But we should always remain confidence in God and remain strong in the midst of all the questions and our emotions will be ok. Remember our God is the only one who remains constant, and life will be good if you stay in His loving arms. Now you may not understand where He leads you. But you will always be safe and secure with God anywhere, even in death. We should always call upon the one and only true God in prayer and ask Him to heal your sickness because God will answer your prayer. Also one of my favorite stories of the bible is found in (Acts 9:1-19); where the Apostle Paul was on his way to Damascus and it was here on the road that he was struck down by the Lord Jesus Christ and he was blinded for his part for persecuting the early Christians. But sometimes our God answers prayer 3 different ways. God sometimes answers yes to certain prayers, sometimes He answers other prayers no, and sometimes God will answer wait, now my child.
1) We should always remember that God does still heal the sick. Now the answer from (James 5:16-18); is an emphatic “yes.” But even so, God doesn’t always choose to heal or to heal in the way that we want Him to heal someone. We should remember that there are many that have witnessed and have been a part of praying for many people for whom miraculous healing that has obviously occurred; such as tumors, broken bones, and many types of cancer are being cured by doctors or healed by our God.
2) When we feel a need for healing and we are sick in body; just remember that our Heavenly Father is the only One to call upon in our hour of need. Now always remember that our Heavenly Father is good and very wise, and He can be trusted. Remember God’s ways are far beyond our comprehension in (Isaiah 55:9). Always remember that our God will deliver us in at least three ways. Our God (Jehovah); will shape us deeply and manifests His Glory as others can see joy, steadfastness, and our Lord Jesus will be with us. Please read these three statements below.
a) Sometimes God delivers us out of our pain and suffering through supernatural intervention. We can read many examples of this in the scriptures, now throughout the church history, and in our own experiences. But we should never forget that our God reveals His great power through healing.
b) But sometimes God delivers grace to us during the pain and suffering. And this reflects the way God worked in Paul’s life in this passage. Sometimes God does not take away the sickness, but God gives us the grace to manage it. We should remember that our God sometimes reveals His great power through His grace.
c) We should remember that our God sometimes delivers Heaven to us. Now even those with relatively that have healthy and physical bodies look forward to an ultimate healing and a glorious transformation. And sometimes God reveals His great power through Heaven. But we know that God’s grace is sufficient, even in times of sickness.
1) All of us have prayed for people to get well who later died. That is difficult enough. But equally difficult is praying for those who are sick to get well and they continue to live with the same sickness. The church that I go to, has a pastor by the name Thomas Groves and he has had the privilege of watching God at work in the life of all people in our family.
2) My wife Janice and I have had 4 beautiful young girls and we have been married for almost 55 years. But in the year of 1969 tragedy had struck our little baby Angel Lori and we had to take her to our family doctor for a check-up and he advised us to take her to see a special doctor at Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Here the Doctor told us that our little daughter named Lori has a tumor and that was wrapped around her spine in the back of her neck and it had to be removed. After the operation the Doctor told us that he could not remove all of her tumor because it was wrapped around her spinal cord. And if he had to remove all of her tumor she would be paralyzed and she would never walk again. During this time all of the church members and her mother and I began to pray that our God would have mercy upon our little Angel Lori and that He would also healed her. Well, it was also during this time that my wife Janice stayed at the Children’s Hospital day and night until she got to come home.
3) After about 7 months of caring for our little girl and praying earnestly that God would touch her frail little body and heal her from this terrible sickness. Then tragedy struck her again and the tumor was in her head right next to her brain and she had become very sickly than ever before. We immediately took our little Angel Lori back to the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio for another operation on her head this time. So the Doctor operated on the left side of her head and removed another tumor of cancer. When the Doctor came out of the operating room he came over to talk to both of us about her condition and he said that her condition was very weak and that she would be paralyzed from the neck down and that she would need help in doing everything that she normally had been doing for herself. He said that we could take her home in about 4 weeks and watch her very close because the type of cancer that she had was very rare and most of all the Doctors said that they have never seen any kind of this type of cancer before. So after about four weeks we brought our precious little Lori home again. I remember making a little tray out of plywood and her mother and I would put her on the big blue couch so she could see the television and watch the other three girls play and also they would help her and play with their little sister.
4) The next time that our little Angel Lori became ill she could not even sit up by herself. During all of her sickness we never gave up on praying for her illness and asking our Lord and Savior to heal her of this terrible sickness. But the time had come again and she was real sick this time. So once again we took her back to the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio for another operation.
5) But this time the Doctor told us that this would be the last time that he would operate on her. Also the Doctor told both of us about her condition and he said that her condition was very weak and that she would not live much longer and as soon as she was able we should take her home because it was out of his hands and only God could heal her now.
6) I remember it was just a few more weeks until Christmas time so Janice and I was about to leave the hospital, when we saw Ruth Lyons coming through the front door of the hospital and she gave Lori a big hug and toy for Christmas, but even though our little Angel was very sick she had the biggest smile on her face and we thanked Ruth for her time and gift because it made her smile and laugh again.
We took her home for her last Christmas with us. And about two months later she went home to be with our Lord Jesus Christ on February 22, 1972. Her Mom and I still miss her and love her more and more as the days come and go and we look forward to seeing her again in Heaven when our Lord Jesus Christ calls both of us home to be with them forever more.
7) Now once again tragedy struck our family again. This time in was third daughter and her name was Pamela. It was when she had just turned 42 years old. She and her husband Wayne had went to Dayton, Ohio to the Heart Hospital. She was told by the heart doctors that her heart was in terrible shape and she needed an operation on her heart valve immediately. So all of our family began to pray for Pamela our daughter to be healed. Also because we were all believers in Christ and we had faith in our Lord Jesus Christ too that He would heal her heart and make her like new again. When operation started, it was about 3 hours later that the doctor came out of surgery and told all us that the wall of her heart was so damaged that they were going to remove the bigger heart valve and replace in with a smaller one and this would take a few more hour. So the doctor went back into the surgery room and the hours began to go very fast. Our daughter was on the operating table for over 12 hours on the table and it seemed like eternity before the doctor came out to tell us that she had made it through the surgery and we could see her. But the family had begun to worry about her because it did not look good for her because the second operation was going to be longer in the operating room. The family knew that this was bad for her. But as time passed we all began to pray for God to help the doctors and that God would watch over her and bring her through this time of our need and God did answer our prayers and she made it through the operation and we were all thankful to God for this miracle for our love one was safe in His arms.
8) Now Pamela stayed in that Hospital in Dayton, Ohio for about 3 weeks and we brought her home to our house so we could watch over her until she healed and got better. My pastor, Dwaine Tilford came over and prayed for her and talked to her about her salvation and Pamela said that she was saved and knew Jesus as her Savior. After the three weeks of time, with her at our house, and the time we had passed so quickly. Wayne her husband talked her into going home on that Friday. We told him that she needed to rest more and ask them to stay just a few more days, but he wanted to go to their house for the week end and they would come back next Monday. Well as our luck go sometimes; we received a call from Wayne her husband and he told us that Pamela had took a turn for the worst and she had passed a blood clot and they were on their way to Middletown Hospital and we should meet them out there. But before we could make it to the hospital another one of our little Angel by the name of Pamela Jean had passed on out of our lives into eternity to be with our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven.
9) Now once again we have a daughter by the name of Donna Sue Rose who has breast cancer and she is going through some terrible times with this sickness. Now I wish you could have seen Donna before her sickness. She was a picture of health because she would run and do her exercise every day and she was a picture of pure health. My daughter Donna is 50 years old and she has a great job at General Electric Company in Cincinnati; Ohio Donna has been employed at this plant for about 29 years and she cannot retire because of this illness that she has. Well she and her mother and I will be going to the Christ Hospital in Cincinnati on Friday this week and she will be having more surgery on her breast cancer and her mother and I will be praying that God will have mercy and also heal her of this terrible cancer. So please God; I ask you to spare my little Doodle and let us bring our little Angel Donna home and to keep her safe from all harm and please heal her heart just like you did in Your Word with so many other people because I and her mother Janice believe in your healing power.
10) I know that God answered our prayers because our daughter Donna had another breast cancer operation at the Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. I also believe that our God was with her and He also had to guide the Doctors hands while they were in the operating room and it was another miracle that our God gave us. And it was because of all the prayers and our faith that the family, friends, and our Church Brothers and Sisters had prayed for her to be healed. But because of my believe and faith in my Lord Jesus Christ I give Him all the credit the honor, praise, and glory for His great Healing power that He can heal the sick. But we must remember that it was the will of the Father, and His love for us that He died on the Cross for all mankind so that we would have a place in Heaven for all eternity.
11) The idea that Christianity would eliminate trials and problems in a person’s life was foreign to the New Testament writers. In fact, following Christ created many new trials of its own. In addition to the added trials, Christians experienced the same physical challenges and trials that other people in society faced. Paul did not possess an immunity to sickness either. As he wrote (II Corinthians), he recounted a time in his life when he faced a debilitating sickness that affected his ministry. He asked the Lord to remove this sickness, but God had other designs and plans. This led Paul to the conviction that current trials were temporary and needed to be placed within the context of eternity. After death, none of the problems they experienced in life would be present.
I) in the next three paragraphs, the Apostle Paul used some key words from certain scriptures from the bible.
a) The Apostle Paul used the word grace in (II Corinthians 12:9); in the greetings of his letters in (Rome 1:7); (I Corinthians 1:3); (II Corinthians 1:2); (Galatians 1:3); (Ephesians 1:2); (Philippians 1:2); (Colossians 1:2); (I Thessalonians 1:1); (II Thessalonians 1:2); (I Timothy 1:2); (II Timothy 1:2); (Titus 1:4); (Philemon 1:3). The basic idea of this term was something that was freely given. Paul most often anchored that in the things given by God through the cross of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:21). Everything God gave to us in the cross is encompassed in the word grace.
b) The Greek word for sufficient in (II Corinthians 12:9); literally means “adequate,” “sufficient,” or “enough.”
c) Two examples illustrate the meaning of this word. In the parable of the ten virgins, the prepared virgins said to the unprepared ones, “No, there won’t be enough for us and for you” (Matthew 25:9). Their supply was inadequate. When Jesus asked Philip about buying bread for the 5,000, the disciple answered, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread wouldn’t be enough for each of them to have a little” (John 6:7). That which is sufficient is enough!
d) The Greek word rendered perfected, (II Corinthians 12:9); described the progress of something toward a goal or directed end. It conveyed the idea of completion, maturity, or wholeness. An example of this occurs in (I John 4:18); where we read, “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment.” The kind of love that is from God is complete, whole, and mature. It is perfect. In (II Corinthians 4:16-18); how would you contrast the outer person with the inner person?
12) In what surprising ways did Paul describe the affliction that the Corinthians people were experiencing? How can trials end up producing glory? How have you seen sicknesses result in bringing glory to God? Answers are below.
A) (II Corinthians 4:16); therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.
B) (II Corinthians 4:17); for our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory.
C) (II Corinthians 4:18); so we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
13) Difficulties Are Momentary Compared to Eternity. In (II Corinthians 4:7-15), Paul spoke of the frailty of human existence and the trials that the Christians faced. He described them as “pressured,” “perplexed,” “persecuted,” and “struck down” in (II Corinthians 4:8-9). However, through those trials God was sustaining them by His grace in (II Corinthians 4:15); Paul refused to get discouraged, even though he faced some daunting circumstances in his role as a missionary and in his relationship with the church at Corinth. Starting with the word therefore Paul used the next few verses to summarize the reason he did not grow discouraged and the way that the grace of God was sustaining him in his trials.
14) In light of God’s grace at work in Paul and his companions, he stated that they did not give up. The New International Version translated this phrase as “we do not lose heart.” This word in Greek occurs only a few times in the New Testament. In (Luke 18:1), Jesus used it to encourage people “not to become discouraged” and not to quit praying. In (Galatians 6:9), Paul used it to encourage people to “not get tired of doing well for others.”
15) In (Ephesians 3:13); Paul encouraged the believers “not to be discouraged” by his trials experienced on their behalf. He also encouraged the Thessalonians to “not grow weary in doing good,” here in (II Thessalonians 3:13). As seen by these few usages of the word means “to get discouraged” or “to grow weary.” Both of these meanings include the idea of “giving up.”
16) The temptation to give up came from the frailty of Paul’s human existence. He contrasted the inner person with the outer person. Earlier, he had described this dichotomy as “treasure in clay jars” (II Corinthians 4:7). Though the jar was being “pressured,” it was “not crushed” (verse 8). Obviously, this was a reference to the toll that persecution and affliction was taking on the apostle as he served the Lord in hostile environments. However, the afflictions that plagued his body did not have to destroy his soul. By using the term inner person, Paul was referencing the heart or the center of a person’s being, including his mind, will, emotions, and feelings. The outer person certainly had the limitations of the body.
17) But the inner person that related to God in His Spirit had the opportunity to be renewed day by day. The present tense verb is being renewed in the Greek emphasizes that this renewal is a continuous process rather than a completed work. This process occurs day by day. Paul referred to this renewal in (Romans 12:2): “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good pleasing, and perfect will of God.” In (I Corinthians 15:31); Paul stated that he died daily. In his inner person, he died to his own way, so the life of the Lord could be lived out through his outer person.
18) In contrast to the inner person that is being renewed day by day, the outer person is being destroyed. All living beings are headed toward death in their bodies. Most people recognize the frailties of the human body as one’s eyesight begins to wane or one’s body begins to ache with only small changes in one’s exercise level.
Paul’s body had experienced the pains of the many afflictions he listed in (II Corinthians 11:23-27). These afflictions included imprisonments, beatings, scourging, stoning, shipwreck, and the weariness of extended travel. Like an automobile with high mileage on the outside but a new engine on the inside, Paul pressed on to fulfill God’s will for his life as long as he lived. He told the Philippians, “living is Christ and dying is gain” (Philippians 1:21).
19) In describing the affliction that he faced in his outer person, Paul used some surprising adjectives. He first called his trials momentary. When telling a person who battles muscular dystrophy, such as Susan, which was the little girl that we meet while we were at the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Now let me tell you something about sweet little Susan. She had been through 12 different operations while she was at this Children’s Hospital and they were on her little feet and legs. She had been born this way with very short feet and legs and had never walked before in her four years, since she had come to this place called Children’s Hospital. But she sure could talk up a storm when she meet someone new at the Hospital. Also she had a big smile on her face all the time. When she meet my little Lori they became best of friends and they would go down to the play room in their wheel chairs and play with the other children every day. Susan was a big help to all of the nurses and she would go to all of the other children’s rooms and cheer them up with her big smile and she never stopped talking to them about the things that they had done on the day before. It was after our little Angel Lori had passed away that we learned that Susan with the big smiling face also had passed away too. So I guess that God took those two smiling Angels to Heaven because it was their time to go and they will never have to suffer anymore. But I can tell you one thing about little Susan she sure knew how to make all us smile because she was one of a kind and I for one will miss both of their smiling faces. Now I know one thing for sure for they will not need any old wheel-chair to walk around in Heaven because I know our God has heal them both and set them free so they can run and play.
20) There is one more little girl that was in the Children’s Hospital that broke my heart when we visited our sweet Lori Ann in the year of 1969. So let me tell you about her and why she touched my heart so much that I could not hold back my tears when I saw her in that big baby bed. But all the nurses just called her their little Angel and they did not get her out of the big baby bed because she was totality blind in both of her eyes and they kept her locked up in her bed for hours so she could not fall and hurt herself. Now as I remember the little Angel in this big bed she never stopped crying for her Mother. She would stand up in her big baby bed and she would cry out to her Mother, saying “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” please come back and get me. “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” please come back and get me. “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,” please come back and get me. And this crying for her Mother just went on for hours. So the next day that Janice and I visited our little daughter Lori we took the time to visit the little girl that was blind.
21) Now I remember this beautiful little girl had two big brown eyes and she was about four years old. While we were standing and talk to this little girl, her Mother came in to visit her Daughter to. But her mother told us that she had been born blind and there was nothing that the doctors could do for her eyes. Now as we talked to the mother, she told us that she lived in Cleveland, Ohio and she was not married and could only visit once every week and that would be on the week-in. After our visit with our little Angel Lori. We were on our way home and as we talked about our visit and how grateful we were as Christians, to have a Lord and Savior like Jesus and we could go to Him anytime of the day in prayer and He would always give us comfort and strength in our trials and needs.
22) But Paul’s desire is not to be insensitive but to be encouraging. He was putting affliction in its proper perspective with a view to eternity. A person is considered old if he lives to 80 years, and very old if he lives to 100 years. However, 100 years in eternity would not even scratch the surface. In comparison to an eternity with no trials, our trials on earth do seem momentary. Here I would like to say that I believe that the Apostle Paul was one of the greatest evangelist in His time.
23) Paul also described the affliction as light. Again, this could seem insensitive to those who do not have the proper perspective. A blind person has a heavy disability. A lame person may feel the heaviness of his inability to walk. The comparison of the trial with what it is producing an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory is what makes it appear light. The Greek word for glory carries the idea of something that is weighty or heavy, contrasting the light trials with heavy glory. Paul’s suffering that he endured for the sake of Christ was light in comparison to the glorious future that God secured for him in Christ. Some people carry heavier weights than others when it comes to physical suffering in the world, but all are offered the hope of eternal life and eternal glory in Christ.
24) Paul explained the contrast in verse 18. The difference between the afflictions on earth and the glory of heaven is that one is temporary but the other is eternal. Therefore, Christians must focus their eyes on what is unseen in heaven versus what is seen on earth. This gives them the perspective they need to endure trials and hardships. Trials are temporary, not eternal. Trials are light in comparison to the glory that God will reveal in eternity.
25) What are some of the lasting truths in (II Corinthians 4:16-18)?
A) First; we should not grow discouraged in our physical suffering.
B) Second; we should allow God to build the inner person even while the outer person is wasting away.
C) Third; we need to focus not on the temporary nature of suffering but on the eternal nature of God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ.
D) Fourth; we should have a passion to build the inner person as well as to strengthen the outer person.
26) In (II Corinthians 12:7b-10); and the next few paragraphs, the Apostle Paul ask three questions about the reasons that kept him from pride and the thorn in the flesh.
A) First: How did God use the thorn in Paul’s flesh in his life? Answer: (II Corinthians 12:7b); Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself.
B) Second: What do you think Paul meant by calling his thorn a messenger of Satan? Answer: (II Corinthians 10); Paul said, that I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong.
C) Third: How is God’s Grace sufficient for the trials that we endure in this lifetime? Answer: (II Corinthians 12:9); God Gives Us the Grace to Live with the Difficulties We Have to Endure.
27) God Gives Us the Grace to Live with the Difficulties We Have to Endure. As Paul continued to write Second Corinthians, he defended his apostleship to those who accused him of not being on their level of apostleship ((II Corinthians 11:1-15). To defend his apostleship, he did not look at his successes but his sufferings (verses 16-33). In these verses, he described a litany of times that he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. Then, he turned to the “visions and revelations of the Lord” that he had encountered ((II Corinthians 12:1). Despite protests from the ones he called “super-apostles” (verse 11), Paul knew he had encountered Jesus, who called him to be an apostle. In spite of all that he had accomplished, Paul refused to become prideful in his calling. The focal verses explain one of the reasons that kept him from pride was a thorn in the flesh.
28) The word Paul used for thorn in Greek can refer to “a stake,” “the pointed end of a fish hook,” “a splinter,” or “a prickly thorn.” This is the only time that the word occurs in the New Testament. The exact identity of the thorn in the flesh will remain a mystery, because it is not spelled out in the text. That has not stopped speculation about it though. Three broad categories exist for the different theories of the identity of Paul’s thorn. First, Paul’s thorn could have been a physical ailment. Some have suggested an eye problem, a hearing problem, malarial fever, or epilepsy. Though all of these are guesses, they do interpret the flesh as physical. Second, some theories suggest that Paul’s problem was demonic.
29) The phrase a messenger of Satan to torment me has led some to believe that Paul’s problem was spiritual or psychological. In this case, the term would refer to a spiritual being who tormented Paul. Third, some have identified the thorn in the flesh as those who were opposing Paul in Corinth were the “super-apostles” of verse 11. Paul always used the term messenger to refer to people, and perhaps he was referring to the work of the Devil in others who were stirring up trouble against him.
30) Though the identity of the thorn in the flesh remains uncertain, the purpose of it does not. The thorn inflicted pain, suffering, and torment in Paul’s life. However, God used this pain to accomplish a spiritual purpose in Paul. Twice in verse 7, Paul indicated that the thorn helped him not to exalt himself. Though a few manuscripts (including the NIV translation) omit the duplication, it appears to be original to the text. God allowed the thorn in Paul’s life to prevent him from spiritual pride. He had seen much and God had done much through him, but Paul needed to maintain his dependence on the Lord. Because of his suffering, he was able to maintain that focus.
31) Our church which is the East-view Baptist has a ministry at the rest-home in Middletown, Ohio. Also I’ve noticed that at the end of the service they have picked up on many more things that are happening in the service because they have a sharper focus. Their weakness has sharpened their other senses. Now all the older people enjoy the music and singing, and also the Holy Word of our God.
32) Paul pleaded with the Lord three times to take away the thorn in the flesh. Informally, he probably prayed more than those three times, but on three specific occasions he asked the Lord to remove the suffering that pricked him. Paul’s prayer has similarities to Jesus’ prayer in the garden (Matthew 26:38-46). Both prayed three times, and both prayed that something be removed from them. In both cases, the object of their prayers was not removed. Jesus had to endure the cross, and Paul had to endure the thorn.
33) Not only did God not remove the thorn, but He proclaimed that His grace would be enough to sustain Paul in his suffering. God’s grace worked in Paul’s life in many ways. It was God’s grace that called him to apostleship and sustained him in that calling (Rome 1:5); (I Corinthians 15:10). God’s grace showed His love to Paul primarily through what already had been done for him in Christ (II Corinthians 8:9). God’s grace enriched Paul’s life through the cross of Jesus, so with or without a thorn, Paul was a blessed man.
34) God’s grace was sufficient in Paul’s life. The word Paul used rendered sufficient was a Stoic term that indicated something that was adequate or enough. Even if the suffering were not removed, God’s grace was enough. Why, because God’s power is perfected in weakness. The present tense of is perfected indicates that this is a process, not something that happens in a point in time. As Paul suffered, God was perfecting His power both in and through Paul. Even though God did not remove the thorn, He had no plans of abandoning the apostle in a dark hour.
II) What are some of the lasting truths of (II Corinthians 12:7b-9a)?
a) God can use trials to keep us humbly focused on Him.
b) Asking God to remove trials is a good practice, but we must do so submitted to His will.
c) God sometimes uses us in spite of our weaknesses. Sometimes He uses us because of our weaknesses.
35) In what things did Paul boast? Why do you think Paul boasted in those things rather than in his successes? Which of the items on Paul’s list of weaknesses have you experienced? How can a person be weak and strong at the same time?
a) (II Corinthians 12:9b); therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
b) (II Corinthians 12:10); so I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
c) Our Infirmities Give Us the Opportunity to Exalt Christ. Since Paul prayed to have his thorn in the flesh removed and God revealed that it was working a divine purpose, Paul decided to boast all the more about his weaknesses.
d) His opponents in Corinth boasted in their superior knowledge of Jesus (II Corinthians11:3-4). They criticized him for being “untrained public in speaking” (verse 6). Rather than get in a boasting war with “the super-apostles,” he decided to boast in that which was bringing God the most glory in his weaknesses!
36) The key to Christ’s power working in Paul was boasting in his weaknesses. In (I Corinthians 1:27-29), Paul had explained to the Corinthians how God surprised the world by using the foolish things: “Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong. God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world and what is viewed as nothing is to bring to nothing what is viewed as something, so that no one can boast in His presence.” When God uses a person’s strengths, that person may be tempted to take the credit for what God did. Others may look at that person and praise him. Instead, God chose to work in a way that only He would receive the glory.
37) Because of Jesus and Paul’s relationship with Him, the apostle took pleasure in enduring the suffering that he encountered. The word rendered take pleasure may seem strange when it is placed in the context of suffering, but the word in Greek comes from two words; “good” and “think.” To think something is good does not mean that one has to enjoy it or even wish it on himself. It is a feeling of contentment that comes knowing that the suffering is producing a desired result. Paul had indeed groaned under the weight of his suffering (II Corinthians 5:2-4). This did not mean that he was not spiritual enough or that he did not trust the outcome. He endured his suffering by knowing that God was producing spiritual fruit in and through him.
38) Paul listed in verse 10 some of the ways that he had experienced weakness. The first word, weaknesses, is the general word for “sickness” or “weakness,” though it may refer to physical and/or spiritual sickness. The second word, insults, is used only here by Paul. It probably referred to the derision of his opponents in (11:19-21). The next word in Paul’s list of weaknesses is catastrophes.
39) Whereas insults happened at the hands of others, catastrophes, (“hardships,” “distresses,” happened randomly. Paul learned to be content whether people actively persecuted him or whether circumstances fell against him (Philippians 4:11-13). Another type of weakness Paul mentioned was persecutions. This word suggests suffering caused by religious persecution. Those who disagreed publicly with Paul opposed him, and it had hurt him. He suffered at their hands, but he realized it would only further God’s plan. The final type of weakness Paul listed was pressures and (“difficulties,” “calamities,” Paul used this word twice in Romans and once to refer to the trials experienced by unbelievers facing judgment (2:8-9) and once to describe the suffering of Christians (8:35), though they could not be separated from God as the unbelievers would. The word literally means “to compress” or “to restrict” something. All of this, of course, was because of Christ or “for the sake of Christ” “for Christ’s sake,”
40) After listing the various types of suffering, he and others experienced, Paul set forth the principle that guided this section of his letter. He stated: For when I am weak, then I am strong. When Paul appeared weak, he believed that others could see God at work in him. The “super-apostles” could not deny God’s work when He was clearly working in spite of Paul and his circumstances. The people Paul was trying to reach could also sense the presence of God. Paul’s greatest strength came from his desire to embrace whatever God was doing in his life for the sake of Jesus Christ. The more he was humbled, the greater and stronger he grew.
41) What are some of the lasting truths of (II Corinthians 12:9b-10)?
a) Sometimes we suffer because of things we do and sometimes we suffer because of things others do.
b) Sometimes we suffer only because we live in a fallen world.
c) God’s power is perfected in us when we embrace the things He allows into our lives.
d) The more we humble ourselves, the more others can see Christ in us.
e) By ministering to people when sickness comes to stay, we can help them follow Paul’s example in how they view and live with their long-term health issues.
f) Get a copy of your church prayer list and pray for those who are sick or afflicted.
g) Adopt a person who has a sickness that God has seemed to allow in their lives rather than supernaturally healing them. Talk with them and learn what God is doing in their lives.
h) Visit a hospital, nursing home, or the home of a sick church member and pray for the sick.
42) Now we can read about many miracles in God’s Holy Word and multitudes of people that Jesus healed in the Bible. In the book of (Matthew 8:1:17); our Lord Jesus Christ heals the sick even today. But I believe that we have to ask Him in our prayers and trust Him to do these miracles because we know by our faith that Jesus can if it is His will to heal them.
A) (Matthew 8:1); Now when He came down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.
B) (Matthew 8:2); and, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
C) (Matthew 8:3); and Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
D) (Matthew 8:4); and Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.
E) (Matthew 8:5); and when Jesus was entered in Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him.
F) (Matthew 8:6); and saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.
G) (Matthew 8:7); and Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
H) (Matthew 8:8); the centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
I) (Matthew 8:9); for I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
J) (Matthew 8:10); when Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
K) (Matthew 8:11); and I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.
L) (Matthew 8:12); but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
M) (Matthew 8:13); and Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.
N) (Matthew 8:14); and when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever.
O) (Matthew 8:15); and he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.
P) (Matthew 8:16); when the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:
Q) (Matthew 8:17); that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.
43) Now when we are sick and suffering in pain we should always go to our Lord Jesus Christ in prayer. Always remember that God’s Word tells us what to in the book of James. (James 5:13-16);
a) Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms. (James 5:13);
b) Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: (James 5:14);
c) And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (James 5:15);
d) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much. (James 5:16);
44) Now even in our sickness, pain, and trials, our God does significant work. It could be that what the world really needs is to see away far more than a miracle or healing. But are people who find joy, peace, and trust in our God even during suffering. But we should build your relationship with God so deep that it can withstand any affliction or trials. My prayer is please Lord, help me see those that are sick, or need help in their time of illness. Please help me to embrace my weaknesses so the power of Jesus Christ can rest in me. And please help me Lord Jesus not to fight against you and your work in our lives. But please use my difficulties to bring others to yourself. And help me to be content in my circumstances with you.
A) The purpose of this bible study is to always ask our God to help us when a terrible sickness such as cancer comes to a love one in our family. I believe that there is only one answer and that is to pray for this love one and ask our Lord Jesus Christ to have mercy on them and trust in Him to heal her or him of that illness, (James 5:13-16).
B) Remember; if you are not saved our God has the power to save anyone that calls upon the name of Jesus Christ and repents of their sins. Now all that are lost need God’s power because we have a problem with sin. The Bible tells us that “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23).
C) Now you can find the way to Heaven in the book of (Romans 10:9). This scripture in the bible tells us that “If you confess with your mouth, that “Jesus is Lord,” and that you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
D) We all need to confess our sins and ask God for his forgiveness. When you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord, then this involves an agreeing with God about your sin and your need for Salvation. You must repent of your own personal sins, by doing this you are willing to turn away from the direction in life in which you are going.
E) Now to “believe in your heart” is to place your faith in Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, also you are trusting that Jesus died on the Cross to pay for your sins. But our God proves His own love for us in that while we were sill sinners, Jesus Christ died for all of us. (Romans 5:8).
F) Remember, if you would like to have Salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ, you sincerely pray a prayer like this one; “Please God, I confess to you my sins and I need for you to save me right now. Then I will turn away from my sins and I place my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord of my life forever. Amen.”
G) In closing this Bible study about sickness, never forget to pray for all of your family and friends. And be sure to give our Lord Jesus Christ all the praise, the glory, and honor for any healing that you might receive from Him.
H) We as Christians should never forget the price that He (Jesus), had to pay for our sin on the Cross at Calvary. Now I would like to say one more thing about praying for the sick. When our daughter Donna became ill and we first found out that she had cancer. Her Mother and I started a prayer chain with our family and our Church which is the East-view Baptist Church which is located in a small place called Franklin, Ohio and our Pastor’s name is Dwaine Tilford, and I believe that he is one of the greatest bible believing preacher of God’s Holy Word.
I) I would always advice anyone who has a love one that has a terrible sickness like cancer. Please go to our Lord Jesus Christ in prayer and just ask Jesus to heal your love one, and I believe that He will answer your prayer because it is God’s Will that His children be safe from all harm. And after Donna’s first operation on her breast cancer and the doctors told our family that she has no more that 18 months to live. But our faith in God’s healing was strong and we knew that our God healed people. Because our daughter Donna is cancer free as of today and she is much better because God answered all of our prayers. Amen.
J) Remember when you become a successful leader, in your church, as a Christian, it will always linked to your character and don’t ever forget just who you are working for. You may fail over and over, but always remember that you will always find the grace in our Lord God to begin again. So don’t let your past sin and your failures define your character. Always go to God with your sins and repent of them. Then you must turn from it, and accept God’s forgiveness, and get back to doing what our Lord God wants you to do. Always live in the forgiveness and Grace of God and start leading others to do the same. This means that we are to tell the Gospel or the Good News to everyone that we meet. Then if they respond and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, then they can tell the Good News to another person and that way we know that we are doing our part by spreading the Gospel in this world.
K) Note: Now this concludes our Bible Study on the healing of our love ones. Please pray earnestly for God’s power to work in your lives and heal all the terrible sickness in all of the world too. Please pass this bible study on to other people if it has helped you in anyway. Remember that all the material is free on this web-site and I don’t believe in paying for God’s Holy Word.
Frank Rose