44:26)
Psalms Chapter 45
1) What occasion prompted the writing of this poem in these verses of this book? (Psalms 45:1-17)
2) How is the king described, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 45:2)
3) Which words in this psalm are spoken to the king and which are addressed to the royal bride in these verses of this book? (Psalms 45:3-9), (Psalms 45:10-15)
4) How is the king’s reign described in verses six through nine? (Psalms 45:6-9)
5) Why did God set this king above others, according to verse seven? (Psalms 45:7)
6) How did the Lord anoint this king on his wedding day in verse seven? (Psalms 45:7)
7) Why did the psalm writer advise the bride to forget her family in these verses? (Psalms 45:10-11)
8) What did the psalm writer want the bride to consider on her wedding day, according to these verses? (Psalms 45:10-15)
9) What did the king feel toward his new bride in these verses? (Psalms 45:11), (Psalms 45:13)
10) How is the bride, described in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 45:13-14)
11) How would the king’s reign be extended through this marriage in these verses? (Psalms 45:16-17)
12) How did the psalm writer plan to perpetuate the king’s memory through future generations in verse seventeen? (Psalms 45:17)
Psalms Chapter 46
1) What words of hope introduce the poem in verse one of this book? (Psalms 46:1)
2) What imagery did the psalm writer use to describe the threats God’s people face in these verses? (Psalms 46:1-3)
3) How will the city of God be protected in verses four through six of this book? (Psalms 46:4-6)
4) How do the people of God respond to His deliverance in verse seven? (Psalms 46:7)
5) What benefits do God’s people enjoy in verses eight through ten? (Psalms 46:8-10)
6) How does this psalm describe the final victory the Messiah will bring? (Psalms 46:9)
7) When does God’s voice break through, according to verse ten? (Psalms 46:10)
8) What specific instruction does the Lord give to His people in verse ten? (Psalms 46:10)
9) What will be the result of God’s mighty acts on behalf of His people in verse ten? (Psalms 46:10)
10) What comforting promise concludes this psalm, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 46:11)
Psalms Chapter 47
1) How does this psalm instruct God’s people to praise the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 47:1 and Psalms 47:5-6)
2) Why are the nations called to rejoice in the Lord in verses one through four? (Psalms 47:1-4)
3) How is this psalm a testimony to the nations in these verses? (Psalms 47:1-9)
4) How is the Lord described in verses two through nine of this book? (Psalms 47:2-9)
5) What has the Lord done for His people, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 47:3-4)
6) What makes God happy in verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 47:5-6)
7) What should motivate God’s people to praise Him in verses five through nine? (Psalms 47:5-9)
8) Which of the Lord’s roles is described by the psalm writer in these verses? (Psalms 47:7-9)
9) How is God’s reign described in verses seven through nine? (Psalms 47:7-9)
10) What relationship should the leaders of the world and the Lord have in these verses? (Psalms 47:7-9)
Psalms Chapter 48
1) What words of praise open the psalm in verse one of this book? (Psalms 48:1)
2) What main theme does the psalm writer convey in this passage in these verses? (Psalms 48:1-14)
3) Which of God’s character traits does this psalm focus on in these verses? (Psalms 48:1-14)
4) How does Zion’s source of defense differ from other cities in verse three? (Psalms 48:3)
5) What did the psalm writer say regarding the enemy’s attacks against God’s city in these verses? (Psalms 48:4-7)
6) Why would attacks against Zion be futile, according to verses four through seven? (Psalms 48:4-7)
7) What motivates God’s people to praise Him in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 48:9-11)
8) How is the security of Zion, described in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 48:12-13)
9) Why did the psalm writer instruct God’s people to consider the city of Zion in verse thirteen? (Psalms 48:13)
10) What final statement of hope concludes the psalm in verse fourteen of this book? (Psalms 48:14)
Psalms Chapter 49
1) Who is this psalm addressed to, according to verses one and two of this book? (Psalms 49:1-2)
2) How did the psalm writer describe the advice he gave in this psalm in verses three and four? (Psalms 49:3-4)
3) Why did the psalm writer describe his message as a riddle in verse four? (Psalms 49:4)
4) Why should the poor not be intimidated by the rich, according to these verses? (Psalms 49:5-11)
5) What temptation do the rich often fall victim to in verse six of this book? (Psalms 49:6)
6) What is the one thing that wealth cannot buy, according to verses seven through nine? (Psalms 49:7-9)
7) Why did the psalm writer say it is futile to store up wealth on earth in verse ten? (Psalms 49:10)
8) What is their final destiny, despite the attempts of the rich to immortalize themselves in verse eleven? (Psalms 49:11)
9) What is the fate of people who rely on themselves in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 49:13-14)
10) Why did the psalm writer compare the wealthy to sheep in verse fourteen? (Psalms 49:14)
11) What different kind of future can the righteous expect in verse fifteen? (Psalms 49:15)
12) What was the psalm writer’s conclusion, according to verses sixteen and seventeen? (Psalms 49:16-17)
13) What image did the psalm writer use to describe a rich man without understanding in verse twenty? (Psalms 49:20)
Psalms Chapter 50
1) What motivated the Lord to appear at His temple in Zion in the first six verses? (Psalms 50:1-6)
2) What names and titles for God does this psalm include in these verses? (Psalms 50:1-23)
3) What are the heavens and earth summoned by God to testify in verse four through six? (Psalms 50:4-6)
4) What expressed Israel’s covenant with the Lord in verse five of this book? (Psalms 50:5)
5) What words of correction does the Lord give to His people in these verses? (Psalms 50:7-15)
6) What did the Lord desire from His people in addition to sacrifices in these verses? (Psalms 50:8-15)
7) What way were the Israelites obeying the letter of the law while ignoring the spirit of the law in verses eight through fifteen? (Psalms 50:8-15)
8) What did the Israelites misunderstand about the importance of sacrifices in these verses? (Psalms 50:9-15)
9) What kind of relationship does God want us to have with Him, according to these verses? (Psalms 50:14-15)
10) What promise did the Lord offer Israel in return for their obedience and honor in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 50:14-15)
11) What accusations does God make against the wicked in verses sixteen through twenty? (Psalms 50:16-20)
12) Who does the Lord rebuke in the conclusion of the psalm in these verses? (Psalms 50:16-23)
13) How did the wicked misinterpret God’s silence, according to verses twenty-one and twenty-two? (Psalms 50:21-22)
14) What advice does God give to the wicked in verses twenty-two and twenty-three? (Psalms 50:22-23)
Psalms Chapter 51
1) Why was the psalm writer able to ask for forgiveness from God in verse one? (Psalms 51:1)
2) What common experience does this psalm typify in verses one through nineteen? (Psalms 51:1-19)
3) What was the psalm writer’s attitude toward his sin? In these verses (Psalms 51:3-5)
4) What main picture of forgiveness is highlighted in these verses of this book? (Psalms 51:2 and Psalms 51:7)
5) What does the picture of forgiveness used in this poem reflect about the psalm writer’s attitude in these verses? (Psalms 51:2), (Psalms 51:9)
6) What do the “inner parts” and “inmost place” refer to in verse six? (Psalms 51:6)
7) Where does God desire truth, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 51:6)
8) What did the author of this psalm desire in verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 51:10-12)
9) How would the psalm writer’s own experience of God’s forgiveness affect others in verse thirteen? (Psalms 51:13)
10) What did the psalm writer expect to be the outcome of God’s forgiveness in these verses? (Psalms 51:13-15)
11) What does God not require of His people, according to verse sixteen? (Psalms 51:16)
12) What does the Lord want from His people in verse seventeen of this book? (Psalms 51:17)
13) How does the prayer for Jerusalem serve as a fitting conclusion for this psalm, according to these verses? (Psalms 51:18-19)
Psalms Chapter 52
1) How did the psalm writer describe the wicked in verses one through four of this book? (Psalms 52:1-4)
2) How were David’s enemies a “disgrace in the eyes of God,” according to these verses? (Psalms 52:1-4)
3) What did David repeat three times to emphasize his point in verse five? (Psalms 52:5)
4) What is the final destiny of the wicked, according to these verses? (Psalms 52:5-7)
5) What are the consequences of deceit, according to verses five through seven? (Psalms 52:5-7)
6) How will the righteous react to the downfall of the wicked in verses sis and seven? (Psalms 52:6-7)
7) What causes the downfall of the wicked in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 52:7)
8) Why did David compare himself to an olive tree in verse eight? (Psalms 52:8)
9) Where did David get his sense of security in verses eight and nine? (Psalms 52:8-9)
10) What vow did David make to the Lord in the conclusion of the psalm in verse nine? (Psalms 52:9)
11) Where did David promise to praise the Lord, according to verse nine of this book? (Psalms 52:9)
Psalms Chapter 53
1) What do the foolish say about God in the first verse of this book? (Psalms 53:1)
2) How did the psalm writer describe the wicked in these verses? (Psalms 53:1), (Psalms 53:3-5)
3) Why does God look down from heaven, according to verse two? (Psalms 53:2)
4) What does God desire of His people in verse two of this book? (Psalms 53:2)
5) How does God view those who do not respect or believe in Him in these verses? (Psalms 53:2), (Psalms 53:5)
6) What will God find when He judges mankind, according to verse three? (Psalms 53:3)
7) How are God’s people affected by the wicked in verse four? (Psalms 53:4)
8) How did the psalm writer describe the folly of the wicked in verse five? (Psalms 53:5)
9) What will happen to those who do not believe in God or respect Him, according to verse five? (Psalms 53:5)
10) How did David expect Israel to be saved, according to verse six? (Psalms 53:6)
11) How did David expect God’s people to react to God’s deliverance in verse six? (Psalms 53:6)
Psalms Chapter 54
1) What request introduces the theme of this poem in this first verse of this book? (Psalms 54:1)
2) What case did the psalm writer make against his enemies in verse three? (Psalms 54:3)
3) How did David describe the spiritual state of his adversaries in verse three? (Psalms 54:3)
4) How did David deal with his fears, according to verse four? (Psalms 54:4)
5) How did David describe his relationship with the Lord in verse four? (Psalms 54:4)
6) What expectations did David have of the Lord’s deliverance in verse five? (Psalms 54:5)
7) What vow did David make to the Lord, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 54:6)
8) How did David plan to respond to God’s deliverance in verse six? (Psalms 54:6)
9) Why was David motivated to praise the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 54:6-7)
10) What statement of confidence concludes verse seven of this book? (Psalms 54:7)
Psalms Chapter 55
1) What initial appeal to the Lord introduces this poem in these first three verses? (Psalms 55:1-3)
2) What danger did David face, according to verses four and five? (Psalms 55:4-5)
3) How did the psalm writer describe his heart’s pain in verses four through eight? (Psalms 55:4-8)
4) What did David wish he could do, according to verses six through eight? (Psalms 55:6-8)
5) What did the psalm writer do when he realized he could not escape his problem in these verses? (Psalms 55:9-11)
6) What prayer did David present to the Lord, according to verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 55:9-11)
7) How did the psalm writer describe his enemies in these verses? (Psalms 55:9-11)
8) How did David describe his relationship with the person who betrayed him in verses twelve through fourteen? (Psalms 55:12-14)
9) What did David want the Lord to do to his enemies in verse fifteen? (Psalms 55:15)
10) How confident was David that the Lord would hear his prayer in these verses? (Psalms 55:16-19)
11) When did David spend time in prayer, according to verse seventeen? (Psalms 55:17)
12) Why did David expect God to punish his enemies in verse nineteen of this book? (Psalms 55:19)
13) How did the psalm writer describe the hypocrisy of his friend in verses twenty and twenty-one? (Psalms 55:20-21)
14) What encouragement did David offer to others in verse twenty-two? (Psalms 55:22)
15) What words of confidence conclude this psalm in verse twenty-three? (Psalms 55:23)
Psalms Chapter 56
1) What motivated David to write this poem in the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 56:1-2)
2) How did David feel about his situation in verses 0ne through six? (Psalms 56:1-6)
3) What weapon did David’s enemies use against him in verse two? (Psalms 56:2)
4) How did David deal with his fears in these verses of this book? (Psalms 56:3-4), (Psalms 56:10-11)
5) What did David have that no one could take from him in verse four? (Psalms 56:4)
6) What accusations did David make against his enemies in verses five through seven? (Psalms 56:5-7)
7) What role did the psalm writer want the Lord to play in verses seven and eight? (Psalms 56:7-8)
8) What gave the psalm writer confidence to face his enemies in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 56:10-11)
9) What commitment did David make to God even before God had answered his prayers in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 56:12-13)
10) What did David expect the Lord to do for him, according to verse thirteen? (Psalms 56:13)
Psalms Chapter 57
1) How did David deal with the challenge he faced, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 57:1)
2) What did David expect from the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 57:1-3)
3) What kind of relationship did David have with God in these verses? (Psalms 57:1-3), (Psalms 57:5-7)
4) What two gifts did David expect the Lord to send from heaven in verse three? (Psalms 57:3)
5) How did David describe his predicament in verses four through six of this book? (Psalms 57:4-6)
6) What do David’s words reveal about his motives in asking the Lord for help in verse five? (Psalms 57:5)
7) What did David expect to happen to his adversaries, according to verse six? (Psalms 57:6)
8) What did the psalm writer do in anticipation of God’s help in these verses? (Psalms 57:7-11)
9) Why did the psalm writer make a vow to praise God in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 57:9-11)
10) How did the psalm writer describe the Lord’s character in his song of praise in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 57:10-11)
Psalms Chapter 58
1) What rhetorical questions did David pose in this first verse of this book? (Psalms 58:1)
2) What accusations did David make against the wicked in verses one through five? (Psalms 58:1-5)
3) How does this psalm describe the consistency of the sins of the wicked in verse three? (Psalms 58:3)
4) What imagery did David use to describe the words of the wicked in verse four? (Psalms 58:4)
5) Why did the psalm writer compare the wicked to a “cobra that has stopped its ears” in verses four and five? (Psalms 58:4-5)
6) What did David ask the Lord to do to the wicked, according to these verses? (Psalms 58:6-8)
7) What reassuring words does this psalm offer the righteous in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 58:9-11)
8) How will the righteous react to the downfall of the wicked in verse ten? (Psalms 58:10)
9) What will result from God’s judgment on the wicked in verse eleven? (Psalms 58:11)
Psalms Chapter 59
1) How did the psalm writer plead his innocence before the Lord in these first five verses? (Psalms 59:1-5)
2) How did David describe his adversaries, according to verses two and three? (Psalms 59:2-3)
3) What imagery is used to describe the writer’s enemies in verse six? (Psalms 59:6)
4) How did David voice his confidence in God, according to verses six through eight? (Psalms 59:6-8)
5) What weapon did David’s enemies use against him in these verses? (Psalms 59:7), (Psalms 59:12-13)
6) What sins were David’s enemies guilty of in these verses of this book? (Psalms 59:7), (Psalms 59:12-13)
7) What words of confidence express the psalm writer’s trust in God in verse nine? (Psalms 59:9)
8) Why did David ask the Lord to spare the lives of his enemies in verse eleven? (Psalms 59:11)
9) What will be the result of God’s judgment of the wicked in verse thirteen? (Psalms 59:13)
10) How were David’s actions different from the people he condemned in verses fourteen through seventeen? (Psalms 59:14-17)
Psalms Chapter 60
1) How did the psalm writer interpret his defeat by the enemy in verse one of this book? (Psalms 60:1)
2) What imagery did David use to describe how Israel felt when their enemies defeated them in verse two? (Psalms 60:2)
3) What did the psalm writer mean when he said, “You have given us wine that makes us stagger” in verse three? (Psalms 60:3)
4) What reasons did the psalm writer hope in God’s deliverance for in verses four and five? (Psalms 60:4-5)
5) How did the Israelites present their request to the Lord in verses four through eight? (Psalms 60:4-8)
6) What images did David use to describe how God would help Israel in verse eight? (Psalms 60:8)
7) What rhetorical question did David ask of the Lord in verse ten of this book? (Psalms 60:10)
8) How did the Israelites feel about their own ability to conquer their enemies in verse eleven? (Psalms 60:11)
9) What ways were the Israelites dependent on the Lord in, according to verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 60:11-12)
10) What did David expect the Lord to do for His people in verse twelve? (Psalms 60:12)
Psalms Chapter 61
1) What prayer request introduces the poem in verses one and two of this book? (Psalms 61:1-2)
2) What kind of relationship did David have with the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 61:1-8)
3) What place of security did the psalm writer seek, according to verse two? (Psalms 61:2)
4) What images did David use to describe what God had done for him in these verses? (Psalms 61:2-4)
5) What motivated the psalm writer to appeal to God in verse three? (Psalms 61:3)
6) What obvious truths did David speak in his prayer, according to these verses? (Psalms 61:3 and Psalms 61:5)
7) Why did the psalm writer go to the Lord for help in verse five of this book? (Psalms 61:5)
8) What way did David want God to bless the king in, according to verses six and seven? (Psalms 61:6-7)
9) What prayer concludes this psalm in verses six through eight? (Psalms 61:6-8)
10) How did the psalm writer expect the Lord to protect the king in verse seven? (Psalms 61:7)
11) How did David plan to demonstrate his own faithfulness to God in verse eight? (Psalms 61:8)
Psalms Chapter 62
1) What gave David peace of mind, according to these first two verses of this book? (Psalms 62:1-2)
2) How did David demonstrate his confidence in God in the face of danger in these verses? (Psalms 62:1-4)
3) What simple message unifies this psalm, according to verses one through twelve? (Psalms 62:1-12)
4) What figure of speech did David use to describe his fragile condition in verse three? (Psalms 62:3)
5) How did David demonstrate a sense of insecurity in his own strength in verse three? (Psalms 62:3)
6) What were the intentions of David’s enemies, according to verse four? (Psalms 62:4)
7) What accusations did David make against his adversaries in verse four? (Psalms 62:4)
8) Where did David find his sense of security if not in his own status or power in verses five and six? (Psalms 62:5-6)
9) How did David advise God’s people to pray, according to verse eight? (Psalms 62:8)
10) How did David distinguish between people of different status in society in verse nine? (Psalms 62:9)
11) What warning did the psalm writer offer to his adversaries, according to verse ten? (Psalms 62:10)
12) Why did David suggest to his adversaries that they should not become too attached to their wealth in verse ten? (Psalms 62:10)
13) What reasons did the psalm writer give people to put their trust in the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 62:11-12)
Psalms Chapter 63
1) What images did the psalm writer use to describe his longing for God in these verses? (Psalms 63:1), (Psalms 63:5)
2) What is the theme of this psalm, according to verses one through eleven? (Psalms 63:1-11)
3) How did the psalm writer describe his dependence on the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 63:1-11)
4) What did the psalm writer remember from his experience at his place of worship in verses two through five? (Psalms 63:2-5)
5) How did the psalm writer’s experience in the day encourage him at night in these verses? (Psalms 63:2-7)
6) Why did David glorify the Lord, according to verse three of this book? (Psalms 63:3)
7) What did David think about before he went to sleep at night, according to these verses? (Psalms 63:6-7)
8) What did David expect to happen to his enemies in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 63:9-10)
9) What did David expect to happen to those who trusted God, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 63:11)
10) What will happen to liars, according to verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 63:11)
Psalms Chapter 64
1) What request did the psalm writer open this poem with in this first verse of this book? (Psalms 64:1)
2) How are the wicked, described in this passage, according to verses two through six? (Psalms 64:2-6)
3) How do the wicked attack others, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 64:3-4)
4) How are the innocent affected by the wicked in verse four of this book? (Psalms 64:4)
5) How do the wicked behave when they’re in groups, according to verses five and six? (Psalms 64:5-6)
6) What action will God take against the wicked, according to verses seven and eight? (Psalms 64:7-8)
7) Where do the righteous find “refuge” from the “war” of the wicked in these verses? (Psalms 64:7-10)
8) How will the wicked be viewed by others after God’s judgment in verse eight? (Psalms 64:8)
9) What ways will God’s action against the wicked affect all of humankind in, according to verse nine? (Psalms 64:9)
10) How will people respond when God intervenes in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 64:9-10)
Psalms Chapter 65
1) What words of commitment introduce this psalm in the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 65:1-2)
2) What gift does God give to His people, according to verse three of this book? (Psalms 65:3)
3) Who can enjoy the presence of the Lord, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 65:3-4)
4) What benefits do God’s forgiven people enjoy in these verses of this book? (Psalms 65:3-4)
5) How does the Lord exert His control over creation, according to verses five through eight? (Psalms 65:5-8)
6) What ways does God bring order to the world in, according to these verses? (Psalms 65:5-8)
7) What image did the psalm writer use to describe the turmoil of the nations in verse seven? (Psalms 65:7)
8) What should motivate all people to praise the Lord in verse eight? (Psalms 65:8)
9) What specific ways did the Lord answer the prayers of the Israelites in, according to these verses? (Psalms 65:9-13)
10) How does the earth celebrate the Lord’s goodness, according to verse thirteen? (Psalms 65:13)
Psalms Chapter 66
1) What specific instructions are given about praising the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 66:1-4)
2) Why did the psalm writer encourage others to praise God, according to these verses? (Psalms 66:1-4)
3) What did the psalm writer tell God’s people to remember and why in verses five through seven? (Psalms 66:5-7)
4) What advice is given to those who are tempted to rebel against the Lord in verse seven? (Psalms 66:7)
5) What purpose motivated God to allow His people to experience hardship in these verses? (Psalms 66:9-12)
6) What kind of language is used to describe the way God purifies His people in verse ten? (Psalms 66:10)
7) Where did the Lord take His people when He removed them from their situation of distress in verse twelve? (Psalms 66:12)
8) How did the psalm writer plan to fulfill his vows to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 66:13-15)
9) What circumstances did the psalm writer make his vows to God under in verse fourteen? (Psalms 66:14)
10) What proclamation does this psalm writer address to its audience in these verses? (Psalms 66:16-20)
11) According to the psalm writer, when does God answer the prayers of His people? (Psalms 66:18-19)
Psalms Chapter 67
1) What did the psalm writer ask the Lord to do in verse one of this book? (Psalms 67:1)
2) Why did the psalm writer want the Lord to bless him and his people, according to these verses? (Psalms 67:1-2)
3) What is the theme of this communal prayer, in verses one through seven? (Psalms 67:1-7)
4) What refrain is repeated in these verses of this book? (Psalms 67:3), (Psalms 67:5)
5) How did the people speaking this psalm seek to motivate God to answer their prayer in verse four? (Psalms 67:4)
6) How should all people respond to the way God guides His people in this verse? (Psalms 67:4)
7) What specific way did Israel want to experience God’s blessing in, according to verse six? (Psalms 67:6)
8) What results did the psalm writer expect to see from this prayer in these verses? (Psalms 67:6-7)
9) What did the psalm writer predict would happen and when in verses six and seven? (Psalms 67:6-7)
Psalms Chapter 68
1) How does this psalm foreshadow the resurrection, ascension, rule, and final triumph of Christ in these verses? (Psalms 68:1-35)
2) How is the Lord described in this verse of this book? (Psalms 68:1-35)
3) What images did the psalm writer use to describe how the wicked will perish in verse two? (Psalms 68:2)
4) What call to praise does this psalm give to God’s people in these verses? (Psalms 68:4-6)
5) How does God meet the needs of people who have no support from family in verses five and six? (Psalms 68:5-6)
6) What acts of the Lord did the psalm writer recall for the benefit of his listeners in these verses? (Psalms 68:7-14)
7) How does this psalm celebrate God’s ascent to Zion in verses fifteen through eighteen? (Psalms 68:15-18)
8) What hope did the psalm writer express in verses nineteen through twenty-three? (Psalms 68:19-23)
9) How is the procession to God’s temple described in this passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 68:24-27)
10) Why did the psalm writer encourage God’s people to praise the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 68:32-35)
Psalms Chapter 69
1) What imagery is used to describe the psalm writer’s situation in these verses? (Psalms 69:1-2), (Psalms 69:14-15)
2) How is the Lord, described in verses one through thirty-six of this book? (Psalms 69:1-36)
3) What ways did the psalm writer depend on God in, according to these verses? (Psalms 69:1-36)
4) How did David plead his case before the Lord in verse four of this book? (Psalms 69:4)
5) How did David explain that his enemies were spreading false accusations about him in this verse? (Psalms 69:4)
6) What confession did David make to the Lord in verse five of this book? (Psalms 69:5)
7) How was David mocked for his commitment to the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 69:7-12)
8) How did the psalm writer’s own family treat him during his time of distress in verse eight? (Psalms 69:8)
9) How did David demonstrate his humility before God in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 69:10-11)
10) How did David respond to the mocking of his enemies in verses thirteen through eighteen? (Psalms 69:13-18)
11) What did David want the Lord to do for him in verses twenty-two through twenty-eight? (Psalms 69:22-28)
12) What pleases God more than sacrifices, according to verses thirty and thirty-one? (Psalms 69:30-31)
13) What call to praise concludes the psalm in verses thirty-four through thirty-six? (Psalms 69:34-36)
Psalms Chapter 70
1) What is the theme of this prayer, according to the first five verses of this book? (Psalms 70:1-5)
2) What did David ask of the Lord in verses one through five of this book? (Psalms 70:1-5)
3) What does this prayer reveal about David’s relationship with the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 70:1-5)
4) What predicament prompted David to write this psalm, according to verses two and three? (Psalms 70:2-3)
5) How did David want God to treat his adversaries in comparison to other believers in these verses? (Psalms 70:2-4)
6) What specific ways did David depend on the Lord in, according to these verses? (Psalms 70:2-5)
7) How would God’s deliverance of the psalm writer affect others in verse four? (Psalms 70:4)
8) What reason did David have for praising the Lord, according to verse four? (Psalms 70:4)
9) How did David feel about his ability to save himself in verse five? (Psalms 70:5)
10) What did David ask God to do, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 70:5)
Psalms Chapter 71
1) How does the psalm writer’s appeal for help introducing this passage of this book? (Psalms 71:1-4)
2) What did the psalm writer recognize about God’s help in the past in these verses? (Psalms 71:5-8)
3) Why did the psalm writer compare himself to a “portent” (an omen or warning) in verse seven? (Psalms 71:7)
4) What weaknesses were the psalm writer’s enemies trying to take advantage of in these verses? (Psalms 71:9-11)
5) Why did the psalm writer, need the Lord’s deliverance, according to verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 71:10-11)
6) What renewed commitment did the psalm writer make to God in his old age in verses fourteen through eighteen? (Psalms 71:14-18)
7) How does the Lord express His righteousness in verses sixteen and seventeen? (Psalms 71:16-17)
8) Who did the psalm writer hope for, in the face of all his enemies of, according to these verses? (Psalms 71:19-21)
9) How is the Lord’s righteousness described in verse nineteen of this book? (Psalms 71:19)
10) What did the psalm writer anticipate in the future, according to verse twenty-four? (Psalms 71:24)
Psalms Chapter 72
1) How did the nation of Israel want the reign of their king to be characterized in verse one? (Psalms 72:1)
2) Who does this prayer focus on, according to verses one through twenty of this book? (Psalms 72:1-20)
3) How did the psalm writer want the king to administer justice in these verses? (Psalms 72:2), (Psalms 72:4)
4) What did the king use his power to accomplish in verses two through seven and twelve to fourteen? (Psalms 72:2-7), (Psalms 72:12-14)
5) What imagery did the psalm writer use to describe the king’s reign, according to these verses? (Psalms 72:3-7)
6) How did the psalm writer describe the blessings the king would experience in these verses? (Psalms 72:7-11 and Psalms 72:15-17)
7) How did the psalm writer describe the extent of the king’s domain in verses eight through eleven? (Psalms 72:8-11)
8) How would other leaders respond to the king in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 72:9-11)
9) How is the success of the king explained, according to verses twelve through fourteen? (Psalms 72:12-14)
10) What attitude did the king have toward the needy of society in verse fourteen? (Psalms 72:14)
11) What words of hope and praise conclude in these verses of fifteen through nineteen? (Psalms 72:15-19)
Psalms Chapter 73
1) Who does God show His goodness to, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 73:1)
2) What dilemma did the author of this psalm face in verses one through three? (Psalms 73:1-3)
3) What characterizes the wicked in verses four through twelve of this book? (Psalms 73:4-12)
4) Why do the wicked take pride in themselves, according to these verses? (Psalms 73:4-12)
5) What way is this a description of wicked people in: “pride is their necklace, and they clothe themselves with violence” in verse six? (Psalms 73:6)
6) What attitude do wicked people have toward God, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 73:11)
7) Why did the psalm writer think that his own righteousness was in vain in this verse? (Psalms 73:13)
8) When did the psalm writer understand that the prosperity of the wicked didn’t matter, according to verse seventeen? (Psalms 73:17)
9) What did God reveal to the psalm writer about the wicked in verses eighteen and nineteen? (Psalms 73:18-19)
10) How did the psalm writer respond when he realized that the prosperity of the wicked is temporary in these verses? (Psalms 73:18-28)
11) What is the most desirable thing on earth, according to verse twenty-five? (Psalms 73:25)
12) What vow did the author conclude his psalm with in verse twenty-eight? (Psalms 73:28)
Psalms Chapter 74
1) What was the initial complaint of the psalm writer, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 74:1-2)
2) How did the psalm writer feel in these verses of this book? (Psalms 74:1-2), (Psalms 74:9)
3) What is the major idea of this psalm in verses one through twenty-three? (Psalms 74:1-23)
4) Why did the psalm writer need the Lord’s deliverance in these verses? (Psalms 74:1-23)
5) What are the “everlasting ruins” to which the psalm writer referred to in verse three? (Psalms 74:3)
6) How was the Lord’s temple destroyed, according to verses three through eight? (Psalms 74:3-8)
7) What motivation did Israel’s enemies have for destroying God’s temple in verse eight? (Psalms 74:8)
8) What confession of faith serves as the center of the psalm in verse twelve? (Psalms 74:12)
9) What did the psalm writer remember about God’s deeds in the past in these verses? (Psalms 74:13-17)
10) What did the psalm writer ask God to do, according to verses eighteen through twenty-three? (Psalms 74:18-23)
Psalms Chapter 75
1) What two elements of worship begin and end this song, according to these verses? (Psalms 75:1), (Psalms 75:9-10)
2) When and how does the Lord Judge the earth in verse two of this book? (Psalms 75:2)
3) What reassuring word from God forms the first half of the passage in these verses? (Psalms 75:2-5)
4) Who offers the world stability in the face of uncertainty, according to verse three? (Psalms 75:3)
5) What causes the moral order of the earth to decline in verses three through five? (Psalms 75:3-5)
6) What message is there for the arrogant and the wicked in this psalm in verse four? (Psalms 75:4)
7) What does the psalm writer say about the position of humankind in verse six? (Psalms 75:6)
8) How do God’s people respond to the word from heaven, according to these verses? (Psalms 75:6-8)
9) How is the success or failure of humankind decided, according to verse seven? (Psalms 75:7)
10) The wine represents God’s judgment—who will “drink” this wine, according to verse eight? (Psalms 75:8)
11) What vow concludes the psalm in verse nine? (Psalms 75:9)
12) What does this psalm say about the final outcome of the wicked and the righteous, according to verse ten? (Psalms 75:10)
Psalms Chapter 76
1) Why was God’s name, honored in Israel, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 76:1-3)
2) What motivated the psalm writer to praise the Lord in these verses of this book? (Psalms 76:1-12)
3) How did the Lord defend His dwelling place in Zion in verses two and three? (Psalms 76:2-3)
4) How did the Lord protect the nation of Israel, according to these verses? (Psalms 76:3), (Psalms 76:5-6)
5) What does this passage say about the Lord’s majesty and justice in verses four through ten? (Psalms 76:4-10)
6) How did the Lord’s deliverance of Israel demonstrate His power in verses five and six? (Psalms 76:5-6)
7) Why should we fear the Lord, according to verse seven of this book? (Psalms 76:7)
8) How does the earth respond to God’s judgment in verse eight? (Psalms 76:8)
9) What results from the wrath of God against people in verse ten? (Psalms 76:10)
10) How does this psalm encourage us to respond to God’s help in verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 76:11-12)
11) What attitude should leaders have toward God, according to verse twelve? (Psalms 76:12)
Psalms Chapter 77
1) How did the psalm writer feel about God’s inaction on his behalf, according to these verses? (Psalms 77:1-9)
2) What did the psalm writer recall about God’s mercies in the past in verses three through six? (Psalms 77:3-6)
3) How did remembering God’s help in the past make the psalm writer feel about his present situation in these verses? (Psalms 77:3-6)
4) How was the psalm writer’s decision to remember God’s help in the past an act of faith in verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 77:10-12)
5) How does this passage describe God’s character in these verses of this book? (Psalms 77:11-15)
6) How did God demonstrate His power to the nation of Israel in verses thirteen through twenty? (Psalms 77:13-20)
7) What specific historical event did the psalm writer remember to celebrate God’s majesty in these verses? (Psalms 77:16-19)
8) How did God reveal His power over nature, according to verses sixteen through nineteen? (Psalms 77:16-19)
9) What conclusion did the psalm writer make about God’s involvement in the lives of His people in verse twenty? (Psalms 77:20)
Psalms Chapter 78
1) Why did the psalm writer encourage God’s people to tell their children of God’s faithfulness in the past in these verses of this book? (Psalms 78:1-8)
2) What did the psalm writer want Israel’s future generations to avoid in verse eight? (Psalms 78:8)
3) What violation of God’s covenant did the psalm writer describe in these verses? (Psalms 78:9-11), (Psalms 78:17-20)
4) What had the Lord done on behalf of Israel, according to verses eleven through sixteen? (Psalms 78:11-16)
5) How had the Israelites responded to God’s faithful protection and guidance in these verses? (Psalms 78:17-20)
6) How had the Israelites demonstrated their rebellion and unfaithfulness in these verses? (Psalms 78:18-20), (Psalms 78:56-58)
7) How did the Lord feel about His people’s rebellion, according to these verses? (Psalms 78:21-22), (Psalms 78:58-59)
8) What resulted from Israel’s rebellion, according to these verses? (Psalms 78:30-31), (Psalms 78:59-64)
9) How is the hypocrisy, of the Israelites described in verses thirty-two through thirty-seven? (Psalms 78:32-37)
10) What incredible fact did the psalm writer reveal about God’s people in these verses? (Psalms 78:32-37)
11) How did the Lord demonstrate His mercy to His people in these verses? (Psalms 78:38-41), (Psalms 78:68-71)
Psalms Chapter 79
1) How was the Lord’s temple violated, according to the first three verses of this book? (Psalms 79:1-3)
2) How were the Israelites, persecuted in verses one through four of this book? (Psalms 79:1-4)
3) How was the nation of Israel viewed by her neighbors in verse four? (Psalms 79:4)
4) What did the Israelites think was preventing God from acting on their behalf in verse five? (Psalms 79:5)
5) What did the Israelites ask God to do on their behalf, according to verses five through eight? (Psalms 79:5-8)
6) How are Israel’s enemies, described in verses six and seven in this book? (Psalms 79:6-7)
7) Why did the Israelites need God’s mercy, according to verses eight and nine? (Psalms 79:8-9)
8) How did Israel try to convince God to come to her rescue in verse ten of this book? (Psalms 79:10)
9) What did the Israelites expect to happen if God chose not to deliver them in verse ten? (Psalms 79:10)
10) Why did Israel believe her enemies deserved God’s judgment in verse ten? (Psalms 79:10)
11) How did Israel view the attacks of her enemies in verse twelve of this book? (Psalms 79:12)
12) What prayer and vow concludes the psalm in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 79:12-13)
Psalms Chapter 80
1) What appeal did the Israelites make to the Lord in this prayer, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 80:1-3)
2) What refrain is repeated in this poem, and what is the effect of the repetition in these verses? (Psalms 80:3), (Psalms 80:19)
3) How did the psalm writer explain God’s inaction in verse four of this book? (Psalms 80:4)
4) How did Israel feel about God’s inaction in verses four through nineteen? (Psalms 80:4-19)
5) How were the Israelites treated by their neighbors in verse six? (Psalms 80:6)
6) What ways was Israel a transplanted vine in, according to these verses? (Psalms 80:8-11)
7) What was different about Israel’s situation at the time of this prayer in these verses? (Psalms 80:12-13), (Psalms 80:16)
8) What specific request did the psalm writer present to the Lord in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 80:14-15)
9) What did Israel recognize about God’s power, according to verse sixteen? (Psalms 80:16)
10) What prayer concludes the poem in verses sixteen through nineteen? (Psalms 80:16-19)
11) How did Israel promise to respond to God’s deliverance in verses seventeen and eighteen? (Psalms 80:17-18)
12) What vow did Israel make to God in verse eighteen of this book? (Psalms 80:18)
Psalms Chapter 81
1) What does the introduction of the song summon God’s people to do, according to verses one through five? (Psalms 81:1-5)
2) What does this song celebrate in verses one through sixteen of this book? (Psalms 81:1-16)
3) What is the historical background of the feast that this song celebrates in verses three through five? (Psalms 81:3-5)
4) What did the Lord do for the nation of Israel in verses six and seven? (Psalms 81:6-7)
5) How does God want His people to respond to His help in verses eight through ten? (Psalms 81:8-10)
6) What specific instructions did God give to Israel in verse nine of this book? (Psalms 81:9)
7) What promise does the Lord offer His people in return for their obedience in verse ten? (Psalms 81:10)
8) What did God do when Israel refused to submit to Him, according to verse twelve? (Psalms 81:12)
9) What simple reason does the Lord give to explain why Israel did not experience continued success in these verses? (Psalms 81:13-16)
10) What does the Lord desire to do for His people, according to verses fourteen through sixteen? (Psalms 81:14-16)
Psalms Chapter 82
1) What is the psalm writer referring to when he speaks of the “great assembly,” according to verse one? (Psalms 82:1)
2) Which of the Lord’s roles does this psalm appeal to in verses one through eight? (Psalms 82:1-8)
3) What primary task of kings and judges were the leaders, whom the psalm writer condemned, failing to accomplish in verses three and four? (Psalms 82:3-4)
4) How did the psalm writer describe the leaders he condemned in verse five? (Psalms 82:5)
5) Why did the psalm writer refer to darkness in verse five of this book? (Psalms 82:5)
6) What reason were the “foundations of the earth” shaken for in verse five? (Psalms 82:5)
7) How will the wicked leaders of the world be treated by the righteous in verse six? (Psalms 82:6)
8) What outcome did the psalm writer predict for the wicked rulers in verse seven? (Psalms 82:7)
9) Why did the psalm writer ask the Lord to judge the earth, according to verse eight? (Psalms 82:8)
Psalms Chapter 83
1) Why did the nation of Israel need God’s help, according to verses one through eight? (Psalms 83:1-8)
2) How did the psalm writer describe the threats against Israel in these verses? (Psalms 83:2-8)
3) How did the Israelites view themselves in God’s sight in verse three? (Psalms 83:3)
4) What was the goal of Israel’s enemies, according to verse four of this book? (Psalms 83:4)
5) Who formed an alliance against Israel in verses five through eight? (Psalms 83:5-8)
6) How had the Lord demonstrated His power in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 83:9-11)
7) What did Israel want God to do for them, according to verses nine through twelve? (Psalms 83:9-12)
8) What imagery did the psalm writer use to describe how Israel’s enemies will react to God’s judgment in these verses of this book? (Psalms 83:13-16)
9) Why did the psalm writer compare God’s judgment to fire in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 83:14-15)
10) What motive did the psalm writer have in asking God to deliver Israel, according to verse sixteen? (Psalms 83:16)
11) What will be the final result of God’s deliverance of Israel, according to verses seventeen and eighteen? (Psalms 83:17-18)
Psalms Chapter 84
1) How did the psalm writer describe the house of the Lord in the first four verses? (Psalms 84:1-4)
2) What experience did the psalm writer miss from the past, according to these verses? (Psalms 84:1-12)
3) How did the psalm writer describe his longing for God’s house in verse two? (Psalms 84:2)
4) Why was the psalm writer jealous of the birds, according to verse three? (Psalms 84:3)
5) Why did the psalm writer want to return to God’s temple in verse four? (Psalms 84:4)
6) What pilgrimage did the psalm writer describe in this passage, according to verse five? (Psalms 84:5)
7) How did the psalm writer describe the joy of going to Zion to worship God in these verses? (Psalms 84:5-7)
8) What prayer did the psalm writer offer to the Lord in verses eight through eleven? (Psalms 84:8-11)
9) What would the psalm writer choose over status or power, according to verse ten? (Psalms 84:10)
10) What attitude did the psalm writer have toward God’s temple, according to verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 84:10-11)
11) Why did the psalm writer refer to God as a “sun and shield,” according to verse eleven? (Psalms 84:11)
12) What conclusion did the psalm writer draw, according to verse twelve? (Psalms 84:12)
Psalms Chapter 85
1) What mercies had the Lord granted His people in the past, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 85:1-3)
2) What reason did the psalm writer recall God’s faithfulness in the past for in verses one through four? (Psalms 85:1-4)
3) What is the theme of this communal prayer, according to verses one through thirteen? (Psalms 85:1-13)
4) How can God’s people rest secure in His care, according to these verses? (Psalms 85:1-13)
5) What request did the psalm writer present to the Lord in verses four through seven? (Psalms 85:4-7)
6) What promises does God offer His people, according to verse eight? (Psalms 85:8)
7) How should God’s people respond to His faithfulness in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 85:8)
8) What mercies did the psalm writer expect to receive from the Lord in verses eight and nine? (Psalms 85:8-9)
9) What reassurance is offered in verses ten through thirteen of this book? (Psalms 85:10-13)
10) What will God give, according to verses ten through thirteen? (Psalms 85:10-13)
11) What blessings from the Lord are personified in these passages, according to verses ten through thirteen? (Psalms 85:10-13)
Psalms Chapter 86
1) What specific blessings did David ask of the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 86:1-4), (Psalms 86:16-17)
2) How did David demonstrate his dependence on God in verses one through seven? (Psalms 86:1-17)
3) Why did David believe the Lord would answer his prayer, according to these verses? (Psalms 86:2-3 and Psalms 86:5 and Psalms 86:15-17)
4) Who does the Lord show His mercy to, according to verses two through seven? (Psalms 86:2-7)
5) Why did David call to God for help in verses five through seven of this book? (Psalms 86:5-7)
6) How did David compare the Lord to other gods in verses eight and nine? (Psalms 86:8-9)
7) How did David want the Lord to work in his life, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 86:11)
8) What did David expect to be the result of God’s work in him, according to these verses? (Psalms 86:11-12)
9) What vow did David make to the Lord in verses eleven and twelve of this book? (Psalms 86:11-12)
10) What did David expect from God, according to these verses? (Psalms 86:13 and Psalms 86:15), (Psalms 86:17)
11) How are David’s adversaries described in verse fourteen of this book? (Psalms 86:14)
Psalms Chapter 87
1) Why did the Lord choose to dwell in Zion, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 87:1-2)
2) What does this psalm celebrate in verses one through seven of this book? (Psalms 87:1-7)
3) What is the message of this psalm, if the nations listed in this psalm are representative of people that do not know God in these verses? (Psalms 87:1-7)
4) How is this psalm prophetic, according to verses one through seven? (Psalms 87:1-7)
5) What reputation does the “city of God” have in verse three of this book? (Psalms 87:3)
6) Whose names does the Lord record as citizens of Zion, according to verses four through seven? (Psalms 87:4-7)
7) Why does the Lord carefully record the names of all of His people in these verses? (Psalms 87:4-7)
8) Why will God’s people sing, “All my fountains are in you, according to verse seven”? (Psalms 87:7)
9) How will God provide for His people in Zion in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 87:7)
Psalms Chapter 88
1) What appeal opens this psalm in verses one and two of this book? (Psalms 88:1-2)
2) How is the psalm writer’s situation described in verses three through five? (Psalms 88:3-5)
3) Who did the psalm writer blame for his predicament in verses six through nine? (Psalms 88:6-9)
4) How was the psalm writer treated by his friends and when in these verses? (Psalms 88:8 and Psalms 88:18)
5) What request did the psalm writer present to the Lord in verses nine through twelve? (Psalms 88:9-12)
6) What did the psalm writer need to be saved from, according to verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 88:10-12)
7) What imagery is used to describe death and the grave in verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 88:10-12)
8) Why did the psalm writer question the Lord, according to verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 88:13-14)
9) How is the psalm writer’s life described in verses fifteen through eighteen? (Psalms 88:15-18)
10) Where did the psalm writer seek comfort, according to verse eighteen? (Psalms 88:18)
Psalms Chapter 89
1) What promises did the psalm writer make to the Lord, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 89:1-2)
2) What is the focus of the introduction, of the psalm in verses one through four? (Psalms 89:1-4)
3) How is the Lord described in this psalm, according to verses one through fifty-two? (Psalms 89:1-52)
4) What two character traits of the Lord’s did the psalm writer emphasize in these verses? (Psalms 89:5-18)
5) Who did the psalm writer call “blessed,” according to verse fifteen? (Psalms 89:15)
6) What promises did God make to David, according to these verses? (Psalms 89:19-29), (Psalms 89:33-37)
7) What does the psalm say about God’s agreement with His people in verses nineteen through thirty-seven? (Psalms 89:19-37)
8) What were the conditions of God’s agreement with David in verses thirty and thirty-two? (Psalms 89:30-32)
9) What motivated the psalm writer to appeal to God’s character and His covenant in these verses? (Psalms 89:38-45)
10) Why did the psalm writer feel that the Lord had broken His promises in these verses? (Psalms 89:38-45)
11) What were the consequences of God’s rejection, according to verses thirty-eight through forty-five? (Psalms 89:38-45)
12) What prayer concludes this psalm in verses forty-six through fifty-one? (Psalms 89:46-51)
Psalms Chapter 90
1) What mercies from God did Moses recall, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 90:1-2)
2) How does this prayer reveal Moses’ humility in verses one through seventeen? (Psalms 90:1-17)
3) What picture does this psalm paint about our state before God in these verses? (Psalms 90:1-17)
4) What caused Moses to turn to God for help, according to verses one through seventeen? (Psalms 90:1-17)
5) How did Moses describe humankind’s condition under God’s wrath in these verses? (Psalms 90:3-10)
6) How did Moses feel about God’s judgment, according to verses seven through nine? (Psalms 90:7-9)
7) What does God’s holy light reveal in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 90:8)
8) How does this psalm depict the lives of people in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 90:9-10)
9) What did Moses want the Lord to teach him and why in verse twelve of this book? (Psalms 90:12)
10) What prayer concludes this psalm in verses thirteen through seventeen? (Psalms 90:13-17)
11) What promise did Moses make to God in return for His compassion in verse fourteen? (Psalms 90:14)
Psalms Chapter 91
1) What are three images used in the passage to convey God’s protection over His loved ones in these verses? (Psalms 91:1-2), (Psalms 91:4)
2) How is the person, who trusts in God described in verses one through sixteen? (Psalms 91:1-16)
3) What military words are used and what purpose do they serve in these verses? (Psalms 91:1-16)
4) What concrete reasons did the psalm writer give us to find our security in God in these verses? (Psalms 91:1-16)
5) What did the psalm writer reveal as his own worst fears in verses three through six? (Psalms 91:3-6)
6) Which acts of God’s deliverance are listed in the passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 91:3-8)
7) What condition did the author place on God’s protection in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 91:9-10)
8) What role do angels play in our lives, according to verses eleven and twelve? (Psalms 91:11-12)
9) What reason does the Lord give for rescuing His children in verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 91:14-15)
10) What must a person do to receive God’s protection, according to these verses? (Psalms 91:14-15)
11) What specific promises does God give to His people in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Psalms 91:15-16)
Psalms Chapter 92
1) How does the psalm introduce its topic in the first three verses of this book? (Psalms 92:1-3)
2) What is the theme of the psalm writer’s testimony in these verses of this book? (Psalms 92:1-15)
3) How does this psalm describe the foolishness and destiny of the wicked in verses six through nine? (Psalms 92:6-9)
4) What do fools fail to understand, according to verses six through nine? (Psalms 92:6-9)
5) How are the pleasures of evil misleading, according to verse seven? (Psalms 92:7)
6) What had the Lord done for the psalm writer in verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 92:10-11)
7) Why are the righteous compared to a tree in verses twelve through fourteen? (Psalms 92:12-14)
8) What kind of future can the righteous expect, according to these verses? (Psalms 92:12-15)
9) What are the righteous like, according to verses twelve through fifteen? (Psalms 92:12-15)
10) What way will the righteous “bear fruit” in, according to verse fourteen? (Psalms 92:14)
Psalms Chapter 93
1) How is the order of creation maintained, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 93:1)
2) What do we know about the Lord’s reign, according to verses one and two? (Psalms 93:1-2)
3) What caused the people of Israel to trust in the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 93:1-2)
4) What is the focus, of this hymn in verses one through five? (Psalms 93:1-5)
5) What character traits of the Lord’s does this psalm celebrate in these verses? (Psalms 93:1-5)
6) What can God’s people, expect of the future in these verses of this book? (Psalms 93:2), (Psalms 93:5)
7) How does God demonstrate His power over the world in verses three and four? (Psalms 93:3-4)
8) How does this psalm compare God’s power to nature in verses three through five? (Psalms 93:3-5)
9) What encouragement did the psalm writer offer God’s people, according to verse five? (Psalms 93:5)
10) How did the psalm writer describe the reliability of God’s instructions to His people in verse five? (Psalms 93:5)
Psalms Chapter 94
1) What is the focus of the psalm’s introduction in these first three verses of this book? (Psalms 94:1-3)
2) What was the psalm writer’s purpose in writing this psalm, according to verses one through twenty-three? (Psalms 94:1-23)
3) What accusations are made against the wicked in verses four through seven? (Psalms 94:4-7)
4) How are the righteous compared to the wicked in these verses? (Psalms 94:4-7), (Psalms 94:12-15)
5) Who is affected by the sin of evildoers, according to verses five and six? (Psalms 94:5-6)
6) Why do the wicked continue in their sin in verse seven? (Psalms 94:7)
7) What warnings does the psalm offer the wicked in verses eight through eleven? (Psalms 94:8-11)
8) Who does the Lord choose to bless, according to verses eleven through fifteen? (Psalms 94:11-15)
9) What reward is there in faithfully obeying God in verses twelve through fifteen? (Psalms 94:12-15)
10) How will justice be restored for the righteous in verse fifteen of this book? (Psalms 94:15)
11) How did the psalm writer demonstrate his dependence on God for justice in verses sixteen through nineteen? (Psalms 94:16-19)
12) What did the psalm writer believe would have happened had the Lord not saved him in verse seventeen? (Psalms 94:17)
13) How did God meet the psalm writer at the time of his greatest need in verse eighteen? (Psalms 94:18)
Psalms Chapter 95
1) What call did the psalm writer give to God’s people, according to verses one through five? (Psalms 95:1-5)
2) What is the main idea of this psalm, according to verses one through eleven? (Psalms 95:1-11)
3) How did God’s power and authority extend far beyond the gods of Israel’s neighbors in these verses? (Psalms 95:3-5)
4) What should motivate God’s people to worship Him, according to verses six and seven? (Psalms 95:6-7)
5) How should God’s people acknowledge God’s kingship over them in these verses? (Psalms 95:6-11)
6) What advice did this psalm offer to the Israelites in verses six through eleven? (Psalms 95:6-11)
7) What imagery is used to describe the relationship God wants to have with His people in verse seven? (Psalms 95:7)
8) Why did the psalm writer remind Israel of her rebellion in the past in these verses? (Psalms 95:8-11)
9) Why did the Lord expect the Israelites to remain faithful to Him in verse nine? (Psalms 95:9)
10) Why did God condemn Israel to forty years in the desert in verse ten? (Psalms 95:10)
11) What were the consequences of the Israelites’ rebellion, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 95:11)
Psalms Chapter 96
1) What call introduces the psalm in verses one through three of this book? (Psalms 96:1-3)
2) What instructions for worship are given in this psalm, according to these verses? (Psalms 96:1-3), (Psalms 96:7-10)
3) What reasons did the psalm writer give to the nations to praise the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 96:1-13)
4) What did the psalm writer encourage God’s people to proclaim, according to verse two? (Psalms 96:2)
5) How does the God of heaven differ from earthly gods in verses four and five? (Psalms 96:4-5)
6) Why should God’s people be motivated to praise God, according to verses four through six? (Psalms 96:4-6)
7) Who did the psalm writer call to worship God in verses seven through nine? (Psalms 96:7-9)
8) What does the order of nature reveal, according to verse ten of this book? (Psalms 96:10)
9) How is the judgment of the Lord described in these verses? (Psalms 96:10), (Psalms 96:13)
10) Why does Israel maintain her hope in God, according to verses ten through thirteen? (Psalms 96:10-13)
11) What will motivate creation to praise the Lord in verses eleven through thirteen? (Psalms 96:11-13)
Psalms Chapter 97
1) What testimony did the psalm writer offer to the nations, according to verses one through six? (Psalms 97:1-6)
2) What principles is the Lord’s rule established on, according to verse two? (Psalms 97:2)
3) How is the Lord’s glory revealed in nature in verses two through six of this book? (Psalms 97:2-6)
4) How does nature itself reveal God’s character to the world in verses two through six? (Psalms 97:2-6)
5) What conclusion did the psalm writer draw from nature, according to verse six? (Psalms 97:6)
6) How does the center verse serve as a contrast to the theme of the psalm in verse seven? (Psalms 97:7)
7) Why does the city of Zion rejoice, according to verse eight of this book? (Psalms 97:8)
8) What specific instructions did the psalm writer offer in verse ten? (Psalms 97:10)
9) How does God treat the faithful, according to verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 97:10-11)
Psalms Chapter 98
1) Why does the psalm call God’s people to sing “a new song” in verse one of this book? (Psalms 98:1)
2) What reasons does the Lord deserve praise for, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 98:1-3)
3) What has God done to deserve our praise, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 98:1-3)
4) How did the psalm writer progressively extend his call to worship God in these verses? (Psalms 98:1-9)
5) Who does this psalm call to praise the Lord, according to verses one through nine? (Psalms 98:1-9)
6) Why does this psalm call us to rejoice and be joyful in these verses? (Psalms 98:1-9)
7) How is God’s commitment to His people summed up by the psalm writer in verse three? (Psalms 98:3)
8) What specific instructions does this psalm offer about how to worship God, according to verses four through six? (Psalms 98:4-6)
9) What final reason did the psalm writer give God’s people to praise Him in verse nine? (Psalms 98:9)
10) How is God’s judgment of the earth described in verse nine of this book? (Psalms 98:9)
Psalms Chapter 99
1) How should the world respond to God’s holy reign, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 99:1)
2) Why should people praise and honor the Lord, according to verses two and three? (Psalms 99:2-3)
3) How did God demonstrate His justice in Israel in verse four? (Psalms 99:4)
4) Who communicated with God, according to verses sis and seven of this book? (Psalms 99:6-7)
5) How did God show Himself to Israel in verses six and seven? (Psalms 99:6-7)
6) Who did the Lord choose to be His representatives, according to these verses? (Psalms 99:6-7)
7) What role did Moses, Aaron, and Samuel play in Israel, according to these verses? (Psalms 99:6-7)
8) What kind of relationship did Moses, Aaron, and Samuel have with the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 99:6-7)
9) How did God deal with the sins of the Israelites in verse eight? (Psalms 99:8)
10) What does God’s treatment of Israel reveal about His character, according to verses eight and nine? (Psalms 99:8-9)
11) What should motivate people to praise the Lord in verse nine of this book? (Psalms 99:9)
Psalms Chapter 100
1) Who is called to worship the Lord, according to the first three verses of this book? (Psalms 100:1-3)
2) Why is the Lord worthy of praise, according to verses one through five? (Psalms 100:1-5)
3) How does the psalm writer describe the relationship God has with His followers in verse three? (Psalms 100:3)
4) What imagery is used to describe God’s protection of His people in verse two? (Psalms 100:2)
5) What does this psalm say about Israel’s special relationship with the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 100:3), (Psalms 100:5)
6) Why should the world acknowledge the Lord through praise, according to these verses? (Psalms 100:3-5)
7) Where should believers offer their praise to God, according to verse four? (Psalms 100:4)
8) How should a person enter God’s house, according to verse four of this book? (Psalms 100:4)
9) How does God demonstrate His goodness to the world in verse five of this book? (Psalms 100:5)
10) How does this psalm describe the reliability of God’s character in verse five? (Psalms 100:5)
Psalms Chapter 101
1) How does the psalm describe the Lord’s character in verse one of this book? (Psalms 101:1)
2) What does the introduction of the psalm celebrate in these two verses? (Psalms 101:1-2)
3) What is the focus of this poem, according verses one through eight? (Psalms 101:1-8)
4) What promises did David make to the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 101:1-8)
5) How did David plan to remain pure before the Lord, according to verses one through eight? (Psalms 101:1-8)
6) What did David ask of the Lord, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 101:2)
7) How did David describe the extent of his commitment to God in these verses? (Psalms 101:2-3), (Psalms 101:6-8)
8) How did David contrast his own attitude to that of the wicked in verses two through eight? (Psalms 101:2-8)
9) What attitude did David have toward the wicked in verses three through eight? (Psalms 101:3-8)
10) What accusations did David make against the wicked, according to verses four through seven? (Psalms 101:4-7)
11) How could David guard against the influence of the wicked in these verses? (Psalms 101:4-8)
12) Whose company did David want to keep and why, according to verse six? (Psalms 101:6)
Psalms Chapter 102
1) What initial appeal introduces this psalm in the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 102:1-2)
2) What motivated the psalm writer to write this prayer, according to verses one through twenty-eight? (Psalms 102:1-28)
3) How did the psalm writer describe his situation in these verses? (Psalms 102:3-11)
4) What affect did the psalm writer’s problems have on his emotional attitude and physical strength in verses three through eleven? (Psalms 102:3-11)
5) How was the psalm writer treated by others during this difficult time in his life in verse eight? (Psalms 102:8)
6) What reason explains the psalm writer’s distress in verse ten? (Psalms 102:10)
7) Where did the psalm writer obtain his hope for the future in these verses? (Psalms 102:12-17)
8) How did the psalm writer overcome his sense of dismay in verses twelve through seventeen? (Psalms 102:12-17)
9) How did the psalm writer expect God to treat His people in these verses? (Psalms 102:12-28)
10) What specific reason prompted the psalm writer to record this prayer in verse eighteen? (Psalms 102:18)
11) What will be the result of God’s deliverance of His people in these verses? (Psalms 102:21-22)
Psalms Chapter 103
1) What call introduces and concludes the Psalm in these verses of this book? (Psalms 103:1-2), (Psalms 103:20-22)
2) What personal benefits did the psalm writer receive from the Lord in verses three through five? (Psalms 103:3-5)
3) What mercies did the Lord give to the nation of Israel in these verses? (Psalms 103:7-19)
4) How does the Lord respond to the sinfulness of people, according to verses eight through ten? (Psalms 103:8-10)
5) How is God’s love and forgiveness depicted in verses eight through thirteen? (Psalms 103:8-13)
6) How does God demonstrate His compassion for His people, according to these verses? (Psalms 103:8-18)
7) Who does the Lord give His blessings to, according to these verses? (Psalms 103:13), (Psalms 103:17-18)
8) What are people like in verses fourteen through sixteen of this book? (Psalms 103:14-16)
9) What did the psalm writer compare to grass and why in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Psalms 103:15-16)
10) What specific instructions conclude the psalm in verses twenty through twenty-two? (Psalms 103:20-22)
Psalms Chapter 104
1) What is the theme of the psalm writer’s praise, according to verses one through thirty-five? (Psalms 104:1-35)
2) What did the psalm writer see as the purpose of creation in these verses? (Psalms 104:1-35)
3) What imagery is used to describe the sky in verses two through four of this book? (Psalms 104:2-4)
4) How is God involved in the events of the earth in verses five through nine? (Psalms 104:5-9)
5) How is the earth described in verses ten through eighteen of this book? (Psalms 104:10-18)
6) How is the orderliness of earth emphasized in these verses? (Psalms 104:19-23)
7) What did the psalm writer learn from observing the sea in verses twenty-four through twenty-six? (Psalms 104:24-26)
8) What ways does the earth and all life depend on God in verses twenty-seven through thirty? (Psalms 104:27-30)
9) What conclusion did the psalm writer draw from observing and thinking about God’s creation in these verses? (Psalms 104:31-35)
10) What vow concludes this psalm in verse thirty-three of this book? (Psalms 104:33)
Psalms Chapter 105
1) What specific instructions does this psalm give to God’s people, according to verses one through four? (Psalms 105:1-4)
2) How should God’s people respond to His goodness in verses one through four of this book? (Psalms 105:1-4)
3) What is the main idea of this passage, according to these verses? (Psalms 105:1-45)
4) What did the psalm writer tell Israel to remember in verses five through seven? (Psalms 105:5-7)
5) How was Abraham honored by God, according to these verses? (Psalms 105:8-11)
6) How did the Lord demonstrate His faithfulness to Israel in these verses? (Psalms 105:8-41)
7) What specific blessings did the Lord give to Israel in verses twelve through forty-one? (Psalms 105:12-41)
8) What specific role did Joseph play in Israel’s history in verses sixteen through twenty-two? (Psalms 105:16-22)
9) How were Moses and Aaron involved in bringing God’s deliverance to Israel in these verses? (Psalms 105:26-38)
10) Which of the plagues against Egypt did the psalm writer recall in these verses? (Psalms 105:28-36)
11) Why were the Egyptians glad to see the Israelites leave their land, according to verse thirty-eight? (Psalms 105:38)
12) What imagery is used to describe the Lord’s provision for Israel in the desert, according to verse forty-one? (Psalms 105:41)
13) What does the Lord expect from His people in verses forty-two through forty-five? (Psalms 105:42-45)
Psalms Chapter 106
1) What motivated the author to write this psalm, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 106:1-48)
2) What did the psalm writer ask of the Lord in verses four and five? (Psalms 106:4-5)
3) Why did the Lord save Israel from the Egyptians at the Red Sea in verse eight? (Psalms 106:8)
4) How did Israel react to the parting of the Red Sea in verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 106:10-12)
5) How did Israel put the Lord to the test in verses thirteen and fourteen? (Psalms 106:13-14)
6) What role did Moses play in Israel’s history, according to these verses? (Psalms 106:16-23)
7) What demonstrated the Israelites’ lack of faith in God, according to these verses? (Psalms 106:19-21), (Psalms 106:28)
8) How was Phinehas viewed by God and why in verses thirty and thirty-one? (Psalms 106:30-31)
9) What temptations drew Israel away from her faith in God in verses thirty-four through thirty-nine? (Psalms 106:34-39)
10) How did the Lord react to Israel’s sin, according to verses forty through forty-three? (Psalms 106:40-43)
11) How did God demonstrate His faithfulness to Israel despite her rebellion in these verses? (Psalms 106:44-46)
12) What communal prayer and word of praise conclude the psalm in verses forty-seven and forty-eight? (Psalms 106:47-48)
Psalms Chapter 107
1) How did the psalm writer, want Israel to respond to God’ forgiveness and deliverance in these verses of this book? (Psalms 107:1-3), (Psalms 107:15-16), (Psalms 107:31-32)
2) What specific reasons did the psalm writer list to inspire the Israelites to offer their thanks to God in these verses? (Psalms 107:1-3), (Psalms 107:8-9), (Psalms 107:21-22), (Psalms 107:31-32)
3) How did God show His mercy to the needy even in His judgment of Israel in these verses? (Psalms 107:3), (Psalms 107:6-38)
4) What punishment did Israel receive for her rebellion, according to verses ten through twelve? (Psalms 107:10-12)
5) How did the Lord respond to Israel’s cry for relief from His discipline in these verses? (Psalms 107:13-16)
6) What further discipline did Israel endure for her sin, according to verses seventeen and eighteen? (Psalms 107:17-18)
7) How did God demonstrate His mercy to the Israelites in verses nineteen and twenty? (Psalms 107:19-20)
8) What “wonderful deeds” did the Lord do for Israel through nature, according to these verses? (Psalms 107:23-30), (Psalms 107:33-38)
9) What advice to the wise concludes this Psalm in verse forty-three of this book? (Psalms 107:43)
Psalms Chapter 108
1) What commitment did the psalm writer make to the Lord, according to the first three verses of this book? (Psalms 108:1-3)
2) How did the psalm writer plan to make his commitment to the Lord public in verse three? (Psalms 108:3)
3) How did the Lord feel toward the Israelites, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 108:6)
4) What main request did the psalm writer present to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 108:6-13)
5) Why did the Israelites want the Lord’s guidance in verse ten of this book? (Psalms 108:10)
6) What motivated Israel to turn to the Lord for help in verses ten through thirteen? (Psalms 108:10-13)
7) Why did Israel feel rejected by God, according to verse eleven of this book? (Psalms 108:11)
8) How did Israel feel about their own strength in battle in verse twelve? (Psalms 108:12)
9) How did the psalm writer demonstrate his confidence in the Lord in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 108:12-13)
10) What did the psalm writer expect from God in verse thirteen of this book? (Psalms 108:13)
Psalms Chapter 109
1) What dilemma prompted David to write this prayer, according to these verses? (Psalms 109:1-31)
2) How did David describe himself, according to verse four of this book? (Psalms 109:4)
3) How is David, contrasted with his false accuser in verses four and five of this book? (Psalms 109:4-5)
4) What did David ask the Lord to do for him in verses six through fifteen? (Psalms 109:6-15)
5) How did David want the punishment of his enemy to extend beyond the enemy’s own life in these verses? (Psalms 109:8-15)
6) How far did David want his adversary’s punishment to extend, according to verse fifteen? (Psalms 109:15)
7) How did David feel about his predicament in verses twenty-two through twenty-four? (Psalms 109:22-24)
8) How did David describe his own suffering in verses twenty-two through twenty-five? (Psalms 109:22-25)
9) How did David deal with his dilemma in these verses of this book? (Psalms 109:24), (Psalms 109:26-31)
10) Who did David want to receive the credit for his deliverance, according to these verses? (Psalms 109:26-27)
11) What did David expect from the Lord in verse twenty-nine of this book? (Psalms 109:29)
12) What vow did David make to the Lord in verses thirty and thirty-one of this book? (Psalms 109:30-31)
Psalms Chapter 110
1) What simple instruction does the Lord offer His anointed one, according to verse one? (Psalms 110:1)
2) Whose power would the kingdom of God’s anointed one be established by in verses one through four? (Psalms 110:1-4)
3) How will the Lord provide for His people in verses one through five of this book? (Psalms 110:1-5)
4) What specific ways could this psalm apply to the Messiah in verses one through seven? (Psalms 110:1-7)
5) Who was David speaking to in this psalm, according to verses one through seven? (Psalms 110:1-7)
6) What did the psalm writer mean when he said that the Lord would extend the scepter of His chosen one, according to verse two in this book? (Psalms 110:2)
7) What promises are contained in this psalm, and to whom do they apply in these verses? (Psalms 110:4-7)
8) How will God demonstrate His presence, according to verses five and six of this book? (Psalms 110:5-6)
9) What did David predict the Lord’s anointed would do with God’s help in verses five through seven? (Psalms 110:5-7)
Psalms Chapter 111
1) What promise opens this passage, according to the first verse of this book? (Psalms 111:1)
2) How does this psalm combine praise and instruction in these verses? (Psalms 111:1-10)
3) What is the theme of the psalm writer’s praise, according to these verses? (Psalms 111:1-10)
4) What inspired the psalm writer to extol the Lord in verses two through four? (Psalms 111:2-4)
5) What works of the Lord did the psalm celebrate, according to verses two through nine? (Psalms 111:2-9)
6) Who does God bestow blessings on, according to verse five of this book? (Psalms 111:5)
7) What specific ways does God provide for His people in, according to these verses? (Psalms 111:5-6), (Psalms 111:9)
8) What words of advice conclude this psalm in verse ten of this book? (Psalms 111:10)
9) What results can people expect from following the Lord’s principles in verse ten? (Psalms 111:10)
10) What did the psalm writer mean when he spoke of fearing the Lord in verse ten? (Psalms 111:10)
Psalms Chapter 112
1) How does the first verse introduce the theme of the passage in this book? (Psalms 112:1)
2) How is the godly person, described in verses one through nine of this book? (Psalms 112:1-9)
3) How are the wicked different from the righteous in verses one through ten? (Psalms 112:1-10)
4) What can the descendants of the righteous expect, according to verse two? (Psalms 112:2)
5) What are some of the benefits the godly person enjoys in verses two and three? (Psalms 112:2-3)
6) Who can expect to receive blessings from the Lord, according to verse five? (Psalms 112:5)
7) How far will the reputation of the godly extend, according to verse six? (Psalms 112:6)
8) What attitude does the upright person have toward life, according to verse seven? (Psalms 112:7)
9) Where does the godly person find his or her sense of security, according to verse seven? (Psalms 112:7)
10) What can the righteous expect in the future, according to verse eight of this book? (Psalms 112:8)
Psalms Chapter 113
1) Who does the psalm call to praise of the Lord, according to the first verse of this book? (Psalms 113:1)
2) What motivated the psalm writer to write this hymn of praise to the Lord in verses one through nine? (Psalms 113:1-9)
3) What imagery is used to describe the extent to which the Lord deserves praise in verse three? (Psalms 113:3)
4) How is the Lord’s majesty contrasted to our humility in verses four through nine? (Psalms 113:4-9)
5) How is the Lord described in verses four through nine of this book? (Psalms 113:4-9)
6) What seven verbs did the psalm writer use to celebrate God’s worthiness of praise in these verses? (Psalms 113:4-9)
7) Why is the Lord worthy of the praise of His people, according to verses five through nine? (Psalms 113:5-9)
8) How is God’s love demonstrated to His people in verses six through nine? (Psalms 113:6-9)
9) How does God honor the lowly, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 113:7-9)
10) How did the psalm writer expect God to meet the needs of the lowly in verses seven through nine? (Psalms 113:7-9)
11) How does the Lord satisfy the desires of women who want but cannot have children, according to verse nine? (Psalms 113:9)
Psalms Chapter 114
1) What was established when Israel came out of Egypt, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 114:1-2)
2) What way was Israel’s deliverance from Egypt significant in, according to these verses? (Psalms 114:1-2)
3) What event was the psalm writer referring to in mentioning water and hills in these verses? (Psalms 114:1-4)
4) What relationship did the Lord have with Israel, according to verse two? (Psalms 114:2)
5) Where did God choose to dwell, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 114:2)
6) What is the point of mentioning water and hills in verses three and four? (Psalms 114:3-4)
7) What question did the psalm writer pose to nature and why in verses five and six? (Psalms 114:5-6)
8) What advice did the psalm writer offer in verse seven of this book? (Psalms 114:7)
9) What should motivate God’s people to fear Him, according to verses seven and eight? (Psalms 114:7-8)
10) What did the Lord do to sustain and refresh the life of Israel, according to verse eight? (Psalms 114:8)
Psalms Chapter 115
1) What did the psalm writer recognize about Israel’s achievements in verse one of this book? (Psalms 115:1)
2) What does the praise of God’s people accomplish, according to these verses? (Psalms 115:1-18)
3) How was Israel taunted by their neighbors, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 115:2)
4) How did the Israelites answer their enemies in verse three of this book? (Psalms 115:3)
5) What did Israel recognize about the gods of the surrounding nations in these verses? (Psalms 115:4-7)
6) How are idols described in this psalm, according to verses four through seven? (Psalms 115:4-7)
7) What is predicted for people who worship idols in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 115:8)
8) What call did the psalm writer give to Israel in verses nine through eleven? (Psalms 115:9-11)
9) How did Israel respond to the psalm writer’s call in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 115:12-13)
10) What blessing is offered to Israel, according to verses fourteen and fifteen? (Psalms 115:14-15)
Psalms Chapter 116
1) Why did the psalm writer depend on the Lord for help, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 116:1-2)
2) What is the focus, of the psalm writer’s praise in verses one through six? (Psalms 116:1-6)
3) How did the psalm writer feel about the Lord and why in these verses? (Psalms 116:1-19)
4) What did the psalm writer reveal about his own faith in theses verses of this book? (Psalms 116:7), (Psalms 116:13-14)
5) What predicament did the Lord deliver the psalm writer from in verses eight through eleven? (Psalms 116:8-11)
6) What accusation did the psalm writer make against his enemies, according to verse eleven? (Psalms 116:11)
7) How did the psalm writer plan to respond to God’s goodness in verses twelve through fourteen? (Psalms 116:12-14)
8) What promise did the psalm writer make to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 116:13-14), (Psalms 116:17-19)
9) What did the psalm writer recognize about the Lord’s goodness to him in verses fifteen and sixteen? (Psalms 116:15-16)
Psalms Chapter 117
1) Who is the psalm writer speaking to, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 117:1)
2) What does this passage reveal about God’s plan throughout history to reveal Him self to us in these verses? (Psalms 117:1-2)
3) What is the message of this psalm, according to verses one and two of this book? (Psalms 117:1-2)
4) What instructions does this psalm offer to God’s people in these verses? (Psalms 117:1-2)
5) How is God characterized in this passage in the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 117:1-2)
6) What motivated the psalm writer to praise the Lord, according to verse two? (Psalms 117:2)
7) What reason did the psalm writer give to encourage God’s people to praise Him in verse two? (Psalms 117:2)
8) Which attributes of the Lord does this passage focus on in verse two of this book? (Psalms 117:2)
9) Who does the Lord focus His love on, according to verse two of this book? (Psalms 117:2)
10) How did the psalm writer describe God’s faithfulness, according to verse two? (Psalms 117:2)
Psalms Chapter 118
1) What call introduces the Psalm in the first four verses of this book? (Psalms 118:1-4)
2) Which main character trait of God does this psalm focus on in verses one through twenty-nine? (Psalms 118:1-29)
3) What instructions did the psalm writer give to Israel in verses two through four? (Psalms 118:2-4)
4) How is the psalm writer’s situation described in these verses of this book? (Psalms 118:5 and Psalms 118:10-12)
5) How did the psalm writer depend on the Lord in his time of need in these verses? (Psalms 118:5-7), (Psalms 118:10-13)
6) What is the focus of the psalm writer’s song of thanksgiving in verses five through twenty-one? (Psalms 118:5-21)
7) What advice did the psalm writer offer his listeners in verses eight and nine? (Psalms 118:8-9)
8) How did the psalm writer respond to God’s deliverance in these verses of this book? (Psalms 118:17), (Psalms 118:19-21)
9) What did the psalm writer believe was the reason for his hardship in verse eighteen? (Psalms 118:18)
10) How did the Israelites respond to the psalm writer’s song of praise in these verses? (Psalms 118:22-27)
Psalms Chapter 119
1) Who will be blessed by God, according to the first three verses of this book? (Psalms 119:1-3)
2) What was the psalmist’s motivation in writing this Psalm in these verses? (Psalms 119:1-176)
3) How is the psalmist’s devotion to God’s Word revealed, according to these verses? (Psalms 119:1-176)
4) What advice does this psalm give to young people in verses nine through sixteen? (Psalms 119:9-16)
5) What did the psalmist ask the Lord to do for him in these verses of this book? (Psalms 119:33-40)
6) How had the psalmist demonstrated his commitment to the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 119:44-64)
7) What role did God’s Word play in the psalmist’s life, according to these verses? (Psalms 119:49-64)
8) What attitude did the psalmist have toward the Lord’s discipline in verses sixty-five through seventy-two? (Psalms 119:65-72)
9) What happens when we read and think about God’s Word in these verses? (Psalms 119:97-104)
10) What did the psalmist want the Lord to deliver him from, according to these verses? (Psalms 119:121-152)
11) What is the longest Psalm, and what is the main subject about in these verses? (Psalms 119:1-176)
Psalms Chapter 120
1) What main request do the psalms present to the Lord in these verses? (Psalms 120:1-2)
2) What part of the body is David referring to in verse three of this book? (Psalms 120:3)
3) How many verses are in Psalms one-hundred and twenty of this book? (Psalms 120:1-7)
Psalms Chapter 121
1) What promises are offered to God’s people, according to these verses? (Psalms 121:3-8), (Psalms 125:1-5), (Psalms 128:1-6)
2) What specific ways should God’s people depend on Him in these verses? (Psalms 121:1-8)
Psalms Chapter 122
1) How should God’s people view a place of worship, according to this verse? (Psalms 122:1-4)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-two of this book? (Psalms 122:1-9)
Psalms Chapter 123
1) What specific ways should God’s people depend on Him in these verses? (Psalms 123:1-2)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-three of this book? (Psalms 123:1-4)
Psalms Chapter 124
1) What did David realize about his own abilities in comparison to the Lord’s power in verses one through eight? (Psalms 124:1-8)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-eight of this book? (Psalms 124:1-8)
Psalms Chapter 125
1) What does the Psalm writer say in his prayer about the godly that put their trust in our Lord in verse one? (Psalms 125:1)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-five of this book? (Psalms 125:1-5)
Psalms Chapter 126
1) How did the Psalm writer describe, the return of the captivity ones, in verses one through three? (Psalms 126:1-3)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-six of this book? (Psalms 126:1-6)
Psalms Chapter 127
1) How did Solomon remind us that all of life’s blessings come from God and not people’s own achievements, in these verses of this book? (Psalms 127:1-5)
2) What do these psalms say about relationships in these verses of this book? (Psalms 127:1-5)
Psalms Chapter 128
1) What do these psalms say about relationships in these verses of this book? (Psalms 128:3-4)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-eight of this book? (Psalms 128:1-6)
Psalms Chapter 129
1) How did David describe Israel in his prayer, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 129:6)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and twenty-nine of this book? (Psalms 129:1-8)
Psalms Chapter 130
1) Who was David praying and professing hope for, in verses one through eight of this book? (Psalms 130:1-8)
2) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and thirty of this book? (Psalms 130:1-8)
Psalms Chapter 131
1) When David professed his humility to God in verse one of this book, what did he say about himself? (Psalms 131:1)
2) What did David compare him self to, in his prayer of verse two of this book? (Psalms 131:2)
3) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and thirty-one of this book? (Psalms 131:1-3)
Psalms Chapter 132
1) How should God’s people view a place of worship, according to this verse? (Psalms 132:1-5)
2) What does the Lord promise His children, if they will keep His covenant in verse twelve? (Psalms 132:12)
3) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and thirty-two of this book? (Psalms 132:1-18)
Psalms Chapter 133
1) What does the Psalm writer say about the saints that dwell together in unity in verse one? (Psalms 133:1)
2) How did the Psalm writer describe this precious communion of the saints in verse two? (Psalms 133:2)
3) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and thirty-three of this book? (Psalms 133:1-3)
Psalms Chapter 134
1) How should God’s people view a place of worship, according to this verse? (Psalms 134:1-2)
2) What does the Psalm writer say about the Lord in verse three of this book? (Psalms 134:3)
3) How many verses are in Psalms 0ne-hundred and thirty-four of this book? (Psalms 134:1-3)
Psalms Chapter 135
1) Who did the psalmist call to praise, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 135:1-2)
2) What main reason did Israel have for praising God, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 135:3-4)
3) How is the God of Israel compared to other gods in verses five through eighteen? (Psalms 135:5-18)
4) Where in creation does God have His way, according to verses six of this book? (Psalms 135:6)
5) How does the Lord exert His power in verses six and seven of this book? (Psalms 135:6-7)
6) How is the Lord’s triumph over Egypt and foreign kings celebrated in verses eight through twelve? (Psalms 135:8-12)
7) What did the psalmist want the Lord to do for Israel, according to verse fourteen? (Psalms 135:14)
8) How are foreign gods depicted in verses fifteen through eighteen of this book? (Psalms 135:15-18)
9) What will be the result of trusting in other gods, according to verse eighteen? (Psalms 135:18)
10) What call concludes the psalm in verses nineteen through twenty-one of this book? (Psalms 135:19-21)
Psalms Chapter 136
1) What call introduces and concludes this psalm, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 136:1-3), (Psalms 136:26)
2) What is the emphasis, of the psalm’s refrain in verses one through twenty-six? (Psalms 136:1-26)
3) What is the focus of this praise psalm, according to verse one through twenty-six? (Psalms 136:1-26)
4) Why should God’s people offer Him thanks, according to these verses? (Psalms 136:1-26)
5) What does the psalm reveal about God’s interest in creation in verses four through nine? (Psalms 136:4-9)
6) What specific event in Israel’s history did the psalmist recall in verses ten through fifteen? (Psalms 136:10-15)
7) How was the nation of Israel delivered from Egypt, according to these verses? (Psalms 136:10-15)
8) How did the Lord help Israel conquer her enemies, according to these verses? (Psalms 136:17-22)
9) What benefits did Israel enjoy from the Lord’s destruction of her enemies in verses twenty-one and twenty-two? (Psalms 136:21-22)
Psalms Chapter 137
1) What memory did the psalm writer cling to, while in captivity in verse one of this book? (Psalms 137:1)
2) What did the psalm writer remember about his exile in verses one through three? (Psalms 137:1-3)
3) What caused the psalm writer to mourn, according to verses one through three? (Psalms 137:1-3)
4) How did the psalm writer’s captors torment him, according to these verses? (Psalms 137:1-3)
5) Why did the Israelites refuse to sing their worship songs in verses three and four? (Psalms 137:3-4)
6) What commitment did the psalm writer make in verses four through six of this book? (Psalms 137:4-6)
7) What attitude did the psalm writer have toward Jerusalem in verse six? (Psalms 137:6)
8) What did the psalm writer want the Lord to do for Israel, according to verses seven through nine? (Psalms 137:7-9)
9) Why did the psalm writer believe his enemies deserved the Lord’s punishment in these verses? (Psalms 137:7-9)
10) What did the psalm writer expect to happen to Babylon in the future, according to verse eight? (Psalms 137:8)
Psalms Chapter 138
1) How did David worship the Lord, according to the first two verses of this book? (Psalms 138:1-2)
2) How had the Lord met David’s needs, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 138:2-3), (Psalms 138:7)
3) Who did David want to join him in praise to God in verses four and five? (Psalms 138:4-5)
4) What reason did David give others to worship the Lord in verses four and five? (Psalms 138:4-5)
5) What two things display God’s glory in these verses of this book? (Psalms 138:4-5)
6) What testimony is given to God’s faithfulness, according to verses six through eight? (Psalms 138:6-8)
7) How is God’s love described in these verses? (Psalms 138:6-8)
8) How does the Lord Judge, according to verse six of this book? (Psalms 138:6)
9) How does the Lord demonstrate His care for those He loves in verse seven? (Psalms 138:7)
10) What hope did David place in the Lord, according to verse eight? (Psalms 138:8)
11) What prayer concludes this psalm in verse eight of this book? (Psalms 138:8)
Psalms Chapter 139
1) How did David describe God’s knowledge of him, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 139:1-6)
2) What attitude did David have toward himself and the Lord and why in these verses? (Psalms 139:1-24)
3) What “knowledge” did David feel was too lofty for him to understand, according to verse six? (Psalms 139:6)
4) What rhetorical question did David pose to the Lord in verse seven? (Psalms 139:7)
5) Why did God know David so well, according to verses thirteen through fifteen? (Psalms 139:13-15)
6) What caused David to offer his praise to the Lord in verse fourteen? (Psalms 139:14)
7) What does this psalm reveal about God’s care for His people throughout their lives in these verses? (Psalms 139:15-16)
8) Who did David view as his enemies, according to verses nineteen through twenty-two? (Psalms 139:19-22)
9) What set David apart from God’s adversaries, according to these verses? (Psalms 139:19-22)
10) How did David demonstrate his loyalty to the Lord, according to these verses? (Psalms 139:21-22)
11) Why did David want the Lord to examine his heart, according to these verses? (Psalms 139:23-24)
Psalms Chapter 140
1) How are David’s enemies described in the first five verses of this book? (Psalms 140:1-5)
2) Why did David need God’s deliverance, according to verses one through thirteen? (Psalms 140:1-13)
3) What main weapon did David’s adversaries use against him in verse three? (Psalms 140:3)
4) What danger did David face, according to verses four and five? (Psalms 140:4-5)
5) How did David deal with his fears, according to verses six and seven? (Psalms 140:6-7)
6) What did David want the Lord to do for him, according to verses six through eight? (Psalms 140:6-8)
7) Why did David want the Lord to make the plans of the wicked fail in verse eight? (Psalms 140:8)
8) What strategy did David want God to use against his adversaries, according to these verses? (Psalms 140:9-11)
9) How did David demonstrate his confidence in the Lord in verses twelve and thirteen? (Psalms 140:12-13)
Psalms Chapter 141
1) What was David’s main concern, according to verses one through ten of this book? (Psalms 141:1-10)
2) What imagery is used to describe David’s prayer, according to verse two? (Psalms 141:2)
3) How did David want the Lord to protect him in verses three and four? (Psalms 141:3-4)
4) What specific way did David want to remain pure before God in, according to verses three and four? (Psalms 141:3-4)
5) Why did David describe the strike of a righteous man as a “kindness” in verse five? (Psalms 141:5)
6) How did David view the discipline of the righteous in verse five of this book? (Psalms 141:5)
7) What was the theme of David’s prayers, according to verses five and six? (Psalms 141:5-6)
8) How is the destiny, of the wicked described in verses six and seven? (Psalms 141:6-7)
9) How did David voice his trust in the Lord, according to verse eight? (Psalms 141:8)
10) What plea for deliverance is presented to God in these verses of this book? (Psalms 141:8-10)
Psalms Chapter 142
1) What is the main theme of this prayer, according to the first seven verses of this book? (Psalms 142:1-7)
2) Why did David need the Lord’s help, according to these verses? (Psalms 142:1-7)
3) How did David feel about his situation in verses three through six of this book? (Psalms 142:3-6)
4) What motivated David to depend on God in verses four and five? (Psalms 142:4-5)
5) Why did David refer to the Lord as his “portion” in verse five of this book? (Psalms 142:5)
6) What did David present to the Lord, according to verses five through seven? (Psalms 142:5-7)
7) How did David feel about his own ability to save himself in verse six? (Psalms 142:6)
8) What did David expect from the Lord, according to verse seven of this book? (Psalms 142:7)
9) How did David promise to respond to God’s deliverance in verse seven? (Psalms 142:7)
10) How did David predict others would respond to God’s help, according to verse seven? (Psalms 142:7)
Psalms Chapter 143
1) Which of the Lord’s character traits did David appeal to, according to these verses? (Psalms 143:1- 11)
2) What did David admit about his own character in verse two of this book? (Psalms 143:2)
3) What attitude did David have toward himself in these verses of this book? (Psalms 143:2), (Psalms 143:12)
4) What did David want the Lord to focus His attention on, according to verse three? (Psalms 143:3)
5) How did David describe his predicament in verses three and four? (Psalms 143:3-4)
6) How did David feel about his situation, according to verse four of this book? (Psalms 143:4)
7) What kind of language is used to describe David’s longing for the Lord in verse six? (Psalms 143:6)
8) How did David show his trust in God, according to verses eight and nine? (Psalms 143:8-9)
9) What did David want the Lord to do for him in verses eight through twelve? (Psalms 143:8-12)
10) What was David’s motivation in asking for God’s deliverance in verse eleven? (Psalms 143:11)
Psalms Chapter 144
1) What gifts from God does David celebrate in this introduction of verses one and two? (Psalms 144:1-2)
2) What is the theme of this prayer in verses one through fifteen of this book? (Psalms 144:1-15)
3) What did the psalm writer recognize about his own status in verses three and four? (Psalms 144:3-4)
4) How did David want the Lord to deliver him in verses five through eight? (Psalms 144:5-8)
5) How are David’s enemies described, according to these verses of this book? (Psalms 144:8), (Psalms 144:11)
6) What vow did the psalm writer make to the Lord in verses nine and ten? (Psalms 144:9-10)
7) What inspired David to offer his praise to God, according to verse ten of this book? (Psalms 144:10)
8) What will be the result of God’s deliverance in verses twelve through fifteen? (Psalms 144:12-15)
9) What blessings did the psalm writer expect from God, according to these verses? (Psalms 144:12-15)
10) Who does the Lord give His blessings to, according to verse fifteen? (Psalms 144:15)
Psalms Chapter 145
1) How do these psalms characterize the Lord in this verse of this book? (Psalms 145:1)
2) What is the over arching theme of this psalm, according to verse one of this book? (Psalms 145:1)
3) What should motivate God’s people to praise the Lord, according to this verse? (Psalms 145:1)
4) What practical advice is offered about how to worship God in verses four through seven? (Psalms 145:4-7)
Psalms Chapter 146
1) What practical advice is offered about how to worship God in verses one and two? (Psalms 146:1-2)
2) What specific words of instruction are given to God’s followers in verse three? (Psalms 146:3)
3) How does God demonstrate His love for the needy in verses seven and nine? (Psalms 146:7-9)
Psalms Chapter 147
1) What practical advice is offered about how to worship God in verse one? (Psalms 147:1)
2) How does the Lord meet the needs of His people in verses two through four? (Psalms 147:2-4)
3) What does God desire from His people, according to verses ten and eleven? (Psalms 147:10-11)
Psalms Chapter 148
1) Who does the psalm writers, call to praise God in, according to verses one through five and seven through thirteen? (Psalms 148:1-5), (Psalms 148:7-13)
2) Why did the psalmist say that we should praise the name of the Lord, according to verse five? (Psalms 148:5)
3) What specific words of instruction are given to God’s followers in verses seven through fourteen? (Psalms 148:7-14)
Psalms Chapter 149
1) What responsibility do God’s people have to tell others of God’s goodness? (Psalms 149:1-3)
2) What did the prophet in this Psalm say that the saints should do unto the Lord in this verse one? (Psalms 149:1)
3) How does the Lord meet the needs of His people in verse four of this book? (Psalms 149:4)
Psalms Chapter 150
1) How is Psalm 150 a fitting conclusion to the book of Psalms in these verses? (Psalms 150:1-6)
2) How does David exhort God, or characterize Him in verse six of this book? (Psalms 150:6)
Note: I pray that these questions have helped your study and understanding of Gods’ word in the Bible. Please feel free to pass them on to other people if they have helped you.
Your, Brother in Christ
Frank Rose